A/N this was meant to be a little short, maybe 4 chapters, but holy cow did it grow. It's wrapping up though, but don't worry, I won't leave you wondering about things….DESNA


When Cobra had come into his office and told him he was taking Gajeel to Bosco, that they were going to work with a surrogate and have a child, Laxus had been surprised, more than a little too, he hadn't even known the Poison dragon liked kids. He knew it about Gajeel, the Iron Slayer was a teddy bear around children and Laxus knew Gajeel wanted children, had even been a little worried for the man when he and Cobra had become mates.

Learning how surrogacy worked for Dragons though had eased his concerns, and, ultimately, Laxus had been happy for them and had approved the extended trip to Bosco. That had been 8 months ago.

A whole hell of a lot had happened since then too. He sighed looking out over the guild from the balcony on the new third floor where the offices were. The guild management system had delivered, Laxus had only to approve a mission, set its level and enter it and the system sent the job to the com lacrimas of the mages best suited to do it. Mages had to check in daily with progress reports the system would demand and so nobody ever went missing for long unless something really had happened and Laxus would know to send help.

There was still a job board, where jobs could be chosen by a mage and then the system would tell that mage what people they needed to get to go with them to complete it. The system had effectively ended the teams in place, however, it had brought the guild together better, everyone worked with everyone now, when you picked a job you could end up teamed with anybody, so people took a greater interest in all of their guildmates, and now when he looked over the guild people weren't clustered in their little groups but instead were spread out and mingling, often getting up to move over and chat at another table, or go to the bar to sit with a new friend they had made on an unexpected teaming the system had set up.

He'd known it would be helpful, but the system had helped Fairy Tail flourish. That, along with the boost they had gotten from their two new members. Zen and Cristoff. Wendy suddenly had an older vastly more experienced healer to learn with, and was training more, her confidence soaring with Cristoff there to encourage her.

Not to mention his little mate Levy had absolutely bloomed. Free to take on any level job with her mate, the system took matings into consideration, never splitting the couples up, and Levy had been on some seriously hefty jobs with Cristoff, well...until she'd gotten pregnant.

That was the other thing. Looking down over the guild his eyes found more than one tiny new member. Cristoff was sitting, on the edge of a table, Levy seated on the bench beside him chatting with Jet while idly rolling a stroller back and forth with his boot, two little heads barely visible above fluffy blankets, one with rich black hair, the other with blue. Fraternal twins, a girl and a boy. Ganier Nurem Pradesh and Rendevere Menelus Pradesh.

Not far from them Lucy was sitting beside Zen, happily chatting with Erza while Zen held a bottle for their son Kayliss, the month old baby cuddled against his fathers broad chest, Zens sharp purple eyes intently watching his son drain the bottle.

Erza was cradling she and Jellals daughter Willow. At the next table Mira was cooing over Cobra who was rolling his eyes at the womans behavior over he and Gajeels son Blake. The child was a perfect combination of the two men, with already wild raven black locks and deep indigo eyes. Blake was the first Dragon slayer born into his magic in this era, and Gajeel and Cobra had already gone the rounds with the magic council, that desperately wanted the child to be tested. Laxus had stepped in too, he'd had to, to protect Cobra and Gajeel from potentially losing their son to the greedy eager council that saw a powerhouse in the making in their child.

There had been a tense couple of weeks where Bickslow had been making silent arrangements with Cristoff to get the little family out of Fiore and back to Bosco, Kaleb standing ready to take them into White Sea and protect them if the council kept pushing, but the council had backed down, for now, when Lucy had the brilliant idea of having Jason, when he had come to take pictures of Kayliss, the first Archangel mage born in Fiore, also do an article on Blake and the two babies were now famous, Blakes fame working as a hefty deterrent against the council trying anything with him, public outcry would have been far more than the council could endure.

Fairy Tail was busy, happy, active, and, full of tiny new members, it made Laxus shift uncomfortably. He'd never admit it, not even allow anyone to get away with suggesting it, Bickslow had been fried unconscious when he'd started to tease him, but the big slayer was...lonely. Lucy was happy, Zen was an awesome new member, brought huge attention to Fairy Tail too because of his unique magic and Fairy Tail was bound to do really well in the GMG over the coming summer.

