Shout Outs: Okay several things, but first a few great stories need some recognition!

Beautiful With You – by Crimsonwolfko

Fairy Tale Twist – by BlackThunder1221

Temptations of a Natural Woman – by Muchee-chan

All three stories I am currently reading and you can find them as the top three on my favorites list. They wouldn't be there without good reason so PLEASE check them out, read and support the writers with a review! It is very much appreciated, as writers need feedback! It motivates us greatly to continue and perfect our craft!

A/N: This chapter was hard to get through and I apologize for it being shorter, but I really wanted to get it out for the anniversary of the fic! It has been two years from the day since I posted Iron Gray!

So much has happened since that time. This story has done a lot for me in my life, so in honor of it, I decided to also write a personal story about why I began writing it. It also goes on about how I got into writing as a kid, the issues I had that made me stop, my love for Fairy Tail and Gajevy, and all of what that means to me. Ya obviously don't have to read it, but I hope some people do, because in sharing it I hope it will encourage others who are struggling.

My review responses will be above the personal story.

Another note, I will be editing the older chapters, thus the author's notes and review responses will soon be gone on all of the ones before chapter 40. I won't be changing anything in the story when I do this, just fixing grammar and spelling. It is important to me that Iron Gray stay as I intended it originally. I wish for it to stay on my profile as a symbol of my growth as a writer. Now please enjoy the chapter faithful readers.

I apologize for any errors I may have missed.


"This will be the dawn of a new era for FAIRY TAIL!" Laxus started to shout as he once again began to summon forth his magic. The room was rumbling, the strength of its pressure making the rubble on the floor float to the air around Laxus as the light returned with radiance. All any of them could do was stare as the warm light continued to build and grow with such a bright intensity "All rebuild everything from the ground up! I'll form the ultimate guild! One so powerful all will tremble in our name!" Laxus screamed. Levy's legs gave way underneath her as she fell to her knees out of fear and shock.

"N-No Laxus!" She uttered the tears staining her face as the bright light stung at her eyes. Her hope was dwindling, the master was dying and Laxus was determined to be a power hungry monster, bent on destroying them all!

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS! DON'T YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT GRAMPS AT ALL?!" Came Natsu's shouts as he watched Laxus's hand move over the ball, the blinding light of it now extending past his hands.

"FAIRY LAW." Came Laxus's voice thundering out, his echo filling the room as his hands came apart and then slapped back together hard. There was a large magic circle forming, before everything was swallowed in the warm blinding light from above.

Iron Gray Chapter 41 Fairy Law

Gajeel's eyes widened, the brilliance that was white was the only thing he could see. Everything around him had ceased to exist, lost behind the facade that was the air. He could feel nothing, but the tingling of heat over his skin, clinging to him like static. The power of what surrounded him was a life of it's own, like no other, suffocating all other beings that dared to survive within it.

He inhaled; the sweetness of it was heavenly, a magic like god that filled his lungs and made him weightless. His one arm was reaching up, his fingers opening to greet it. Even his movements felt foreign, so effortless as if all of sensation had taken on a new form, gravity having dissipated amongst this unearthly light that had swallowed him. The pressure of it was like walking a thin line between heaven and hell. One false breath and it could all come collapsing in on him, returning all weight with a vengeance, thus crushing him underneath it. He could sense that threat above nothing else, just as easily as he could feel it's warm embrace. It was one of love, not meant to harm him with that power, but perhaps others, whom the wielder saved their deepest hate for.

Gajeel found it hard to comprehend his own life while within the state of Fairy Law as it dived into him, becoming one with his person. Living his role and playing through his memories as if it had always been there inside him. Greeting him like a long lost friend, making him feel as if he had never truly been alone. He watched all of it, his childhood with Metalicana, his tireless struggle to survive after being abandoned, all of his failures and then his rise to power once he joined Phantom.

The blood that spilled through his veins was made sour by the wretched deeds of his past discretions once he reached the point where he was at war with Fairy Tail. During this time he had become driven by that taste and was left to fend for himself by the light. His world had blackened and the memories were cold as the warmth sought out judgment for his crimes against the guild it was named for. The visuals of his mind were filtered in a deep shade of gray as he once again relived his ruthless attack on Levy.

The ridicule of her pain caused by him seared at Gajeel's insides, but he bared it all with a stubborn scowl. His resolve was firm and his body ready to eat retribution. Levy's abuse by him not being the end of the torment as he then watched each thing he had done to the members of Fairy Tail. His attacks on Jet and Droy, then his fight with Elfman, followed by his onslaught on Reedus and Loke. His brutal assault against Lucy and lastly his battle with Salamander. The moment of truth was upon him, would he be casted out for his sins? Left to wither as an enemy of the guild just like Master Jose, for all he had done?

There was a coldness biting at his fingertips as the numbness moved through him. Gajeel closed his eyes welcoming death, but instead the warmth returned like a wave of glowing heat. His eyes snapped open, the brilliance of memories returning once again in full color. Master Makarov was offering him his hand, his first steps into the guild as he stood just behind Juvia, gaining his new guild emblem from Mirajane. Everything was being washed out by gold as the atmosphere shined, he saw his first performance on stage and then he saw Levy.

