Hi lovelies! I apologize for this not being an update but recent events have made me need to address something. I got a negative review last night that was quite aggressive. Now, I am more than okay with receiving constructive criticism. Also, if you do not like my story based on personal reasons, then feel free to message me privately. I will not, however, tolerate the review page being used as a place to stimulate bullying. I believe this site is a place for people to be able to express themselves freely without the fear of being attacked for it. If I have done anything to offend any of you, please message me about it because that has never been and never will be my intention.
In relation to that particular comment, there may have been a misunderstanding about my story. I have no intention to vilify Natsu or the rest of Team Natsu. In my story, the antagonist is Lucy's declining state because of the reliance on drugs and her own mental health issues. Sometimes when a person gets into that state of mind, it feels like everyone and everything is against you. This story is a by-product of me coping with my own issues. I won't go into detail but the last year or so was pretty bad for me and instead of turning to drugs like Lucy does in this story, I channeled my feelings into this story. So her thought process in this is similar to how mine was and can still be. If I gave the impression that this story is going to be a hate-on-Natsu kind of story, then I apologize. I was simply trying to replicate a state-of-mind.
Again, I apologize for this not being an update. That will hopefully be coming soon for you guys. Just to re-iterate, please do not use the review section as a place to stimulate bullying and if you have anything you would like to share with me, then please message me privately. If you have constructive criticism, then by all means use the review section. If anymore comments of this nature get published on any of my stories, I may have to regulate the review section, which I would prefer not to do. It's a place for everyone to express themselves but if that turns into a place to breed hatred towards me or other users then I will do it. Anyways, I hope you are all having a lovely day and I will try to get the next chapter out shortly!