Cristoff had become his second in command, taking the same position he'd held at White Sea under his brother Kaleb and showing Laxus how to use the system they now had in place to reduce his work load and, keep up with issues that now, because the system paired destructive members with others likely to counter them, were fewer and farther between, Laxus had more free time.

He could take jobs with friends, he'd even babysat Blake once, not entirely willingly, when Gajeel had suddenly realized he'd left the diaper bag at home and Cobra had taken a nearby job with Bickslow so wasn't around. Gajeel had placed the infant in Laxus stunned care while he ran home to get the diaper bag.

He heaved another sigh and was about to turn and go down to the gym, work off some of his strange melancholy when the doors slammed open, he heard Bickslows familiar voice.

"I think bossmans upstairs sis, we added a third floor like two months ago so he had more privacy and they turned the second floor into a kids free area since we had some younger members being assholes about the babies making noise, like babies making noise is so terrible but whatever, fussy shits can hang out upstairs now and the Bossman has his own floor at the top, nice balcony and shit too, perfect place for your sunbathing." He was saying.

"Ahhh! Oh Cris, gimmee gimee!" Laxus' eyes locked right onto the statuesque blonde as she hurried across the guildhall, scooping the blue haired Rendevere from the stroller and hugging her nephew to her ample chest before showering him with kisses. The little slayer fidgetted a little, growling at his aunt who crooned and purred at him, making his vivid dark blue eyes fly wide and a gummy grin break out. Already there were little nubs where his fangs were coming in and Levy had complained both babies were trying to cut those fangs on her. He clutched at her long golden hair and growled a little more friendly at her, giggling when his aunt purred back and nuzzled her nose against his.

Laxus's chest tightened almost painfully, and unfortunately, so did his damn pants. His dragon was already about to melt his brain screaming like it had the last time he'd seen Emzadi and he tamped it back, not able to fully contain his growl and Emzadi suddenly snapped her vivid orange eyes right on him.

Gorgeous, she was absolutely the most stunning thing he'd ever seen, so tall and powerful with full red lips and almond shaped fiery orange eyes framed in sooty long lashes with the Boscan curl at the corner of each lid. She hugged the infant slayer again, kissed his forehead and, reaching to cup her brothers face, touched Cristoffs forehead with hers, purring softly at her brothers warm rumble.

He took Rendevere from her, cuddling his son and Emzadi turned and headed for the stairs. Laxus almost panicked. He couldn't hope to hide his attraction to her, he'd managed to avoid her nicely last time she was in town, but his dragon had been about to drive him insane over it. He knew, knew what she was to him, what she could be. Over the last few months, watching the babies come, especially the Dragon Slayer babies, his own resolve at holding onto his single status had been fading, more and more he wanted a mate of his own, watching Cristoff with Levy….

The Lunar slayer was a gold mine of information too, he'd learned more about himself from Cristoff than anything, during his exile the young man had helped him deal with his issues and come to terms with his identity as a Dragon Slayer, now, Cristoff, who had an office next to his, with his endless amount of patience with his children, affection for them and his mate, how he handled timid Levy and had turned her into one hell of a confident woman now that she was mated.

Laxus wanted someone to be with. It was another thing he'd found out about himself recently as he'd held little Blake and the infant slayer had growled at him and reached out little hands for him, he'd cuddled the child, started purring to him, had been lured into affectionate nuzzles with the baby before Gajeel had cleared his throat in the doorway and, a knowing smirk on his face, set the diaper bag down and left Laxus alone with Blake for a while.

He wanted kids, he wanted to be a father, and he fucking wanted cuddles, he was a damn dragon, and according to Cristoff, that was natural.

"Dragons may not put off the air of it, but they're very tactile as far as affection goes, cuddling, nuzzling, touch, all of it is crucial to our happiness Laxus, it's normal to want it, normal to need it, and healthy to indulge in it as much as you can." He'd said one day, puting little Ganier in his arms and smiling as he watched the Lightning slayer melt.