Her arms were reaching up to protect her face as Gajeel threw himself into the fray for her safety against the lightning, but something was strange about it. Gajeel wasn't seeing it from his perspective, but instead the viewpoint of Laxus's gray eyes. The glow became so bright that the images became subdued by it; the spell's judgment had been made. The law abided by his actions on that day.

Gajeel could suddenly feel Laxus's will as the light began seep out of him, ripping itself from his being violently. The knowledge of this day and his awareness of it having been the evidence needed to save Gajeel the wrath of judgment as the light began to fade. Shapes and lines were coming back as life was once again returning. Gajeel's eyes were quickly clouded with dust from the energy as it started to vanish, a cold power hungry voice reaching his ears with a laugh.

"I finally surpassed the old man…" He could hear Laxus seethe confidently. What the hell…? Gajeel was questioning in confusion, the spell having left him disoriented, but otherwise completely fine. It felt as if he had just been revived from death or some strange altered state.

His head lowered and then the sound of coughs could be heard just as the smoke began to tickle his own throat, causing him to cough too. Wait… Gajeel's eyes narrowed against the cloud around him. Levy?! He remembered seeing her, he could smell her, hear her. He knew she was near by; he stole a glance up remembering the man before them who he had heard speak. The one who had casted the spell, bent on killing them all.

Gajeel could just make out the top of Laxus's blond head as he stood above the cloud of dust. The lightning mage's eyes were wide as he looked between the two dragon slayers, both coughing and still on the floor, but clearly alive. His head swiveled, his sights settling on where Levy stood. She was leaned up against the wall, covering her mouth as she too was coughing, but otherwise she was fine.

"What the…?! Laxus was stuttering out in disbelief. "No way…! Impossible!" He stood before them as the last of the dust cleared his arms out at his sides; his muscles tense as he tried to understand where he went wrong. He took a step back "How in the hell are you all still alive?!" He shouted at them completely boggled and frozen.

Gajeel bit down out of disgust, but the sound of Levy's coughing weighed on him more heavily and so he ignored Laxus. His head was finally coming up as his focus shifted; the cloud had finally thinned enough for him to see her. Her heartbeat was slowing, as they seemed out of danger for the moment. He could hear Salamander growling lowly, his fellow dragon slayer's heartbeat was still as fast as the lightning mage's. Gajeel's own was slowing down, much like Levy's now that he knew she was okay. She finally looked up; he couldn't help, but notice how her gold eyes automatically matched his own. Her hand made a fist over her heart.

"Levy…" He spoke her name gently. It earned him a tiny relieved smile, saying a million words with just the sound of her name over his tongue. "Are you alright?" Gajeel asked, despite knowing. She nodded at him almost immediately. She looked truly grateful after hearing his voice; her eyes shined with unshed tears, her cheeks still puffy from all the previous ones.

"Yes… I'm okay…" Levy confirmed softly, light of breath.

She was still trying to recover from the affects of Fairy Law. The spell's power had been as threatening as it was exhilarating. First overpowering her with it's light, filling her body from head to toe and then playing through her history as if trying to know her and become her. Judging her, highlighting her most justifiable moments of conflict and then releasing her back into reality with a heavy warmth that faded as if she had been protected while in it's grasp.

Some moments of it had been nearly out of body as if she had been watching herself through someone else's eyes and others had been from her own perspective. All of the past experiences holding a certain weight of bearing on what was to happen to her should she not remain true to Fairy Tail. Levy of course never once wavered, as she had dedicated herself to her guild long ago, accepting them as her one and only true family in both mind and heart.

Still… it had been exhausting being put to the test like that when she hadn't expected it. Her eyes were still on Gajeel, she couldn't help, but wonder about him too. Had he experienced it like she had? She glanced over to Natsu who hadn't moved, but was beginning to gasp for air. Her own chest was heaving, her hand settled over it. Had Natsu?

"But… What about Natsu?" She questioned looking back at Gajeel for assurance. She was genuinely worried as the pink haired dragon slayer still had his head bowed in defeat, a war waging on in his mind. She wondered if the spell was still bothering him or if it was something more. Something she couldn't understand, something maybe only Gajeel, a dragon slayer could. "Is he okay?" She asked. She watched as Gajeel looked to Natsu a smirk was forming on his lips.

"Looks just fine to me." He confirmed for her, making Levy's worry ease some. Gajeel knew what was eating Salamander. Laxus's judgment of them had been made through Fairy Law, but who was he to be judging them after everything he had done? Natsu couldn't come to terms with it, with everything Laxus had done, when he was supposed to be one of them. Disowning the guild, making everyone fight, betraying the Master and then using Fairy Law in an attempt to kill them all... He was lost in extreme anger, an anger Gajeel knew only too well. Maybe I'm not the only one with a Monster caged inside…? Gajeel thought as his eyes stayed on the Salamander who continued to struggle with his inner rage.

Laxus was looking over his arms and hands in alarm as if he had just dreamed up the spell. He could still feel the residual affects of the magic, knowing he had really casted it, but none of it made any sense. How could all of them still be there in one piece, seemingly fine?!
"I hit them with so much magic energy…" He spoke the words out loud, shock evident in his voice. His eyes darted from one hand to the next, his body trembling as his heart pounded. No this can't be right!? His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he just couldn't believe any of it.

"The other guild members and the citizens of Magnolia remain unharmed." A familiar voice spoke from the doorway of the cathedral, interrupting Laxus from his train of thought. His arms dropped back down at his sides as Laxus turned around to see the owner of the voice he knew well.

There stood Freed, his body leaning in the doorway, his clothes torn and his hair a mess after having done battle with the She Devil. He was gripping his one arm as if it pained him greatly, his brooding stare on Laxus.

"Freed…" Laxus spoke softly. Gajeel's eyes narrowed as he remembered the other mage now from earlier. Levy's eyes widened as she got a look at the state Freed was in. Mira did all of that?!

"Looks like your spell didn't work… Not a single person was killed." Freed chided his old friend. Gajeel's mouth was falling open, so it hadn't just been them. Laxus had meant to target everyone, but had somehow failed. Damn… Even the range of the spell was unfathomable. It was no wonder Master Jose had fallen to it.

"But that's impossible! I casted the Fairy Law spell perfectly!" Laxus raged, upset by his friend's words.

"Maybe so…" Freed answered before continuing. "But your true feelings have betrayed you..." Laxus gaped at the revelation.

Levy's eyes widened, her brain grasping at any information she could recall about her guild's grand spells. She gasped, so that means... her thoughts began, but Freed spoke again before she could get the words out.

"You've inherited more than strength from your grandfather. Deep down you also have the Master's heart. Whether you'd admit it or not, it's evident that you care for your comrades. The Fairy Law spell only affects those the caster sees as their enemy..." Levy was mindlessly stepping forward as Freed continued to speak to Laxus. Gajeel hadn't even noticed her there, until she was just a few feet behind him, her closer proximity bringing a strong sweep of her scent to fill his nose. Luckily he was far too mesmerized by what Freed was saying to become distracted by Levy. Is he sayin…? Laxus hadn't intended on killin us!?

"Since no one was hurt we know how you truly feel…" Freed finished. Levy's eyebrows pushed together, her gaze on Laxus's tense back. Her stare hardened on the grandson of their Master, that's right…

"His magic could see into his heart and that's why we're still here…" Levy spoke softly; finishing the thought out loud, speaking more to herself than anyone else, but Gajeel could hear her. His head turned, his eyes landing back on her as she kept her sights on Laxus.

Was that true? How could it be? Gajeel didn't understand how that was an acceptable answer for what Laxus had just done. That it could be okay, that the spell just hadn't worked, because he hadn't truly desired it too?! It enraged Gajeel, his fist was clenching, but as he looked over Levy. He knew that was the only answer she needed to hear, forgiveness came too easy for her. His eyes slammed shut and his head lowered as his teeth crunched together. The memories of the spell hit him once again. Hadn't he felt it? Laxus's true intentions while in the midst of it's power? He knew what they were saying was true even though he didn't want to believe it, because if he allowed himself to believe that they could forgive Laxus… Then that meant he might believe they… She… Could forgive him as well.

Gajeel's eyes opened, shamed by his own selfishness to be unburdened by guilt and yet... He couldn't help, but feel like maybe Fairy Law had given him that luxury.

"You can try to hide your feelings Laxus…" Freed began, a knowing smile washing over his face. "But your magic…" Laxus was cringing; his eyes wide as he listened to his friend speak words he refused to believe. "Will always reveal the truth within your heart…" Freed finished as Laxus's gray iris's were darting around the cathedral, searching for an escape from it all.

"No…" Laxus began, his one eyebrow shooting up as his other eye winced. "That's ridiculous..." He hissed. The denial over his face made him look deranged. "The truth is anyone who would dare stand in my way IS MY ENEMY!" Laxus shouted the volume of his voice only rising, his body was trembling as his head lowered.

The pressure of magic was returning making all eyes on Laxus widen as they could hear the anger lacing each word he spat. Gajeel jumped to his feet, his body on edge, as he knew the danger was returning. He didn't know what to be ready for, but instinct was warning him. He looked to Levy; her arms were coming up to shield her as the wind began to swirl around them, her eyelids closing.

"This has gone on long enough!" Freed scolded loudly, taking a few haggard steps towards Laxus in desperation. "You need to go see the Master, before he's gone!" Freed snapped unafraid as he watched his friend begin to glow.

Laxus's body was taking on its much larger form, his muscles expanding. Sizzling streaks of lightning were returning, snaking their way around his torso as the room began to buzz and brighten. The scales were embedding into the skin over his arms as his body pulsed, his head still low as the energy flourished around him.

"Let the old man die, for all I care!" Laxus screamed his head finally coming up. His eyes were a milky white and fangs protruding dramatically as he began to roar the next sentence. "HE'S NOTHING TO ME!"

Lightning was exploding around the furious dragon slayer; it's power expanding. Gajeel's pupils shrunk against the flashes, his body acting, no thought needed as fear fueled him. He made a dash towards Levy, knowing she wouldn't be able to protect herself. Depending on his nose to guide him to her as the light was just too bright.

"HE MAY BE FAMILY!" Laxus was shouting as lightning began to overwhelm the whole room. "BUT I'M STRONGER!" Laxus cried out, his rage striking much like the lightning did the floor all around him. Multiple streaks of hot yellow energy lay waste to each and every corner of the Catherdral, Laxus a glowing beckon in the center of it all.