Now, his body was crackling with energy, electricity snapping across his skin, his pants were entirely too tight on what he knew already was his standard Emzadi-is-nearby hard on that he'd almost gotten used to during her last visit.

He couldn't even stop himself from turning toward the stairs, knowing full well if he didn't run for it the woman was going to be up there, facing him in moments.

"MATE!" His dragon roared inside him and as the scent of warm cinnamon and sunlight reached him Laxus growled, eyes locking on the tall blonde as she ascended the stairs and finally stood before him.

"Emzadi, Bickslow didn't tell me you were coming to visit." He said, about to throw a party for himself for his voice not fucking cracking.

She smirked at him, the tip of a white fang sliding over a ruby red lip. "Yes well if he had you'd be n some urgent trip someplace already wouldn't you?" She tilted her head, blonde hair falling over a shoulder. Gods she looked so good, she'd put on clothes more Fioran style, not in her usual veil dress, but she'd taken a page out of Lucys book, the red pleated skirt barely covering the tops of her thighs, red tank top beneath a black long sleeved button up that was tied under her breasts leaving her midriff bare exposing her golden tanned skin and toned belly.

The skirt hung low, Gold chains hugging her hips above it and the gold bangles on her wrists, the hoops on her ears the only hints of her usual flamboyant Boscan style. Thigh high black boots hugged her legs which were long, toned, with that sunkissed golden tan skin…

Every mans wet dream brought to life and smirking at him, watching his eyes take her all in while her own moved over him shamelessly, lingering on his groin where there was no hiding his arousal.

"So...how bout it Thunder God? My dragon says you're mine, and I'm about done dancing around that with you...I'm a dragoness, not really one to ignore my instincts." She growled and Laxus grit his teeth to keep from growling back, to keep from rushing her and slamming her to the ground right there.

"There's a small lake northeast of town, my house is right by it...a nice big meadow…" He was saying, almost not believing the words coming out of him. Was he doing this? Was he seriously about to take on the woman of his dreams?

She'd been in all of them, he'd been dreaming about a golden haired woman half his life, at first he'd thought maybe Lucy was the one but he'd figured out that wasn't the case when he felt nothing more than his usual attraction to women with big tits and nice asses.

Emzadi smiled "Lead the way lover." She purred and Laxus narrowed his eyes on her. He felt a cool breeze blow in through the open balcony doors and smiled then, his predatory grin making Emzadis breath catch, which made confidence surge inside him.

He was affecting her too, her eyes sliding back down his body, drinking in the way his shirt stretched over his broad chest, hugged his prominent pectorals, he loved his silk shirts, had always dressed a little non-conservative. His tailored slacks had given way to jeans today, faded with the front of the left thigh ripped open because he'd caught them on something sparring with Bickslow a while back but refused to throw them out, they were comfortable.

His own skin showing, his well built thighs straining the denim. He wasn't one to skip leg days.

"Tell me first...how's this gonna work Emi?" He demanded, he knew Cristoff had tried explaining it, but he was about to live through it and wanted to know what she expected.

Her smile sent a shiver down his spine.

"You're going to dominate me...take me...any way you can, if you can...I won't lay still and whimper like a kitten, I'm going to try to ride you, wrap my legs around those hips and ride that cock I see already hard for me until I break you, if...you don't dominate me first." She frowned slightly, eyes dimming.

"I won't be able to help what I do Laxus...I'm a Dragoness, my instinct will demand I force you to prove your strength, but...I want you...I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you three years ago, when Father and I visited after Tartaros, tried to get all of you to come to Bosco...I wanted you then...I dream about you...every night, you are the man I want as my mate." She said softly.

His eyes softened, warmed on her, the idea she wanted him too, had all this time almost made him angry, all the time wasted, time they could have spent...making babies, he smiled wickedly at that, resolve settling into him firmly. She was it, the one, his dragon wanted her, he wanted her, she was his best friends sister but Bickslow had been gently pushing at him to give Emzadi a chance well….since Tartaros, Gods the man probably knew all about his sisters feelings for him, they were such a close family.