Levy's breath was catching in her throat, her arms up as she braced for pain or death. She could hear the crashing sounds of energy and smell the slight burning of devastation brought on by Laxus's magic, but no pain reached her. Her eyes opened and for the second time she was faced with Gajeel's burnt back. He had planted his body in front of hers protectively; his arms open keeping her behind him as lightning swirled before them wildly. His teeth clamped and his brow low as the brightness practically blinded them both. Levy could only stand helplessly and watch. She couldn't understand how Gajeel had managed to get to her through all the chaos or how he had found her, but she was deeply grateful.

I'm not breaking my word… Gajeel thought as he remembered the promise he had made to Jet and Droy; and more importantly to himself. He wouldn't allow harm to reach her, if he could help it.

Laxus continued to summon his lightning forward out of anger. Freed's arms came flying forward in front of his face, shielding him from the wildness of Laxus's magic. He lowered one as his eyes landed on his large glowing friend in amazement.

"Such power…" The rune mage gasped. It wasn't as if he hadn't known Laxus was this powerful, but seeing it like this was still astounding. He hadn't any idea how they were going to be able to stop the lightning mage if they couldn't calm him.

What more can I say to him? He refuses to hear reason… Freed's thoughts were questioning just as a voice rang out among the zapping sounds of rushing lightning.

"Who do you think you are?!" Laxus's head turned and there stood Natsu, his feet planted despite the blasts.

All eyes were on the fire mage as his fists clenched and his face etched in an anger that more than rivaled Laxus's own.

"You're not stronger than gramps!" Natsu began causing Laxus to fully turn around, his head lowering again as he got ready to attack. His eyes were glowing yellow, like that of a demon's as they stared Natsu down. "You couldn't even pull off Fairy Law!" Natsu added, his hand tearing away at the vest over his shoulders as it was barely hanging on anyways. The wind that Laxus's magic was creating blew the fabric away. "You may be his grandson, but you're no better than the rest of us!" Natsu snapped, his own fiery magic adding to the mix of lightning as it surrounded him. "Don't you know blood ties don't matter?!" Natsu howled his fury and magic was beginning to match Laxus's as he lost himself amongst it. "Because EVERYONE in the guild is supposed to be considered family!" He screamed passionately, his black eyes matching to Laxus's gray ones as the lightning mage's irises had returned at Natsu's words.

"That's just a lie…" Laxus seethed, his eyes closing and reopening so that his iris's disappeared once again. His skin was encased in a shell of lightning. "Blood ties do matter!" He raged back at Natsu. Both of their voices were echoing, filling the halls of the cathedral as they screamed back and forth above the roaring of their magic.

"You've been a member long enough to know better than that! If you think that makes YOU ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE GUILD!" Natsu's magic exploded, his form disappearing behind the wall of fire that surrounded him. The red magic taking on an almost life like form as it rose above Laxus, the power molding into the shape of a dragon with wings flaring, before it's neck burst forward. Natsu's body flowing through the flames like a fish does a current, his fist flying back in the ready position as he allowed animosity to carry him forward. "YOU'RE WRONG!" The fire dragon slayer's voice bellowed. Laxus was meeting Natsu's bluff as he too readied his fist

"AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Laxus's pipes returned just as loud. His much larger fist meeting Natsu's torpedoing one. Both magic's collided; the full brunt of their force causing an explosion that needed an escape as they matched equal hits. Within seconds both dragon slayers were flying through the roof of the cathedral with a large crash, the magic propelling them upwards.

Levy's mouth hung open as her head angled up. The lightning had disappeared and so Gajeel's body slumped forward some as he relaxed. The adrenaline from him was draining now that Levy was at least out of danger. Gajeel also looked up through the hole in the ceiling. They could hear the sounds of Laxus and Natsu colliding far above them in the gray skies of Magnolia.

"Quickly out here!" Freed was shouting towards Gajeel and Levy, gesturing them out the door where he stood. They both looked at him, Gajeel began to move forward some, his steps slow and labored as he had taken quite a beating from Laxus's attacks earlier.

"Wait!" Levy called after him. Gajeel paused, his head looking back at her as he held one arm; his back still slumped forward as he eyed her.

"Yea…? What is it?" He asked, a studded brow rising. Levy hesitated her mouth opening like she wanted to speak, but no words came out. Instead she just began to trot towards him, Gajeel's brow lifted in surprise as she came near. He could only sit there and watch dumb founded as she lowered her head under his arm. Her own arm was going around his torso in an effort to support him so that they could walk out together as his other arm rested over her small shoulders. Gajeel's mouth fell open to argue, but he couldn't actually speak, his mouth dried up of all words.

"There…" She replied softly, stealing a glance at him very briefly, before shifting her focus forward. Then he felt her urge him forward and so slowly and surely they began to walk together towards where Freed stood. "Gajeel…" He heard her say gently. Gajeel could feel his whole body tensing as his eyes shifted towards her, widening in suspense. "Thank you… again." She said it quietly so only he could hear. His head snapped forward his eyes tearing off of her.

Gajeel bit down as they neared the green haired man who was looking skyward. His brow lowered, a strange sensation moving through him. He could swear he still felt the affects of Fairy Law's glow, swirling around his insides. He was calming, despite Levy's normal affects, his eyes closed briefly. Her scent was teasing his nose like before, but it was becoming much easier to deal with especially when the circumstances were so dire. She was safe and that was what was important. She recognized his efforts to protect her and she was just acknowledging that she appreciated it. Gajeel's eyes opened, a faint smirk creeping over his face, but it disappeared within seconds.

"S'okay." He answered roughly without looking at her. His response made Levy's eyes widen. She looked up at him, but his sights were ahead She followed the line of his profile, her cheeks reddening.

She hadn't thought he would answer her and if he had, she had expected him to act like it hadn't happened just like the last time she had thanked him for saving her. She looked away, a small smile gracing her lips as her gaze shifted downwards modestly. She found it strange how just one word could make her feel so much; her body was warm with the kindness of his small gesture. As if she had somehow broken through some kind of barrier she had been chipping away at without knowing.

They both had reached Freed, their heads looking up at the astounding fight taking place in the sky above the Cathedral. Natsu and Laxus's bodies, looked like shooting stars crashing and colliding, twirling into each other. One gold and the other orange, flame and lightning, each blow made an ear shattering crash upon collision. Flourishing explosions that burst with vibrant shimmering colors when compared to the gray overcast sky they fought against. Gajeel could hear them yelling at each other with his dragon slayer ears.

"How dare you challenge me!" Laxus was saying.

"I'm gonna stop you Laxus!" Natsu was shouting, as Gajeel could see him landing a kick over the lightning mage. "I won't let you get your hands on Fairy Tail!" Both dragon slayers were once again colliding with fist in the sky, a left and then a right as Natsu continued to yell. "It's our home! There's no way I'm gonna let you destroy it! Argh!" Natsu gasped out as Laxus landed a strong right on Natsu's head.

The three of them watched from the ground as Natsu's body went hurling away into a building, crashing through it, landing among the rubble. Levy gasped, her eyes shutting as Laxus didn't let up.

"I can't watch!" She cried out, as Natsu tried to get up, but Laxus barreled down over him before he could. His magic pushed Natsu's flailing form down with such force that he moved through the wall of the building, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.

"WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!" Laxus was bellowing. He followed Natsu down grabbing the flame dragon slayer once again before he could get up and kicking him so that he was once again hurling though the sky like a rag doll.

Natsu was yelling in agony, trying to regain control, but it was difficult as the blows were disorienting him. All he could manage was to reach his fingers down, sliding them over the roof of the Cathedral again. Trying to dig them in as he slid across the tiles violently. Finally he got a good grip in with his claws, bringing him to a stop as he fell down, his chest landing over the roof, his body sprawled out. Laxus jumped down before Natsu many feet away, standing before him strongly.

"FACE IT ALREADY! IT'S OVER!" Laxus snapped at Natsu's fallen form, but Natsu didn't obey. Instead he shakily tried to push himself up, his eyes meeting Laxus's face with a blind rage mixed into them, but there was pain as well.

"Natsu!" Levy was crying out desperately. If he kept this up, he was going to die, but he just wouldn't stop.

"Why won't you just give up the fight!?" Natsu shouted at Laxus, his voice cracked with pain. "The guild doesn't belong to you!" He continued unhindered by fear. "IT NEVER WILL!" He choked out breathlessly. Laxus's eyes faded milky white his anger knowing no bounds at being matched by his much weaker guild mate.

"OH YEA?!" Laxus shouted back. His body twisted, the lightning teetering with it as it swirled around him "LIGHTNING DRAGON… DEMOLITON FIST!" As the words came out he turned back forward. More energy had gathered to his right fist as it came flying forward, a gold magic circle appearing at the end of his knuckles, all of the energy blasting forward in a yellow beam. The blast reached Natsu who couldn't move and then exploded.

Laxus stood before the fallen body of Natsu who was laying face down over the rooftop. His body incased in shadow as he pervaded over the fallen dragon slayer like the monster he had become with glowing eyes. The dust was clearing around them.

"Didn't the old man ever teach you…" His large body was sizzling with lightning. "To respect your elders boy..?" His hissed evilly, thinking it was over. That was until Natsu's fist came flying down over the tiles. Laxus gaped as Natsu had managed to get to one knee, his head still hanging, his body rising to his feet, although he wavered he still managed to stand.

"No way…" Freed gasped. "He can still fight?!" Levy was looking on in horror, almost wishing Natsu would have just stayed down, but she knew he wouldn't. It just wasn't in his nature, Natsu never gave up, Fairy Tail wasn't made of people who gave up.

"Natsu please…" Levy begged. Her heart was pounding Gajeel could feel it moving through her and into him. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Salamander though; realization was hitting him like a cold knife. "Be careful…" He heard her utter softly. She knew just as he now knew, there would be no stopping Salamander… Ever… Not until death… Not when it came to the guild.

"THAT WAS YOUR LAST MISTAKE KID!" Laxus roared, the lightning magic surrounding him again, making him really glow like the sun against the blackening sky. Flashes were sounding off as the lightning pulsed through him, his fist reaching towards the sky. A magic circle appeared around his forearm as the rest of his hand disappeared, completely engulfed in lightning. " NOW I'M GONNA COMPLETELTY OBLITERAGE YOU!" Freed's eyes widened in panic.