"I want you too Emi." He admitted and she smiled again, tipping her chin up and smirking at him

"Then prove it...Thunder God." she said defiantly.

Laxus grinned and drew his magic, he had control enough he was able to not shatter windows as he teleported out through the window, leaving Emzadi ducking her head and grinning at the crack of thunder, the scent of ozone and rain left in the mans wake that had become her favorite scent.

She ran to the balcony and jumped "Phoenix!" She called and shifted, fire engulfing her and carrying her inside the flames of a firebird after the lightning slayer.

Laxus landed in the meadow by the lake and watched, wide eyed as a massive bird of flames shot down from the sky and devolved into swirling fire before vanishing, leaving Emzadi standing in the center of a circle of scorched grass.

She started toward him, head high, and his heart clenched again in his chest, this gorgeous vision of a woman was his, would be, whatever he had to do…

He rushed her then, catching her in his arms and kissing her and both of them staggered when his lips met hers. They had never touched, not once, no skin on skin contact ever before so when his lips slanted over hers, the jolt that went through them both sent them tumbling to the ground, neither able to retain their feet.

Both had expected a wild battle, a fight of magic and strength, but what happened was nothing like that. They wrestled, flipping each other a few times, Laxus pinning Emzadi after her second time getting on top of him, and immediately released her wrists, cupping her face, kissing her hungrily, tongue pushing into her mouth as her hands slid into his hair.

She tasted like cinnamon and fire, smelled like a summers day in the forest. Her body fit his perfectly. She was so tall, felt substantial in his arms,and he was reaching down, undoing his jeans, impatiently shoving at them with her help until his throbbing erection was finally free.

She eagerly wrapped her legs around him as he shoved her little red panties aside and with long lusty growls from both of them he thrust into her molten sex.

"Oh Gods...Laxus...please…" She growled at him and he snarled back, baring his teeth at her demanding tone which drew an answering defiant snarl from her. Her glistening white fangs bared right before his hit them as he crushed their mouths together, shoved his hands under her grabbing her as and started thrusting as hard as he was able into her.

Her head tilted back, baring her lovely neck and Laxus took it, scraping his teeth over the smooth skin drawing a hiss from her and she started pushing up into his thrusts. Impatiently he grabbed a mouthful of her shirt and tank top and with one hand, refusing to remove the other from her ass because holy fuck was he enjoying pulling her into his thrusts and getting his cock buried deep and hard until his hips met hers, he ripped her shirt, tank top and, bonus, bra clean from her, spitting them out before his lips latched over the peak one of the full heavy breasts he'd been dreaming about for ages.

Her nipple hardened in his mouth as his tongue swirled it and he growled at the feeling of her reaction, loving her snarls, her drawn out growls and when he sucked at her breast, her full sexy purr almost made him cum.

She raked her nails down his back then, drawing blood and making him hiss but he didn't falter in his rhythm, pounding into her harder and harder until they were both unable to do much more than gasp for air as their bodies strained against each other to wrest every ounce of pleasure out of themselves and finally she broke, gasping out his name. His teeth sank into her as he felt himself release and he groaned as her fangs sank into him at the same time, both of them seizing as deep inside them something tore free, moving between them, and Emzadi was the first to suck in a ragged breath, withdrawing from Laxus' flesh, his blood on her lips.

"Mine...my mate…" She purred and he smiled, couldn't help himself, his dragon was a melted bit of happy goo in him and he was about boneless, soaked in sweat from his exertions, Gods, never in his life had he gone at a woman like he'd just done. He was even struggling to think he was so sated. He'd freely admit he was a playboy, he'd slept around plenty, but never, not in his whole life, not even during his trips to Bosco had he felt this good after sex.

"I really like hearing that." He admitted then added, with a nudge of his hips that made the dragoness growl "MY Mate."

She smiled, softening, wriggling and pulling him firmly against her, he was laying fully on her now and she wasn't the least bit bothered, how different it was from all of his other partners to date that he had to carefully keep his weight off of lest he crush them.