"That spell! Don't do it! That much magic energy could kill him!" Freed cried out as loud as he could, but he was greeted with evil laughter. Both of Laxus's arms were skyward now, his hands open as they held the yellow magic like a giant spear above his head. Than he jerked forward hurling it with all of his strength and a loud yell.


They all could only sit and watch as the energy came flying forward, the lightning forming into the end of halberd spear as it came right towards Natsu. The light was blinding and the magic so fast. Freed was shouting Natsu's name fearfully. Levy had closed her eyes and braced her body, frozen by the fear of watching her friend's demise. Natsu couldn't move enough to get away, he could only watch the light come towards him; its pressure stealing the air from his lungs.

Nobody could even fathom what happened next as the lightning suddenly redirected at a severe right angle, only feet away from Natsu's face. The blast making a god awful sound as it switched, the breeze of it's pressure just grazing Natsu, before it flew in the other direction at extreme velocity. Crashing into a third body that had appeared on the roof, one of metal.

Gajeel's iron club had absorbed the glow. He hadn't any idea if he could survive it, but he knew he'd have a better chance than Salamander. He could hear Levy screaming his name as the electricity moved into him; the pain was that of new heights.

He had been judged… And the law had said… That he was now one of them…

He was a member of Fairy Tail, because he was still alive to take this blow for his guild…

Because that was what any proper Fairy Tail wizard would do. They would fight head on, without giving up, until their last breath if that is what it took.

What did you guys think? I hope it didn't feel too rushed; I did kind of hurry to get it done. I really just want to get to the next one where I'll have more playroom with my own scenes again and potential for Gajeel and Levy. Just be honest though and if wasn't good, hopefully the next one will be better.

Also not sure how long the story will go, I do plan on keeping it around for at least a while after Fantasia, but it will be tough as Gajeel and Levy will continue to be slow seeing as they don't really get 'romantically involved' until like... theoretically where the manga is now… But that's okay! I can deal with it so long as people are willing to see what I can do with them! I still see lots of potential as they are truly amazing and layered characters! Your opinions matter to me so let me know if YOU are still interested in seeing it continue and what I can do! Also I might prompt you guys some questions from time to time!

And THANK YOU! Thanks for being the best readers out there!

Review Responses:

kitty-cat-666: Ah thank you so much dear reader! You are so kind and I am so pleased to hear you enjoy my work and that you see my efforts! You are the amazing one! Thank you for your support! The struggles of perfectionist are real and I'd love to see some of your artwork if you ever care to share it!

Jericho1996: Is that really true about Gajevy fics now days? It's been a while since I've checked out the new stuff as I work on my own! I feel like most people are over the initial beginning of these two at this point so maybe that's why they don't write about it anymore. Honestly it is the best! It's one of their most interesting aspects and it makes them more raw and dramatic, I try to pull the realism out of it. I love writing them and I wanted so badly to tell their story, because of the potential I see in it! I can't wait to get to the more original stuff as well, hopefully some next chapter! I hope you're still reading and enjoyed this one! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Katyhyna: Actually upon inspection you are correct! That was surprisingly the longest chapter in Iron Gray! I find this funny, because I banged it out in one night! Although it left me sore for sitting so many hours straight…. Guess it still seems much easier after writing the much longer chapters for Monster. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed the chapter and that it made you feel something! There really wasn't enough GaLe interaction in this one in my opinion, but soon hopefully as I gear up for more original content to come! I'm making steady progress on Monster and hope to be done with that chapter soon! Thanks for reading and supporting me as a writer, you are a lovely reader and a joy to hear from always!

madman42: Well I am pleased to see you are still around and even more so to hear you will stick around! I apologize as my updates are not quick. It should be easier soon though when I can write more original content! Thank you so much for your continued support through review and even more for reading!

A/N: This below dear readers is my own personal story. It is how I got into writing, why it became so important to my life and then why I stopped doing it for so long. It talks about how I got into Fairy Tail and what it means to me. How I started Iron Gray and finally got back into writing again. It is pretty personal story, but I want to share it, because it is part of who I am and I am not ashamed of that. If anything I hope that by sharing this I encourage other writers, artist and/or just people to share their stories. To deal with their issues and to continue working at what they love to do.

What I pulled from my own experiences is that life will always have its hardships, but believe it not you yourself have some power over your own happiness. Some problems you can choose to avoid, the others you can't you can choose how you handle them. Having the foresight to understand the power you possess is everything. If you are having trouble seeing that, than you may need some help opening your eyes to it, whether that be support in the shape of love, friends, family, hobbies, passion… ask yourself what can I do and then do it. Don't choose to be a victim and don't let grief consume you. Enjoy life for what it is, because as ugly as it may seem… There really is two sides to every coin and I promise you that the underbelly is laid out with beauty, you've just got to be paying attention to see it.

Now the beginning…

I discovered my joy for writing young while doing it beside my still best friend to this day A.J. (rikkuxstarr on fanfic). We started a silly dragonball z fanfiction one day while still in Elementary school and as time wore on I found myself often times sitting in front of the computer to work on it. I was doing this way more often than my friend, before I knew it the story was over 50 pages long typed! That was impressive for a kid of my age and I was quickly realizing how much I enjoyed writing. It wasn't long before I began working on other writing projects as I took story telling very seriously. I was also and artist so I would often times draw the characters I was creating, filling sketchbooks full of them.

While growing up A.J. and I continued to write fanfiction well into junior high and early high school. Often times writing about our favorite video games like the Final Fantasy series and Chrono Cross. It was during that time, that I made my account here on fanfiction. I began to read stories on here of my favorite cartoons, video games and anime. Getting a nice feel of the community, before posting up my own stories for Chrono Cross along side A.J.

It was during these years I started developing my style and discovering what I liked to write about. I was very into drama and romance, I used to love watching the soap opera General Hospital, but I still always had a love for anime and games as well. I loved fantasy and medieval genres too. I once again began writing my own original story and got about 100 pages in before I stopped working on it around 10th grade.

I was heavily involved in art throughout high school, so much so that it ended up taking priority over writing stories. I geared up to go to art school, back then I surrounded myself with a great crowd of friends whom I still have to this day, including one of them being the man I am currently with now. I had a great family who provided me with all the love and support a kid could need growing up. I joined the site deviantart to share all the artwork I was doing, that being my main focus until I discovered journal writing.

Writing came back into my life very quickly in the form of journal writing on deviantart, while I was nearing the end of high school and starting college. It was very freeing and I used it to sort things out in my head. My journals would end up being pages upon pages long… I would write them out to be little entertaining thought processes that my friends could read to keep up with me once I started attending art school.

Journals were soon much more consistent than even me posting my art projects up and I loved it. It became part of who I was at that time as I used journal writing to cope and deal with most everything good or bad. Fights with friends, good times with friends, going through relationships, my struggles through school, my accomplishments during school, meeting people, new experiences, falling in love… I wrote it all! And then senior year happened.

Things got too crazy and the journals began to get posted less and less as I neared my graduation from college. Then disaster really struck… in the form of heartbreak like I had never known before or since. That well put together family that I had grown up with, that I had always felt secured with… Had been slowly falling apart while I was attending school behind the scenes.

Horrible secrets had been coming out here and there during my years in college, each one more devastating than the next. I often times would use my journals as a way of dealing with each one… but it was exhausting. Writing about what was happening was emotionally draining even if it did have me feeling better after… As time went on I found my self not wishing to deal with my problems by instead becoming numb to them…

Upon graduation things seemed okay, but I was soon told by my mother that, that was not the case. Once I was back home things got dramatically worst very quickly. The household that had always made me feel safe, spiraled into madness as my father unleashed his inner demons in the form of his hidden alcoholism problems.

Things got way out of control and during this time my only way of dealing with it all, was to NOT deal with it. I emptied myself of emotions by not allowing myself to even look at the journal prompts, as I couldn't bear writing about what was happening and if I couldn't do that, I felt like I couldn't move on. Walking home each day from work was a nightmare. I didn't know what I'd find when I walked in the house, blood sometimes on the floor, dogs missing. I couldn't fathom trying to go through the motions not when I still needed to live day by day. What I had to keep me going during this time was the love of my life, my horse Hank (profile pic) and those loyal friends I mentioned earlier.

My family fell apart, my father lost everything and our lovely home was taken from us. I often times would wonder what was going to happen next, my brother was struggling with his own issues, because of this. The demons that had shackled my father's wrist seemed to shackle his as well. It was just me and mom.

My lovely mother, such a strong woman. She didn't shy away from what needed to be done and so we got through it. At the time I was still trying to get on my feet after just graduating school. My boyfriend purchased a house and after a year in a half of working somewhere that my BFA degree didn't apply to, I finally landed a graphic design job.

It took some time, but things eased… My father is and was in a state of limbo. Withdrawal almost took him from me at one point. Seeing the weak state he was in during that time gave me a sort of clarity that I really needed in order to finally move forward with life. It allowed me forgiveness for what he had done to our family, for his disease. I began to understand that I'd rather have him as my father for the time he had left. Accept him with disease and all rather then stay angry at him for sub coming to it. Understanding that alcoholism would very likely be the death of him.

Presently I choose to not live with the regret of disowning my father, because once he is lost to me I know I would forever carry that on my shoulders if I didn't allow forgiveness.

In truth he is a good man who is just very sick. There wasn't a damn thing he didn't do for me growing up; he was a good father and husband. He cooked, did laundry, cleaned, did yard work, worked a full time job, made a lot of money at one point. He took care of my brother and I along with my mom. He was just our goofy, hard working dependable dad. Hell he bought me the computer I'm using to write this on… So you can understand why I always felt safe growing up. My parents were both amazing and they didn't fight, so when all of this began to happen it was very devastating to me and even more so to my older brother who very much idolized our dad.

These events changed me and it took a long time before I was ready to share them. Before I was ready to fully embrace who I was, because of them. I had to relearn who that was as I had allowed myself to be numb for so long that I didn't know anymore. It was around this time that Jay, my boyfriend and love of my life; the dork… bought the first two DVD's of Fairy Tail on a whim.