Emzadi actually seemed to like it, she tilted her head and her fingers curled in his hair,pulling him down for a long deeply satisfying kiss that left them both breathless. "We're not done." She purred and Laxus grinned at her, he knew, knew they had some time to take, they would stay away from everyone for a bit, a week or two, Cristoff had remained holed up with Levy for two weeks solid before he was able to tolerate having her out and about.

Their first bites were set, but there was a second one to seal them permanently, and until then they would both be Dragonslayer candy. He nodded toward the lake "My house is right over there firebird." He said softly, nuzzling against her and not bothering to stop the happy purr that escaped him when she nuzzled into him too. "Lets retreat to your house then, I want you properly naked…" She purred and Laxus smirked at her all she had on were her boots, skirt and panties, her shirt tank and bra were nicely destroyed and he wasn't the least bit sorry he'd done it either.

A few minutes later he was chasing her into his house, tackling her to the floor in the livingroom while he laughed, drowning himself in her arms, her kisses,the sweet purrs and growls of a gorgeous dragoness that was all his.

As he lay on the rug before his fireplace, Emi straddling him moaning wantonly as she rode him, he gripped her hips and growled up at her, making her slow her movements and lean down to kiss him, nuzzle him affectionately.

"What is it I'm not driving from your mind my Thunder God." She purred and he smiled at her, moaning through clenched teeth as she swirled her hips.

"I want babies Emi…" He managed and she smiled, kissing him again pushing herself up and starting to move on him again.

"Beloved, I am not on any birth control and haven't been for months, so what say we work on making babies while we mate hmm?" She purred at him and he grinned, but then threw his head back as Emi took up a harder pace, gripping his chest as leverage as she rode him wildly.

They finished together.


Seven months later Laxus was grunting, snarling as his hips worked, Emzadi bent over his desk mewling as he drove into her, their fingers laced as he bent over her and drove them to their blissful ends

"Fuuck...Laxus...I've never in my life enjoyed a man as much as I enjoy you." Emzadi purred breathlessly as he pulled out of her, smiling as he stepped back, seeing his seed seeping from her and glancing at the empty crib. Their twins were downstairs with Lucy and Zen, who had offered to watch them while Laxus and Emi handled a few calls and some paperwork.

They had decided to use the hour for more than that though and Emi turned to kiss him, he gradly wrapped his arms around her, purring into her affection, soaking it up like he always did and wanting more. She lavished him with it, doted on him even now as a mother of two active dragon babies that at a month old were already cutting their fangs.

So far, of all the dragon children, only Cristoff had a daughter, not that Laxus was complaining, he adored his sons, but like normal dragons, it seemed girls were rare. Ganier was going to get a lot of attention as she grew...well...unless he and Emi could make some girls happen, they were already working at it. Emzadi more than content being a "Broodmother" and had already informed him they were having at least 6 children if not more. Laxus had laughingly agreed, watching his mate cuddle their boys as she had climbed into his lap.

They spent most nights curled up in the livingroom or out on the balcony when the weather was nice. Emzadi could sing, and when Laxus had learned that, he'd coaxed her into singing for him, now, she would sing their sons to sleep and once the boys were settled, she would climb into his lap and cuddle with him, humming and singing soft songs as they watched the moonlight and stars shine on the lake or watched movies on the lacrima screen.

She handled the guild like a pro too, Natsu called her "Sir" and she'd melted Gray a few times when he'd tried to cheek off at her too. She no longer went on jobs, content being a mother for now and helping him run the guild she tended bar alot, something Mira loved since Emzadi could get the drunks in line better than even Miras scary demon look could.

While Emzadi finished the last of the paperwork he looked down from the third floor and smiled over his guild. He was Guildmaster, had a gorgeous happy mate and two healthy sons, less than a year ago, he'd have never thought he could be so happy.

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A/N as with the others, I am far from done. Thank you so much to the reviewers who got me to make more than just 3-4 chapters for this little bit of fun!...DESNA