I had just started getting things back in order mentally and that was when I wrote my Zelda one shot! It was very exciting for me to write anything during that time. It had been putting it off for so long, but I was slowly getting back to it. I wrote a few journals and then one night Jay put Fairy Tail on.

Man… sounds so silly right? It's just an anime, but really it was so much more to me back then. I was miffed at Jay, because he had already watched it without me, so I asked him if I could borrow it, but all he said was…

"No… If you're going to watch Fairy Tail, I want to watch it with you, because I want to rewatch it."

I just shook my head at him annoyed, but it was clear to me that Jay seemed really taken with the anime. Then finally one night he put on that first episode really late. And I'm not sure what happened other than I can tell you we didn't get much sleep.

We weren't able to watch Fairy Tail again for a while after that first night, because of our schedules. Then it came time for Jay to move into his new house and he had almost no furniture, but it didn't matter. He invited me over the first night he stayed there and we watched Fairy Tail again on one of those big old projection T.V's from the 90s. It was wonderful!

I remember being a little upset with Jay during this time as I felt like he was moving on in life without me, what with him buying a house. That was something I had always wanted to do myself. It made me not want to go over there at first, but the enjoyment I got out of watching Fairy Tail with him made me kind of get over it. I started going over each night just to watch more and we bonded enough that I kind of forgot about being upset.

The show was just the uplifting thing I needed and I quickly went and bought the next two DVD's that ended right after the Battle Of Fairy Tail… And that was it! New obsession!

Of course that lead to me hitting up the net and looking up fan art. Then of course I came back here to this site finally to read fanfics as well… My love for Gajevy was being forged.

It was so strange at first… seeing them as a thing before I even grasped all of what was going on. Gajeel was still in Phantom when I saw the first fan art of them. All I could think was… Whaa? Fans on crack?! He just nailed this chick to a tree!?

Not only that, but Gajeel was terrifying! Man what a great bad guy he was! I watched him pummel Lucy, destroy the guild and grind Natsu's head into the concrete! Oh and the passion of Natsu during that fight! Gives me chills to this day! All of the Phantom Arc was just so intense and amazing!

Levy on the other hand, I knew I liked her from minute one. She was adorable! And her character design was unique and cool! She was very friendly and upbeat and I yearned to see more of her. It was another reason why I found it to be especially heart wrenching that Gajeel had chosen her to paint Phantom's symbol on… This tiny, adorable little girl who was so friendly!? GAH! WHY!?

When I started to understand Gajeel was going to join Fairy Tail, I found my eyes opening up to him more. I began to appreciate his character a hell of a lot more, not only personality wise, but design wise as well. He too is a very unique looking anime character, his features very distinct making him more human and less anime(except the piercings) to me. It was part of the reason why I found him so appealing and I swear I could feel my hands itching to write.

Needless to say I spoiled Gajeel and Levy's Tenrou parts for myself, but it was worth it, because I began to write this story. Knowing that this… This here was gold with these two… or should I say iron…

I mean all of Fairy Tail is gold really! Natsu, Lucy, The Strauss's, Makarov, Juvia, Erza, Gray, Wendy… OMG I could go on about each one of them! They all are astounding in their own right and so is the whole message of it! It was a no brainer that it drew me in, because it came at a time when I really needed something positive in my life. It's characters and their bonds very much reminded me of my own, with my close knit group of friends whom I still have to this day, known as The Runnin' Crew!

We too were forever growing group of people who flourished in each other's company. Had our own issues and haunted pasts, had people coming and going, starting families, just like members of a guild.

Fairy Tail reminded me that even though the family I once had was lost, I still wasn't without family in my life now.

Levy's forgiving nature for Gajeel really hit home for me personally as well, due to my own experiences with my father.

Levy is the type of character I would aspire to be, because she carries on unburdened by the past. She knows how to deal with problems when they come and then she moves forward. Her kind nature and truthful heart being her most admirable quality as she is a true friend to all. Even those such as Gajeel who hurt her, she still walked away unscathed, refusing not to be broken. Her faith in humanity is awe inspiring as she brings hope and meaning to light.

Gajeel is an equally admirable character, this here is a man who has made mistakes in his life, but has done his best to both pay and make up for them. We as people need to see a character like Gajeel who is layered with both good and bad in him. A character who has flaws and in true human form almost let his guilt consume him to the point of no return. A character who needed a little bit of help getting back on his feet like most of us do, but then was able to rise up and reclaim his life with a vengeance. Make the most of it like he never had before, by joining Fairy Tail and living with his past discretions still moving forward.

This my friends is why I wrote Iron Gray, because I very much needed too. I needed to tell this story not just for people to read, but for me to get the words out as well. To make up for all of times I was struggling and couldn't bring myself to do it. I myself, like both Gajeel and Levy needed to move forward from the pain that had made me numb for so long and now here I am doing what I love. Progressing and improving, growing as a writer so that I may one day accomplish one of my biggest dreams, creating a novel!

Anyways that about does it for my story, I really appreciate anyone who read it. I mean truly, you are a saint if you read this! I want you to know that I'll keep at this for as long as I am able, until the time feels right to put a close on this fic. But until then please continue to come back dear reader… And enjoy reading Iron Gray as much as I enjoy writing!

Ms. KtK