Reviews for Sick Heart
primordialpaper chapter 20 . 6/26
What a FIGHT!
I can only imagine the difficulty in writing a fight with so many participants, but I was utterly captivated the entire time. The initial fray and regroup was realistic, the second wind (lol) was very clever and innovative (I'm always very pleased when fanfics acknowledge Wendy's ridiculous prowess and ability as a Dragon Slayer), and they managed to win through actual tactics and skill instead of how fights usually go in canon.
Braca's portion of the story had a fittingly fraught conclusion, with no real winners given the circumstances, only an end to the bloodshed and Braca's torment.
The shift to the new adversary, the Rune Knights/Magic Council, was just as masterfully done. It had proper set-up, with the lackey's confrontation earlier and other mentions of the Council, while still being a surprise. It was a very smooth and compelling transition to the next stage of the plot.
This whole story has been utterly enthralling to read, I'm so glad you put so much effort into writing this! Thank you!
primordialpaper chapter 19 . 6/26
This was such a masterfully done lead-up to a confrontation. The bits of humor (mostly at Gajeel's expense) was nice, and you actually managed to capture my exact feelings towards the Magic Council (an organization just waiting to tip into fascism). The conflicts are very well made, things I could easily see as being canon, and the emotional elements are super engaging. I'm very much enjoying my second read through!
Dragonfly2311 chapter 32 . 4/25
So good! I just got all caught up and I have to say I was super excited to see the update! I can’t wait to see more!
Guest chapter 31 . 4/20
Omg! I was just thinking of re-reading this story! Thank you so much for updating! This makes the odd world we find ourselves in suddenly brighter and far more bearable since this corona virus madness began!
Where'sTheFood chapter 31 . 4/20
AAAAAHHHH! this was such a good chapter! I'm so happy to read an update of this fic! You know I love this story and I love your writing! This was such a powerful chapterreally glad how everything is turning out and loved the pace you gave this! Its only natural that everyone is going to be fucked up by what happened and loved the support everyone gives to Gajeel in their own wayand oh boy I love Levy in control it's so hot! Really really love the ending of this chapterit restored my heart to full and reminded me why I love gajevy so much! Thank you for writing this! You know I'm always eager to read your storieshugs for you dear! Hope you're doing okay through all these crazy times!
GlassMoutains chapter 31 . 4/20
Yay! Your back! I love this story so much
Purplephilosophervoid chapter 31 . 4/20
AAAAHHHHH! SO GOOD! Your writing ugh I cant even form words to describe how much I love it. "The power of the written word was restrained only by the wielder." I got goosebumps. I love how you write Levy, she can be so powerful and you bring that about.
GothBanshee chapter 30 . 9/27/2019
Holy Shit! This is getting good! I discovered this story yesterday. Totally understand about RL. Can't wait for when you can update again. I'll be waiting patiently.
Kritzel chapter 30 . 8/28/2019
Love the plot and action. The way you wrote it is amazing and I LOVE it. Hoping for more! Keep slaying
ErinBee1923 chapter 30 . 8/11/2019
It’s an amazing read and am really excited to see where this goes from here! What a fantastic story! X
Weezel474 chapter 30 . 7/4/2019
I like it
afeltyz chapter 30 . 6/9/2019
This was excellent. I'm glad I waited to read three chapters in one go!
Guest chapter 30 . 6/3/2019
Long time since I’ve been on fanfic. net but it’s where much of the FairyTail fics I enjoy seem to be, (got bit by the FT bug a few months ago) and lordy this one scratches that gajevy itch something fierce along with your other fics. So long as the story ain’t abandoned like so many others, I don’t mind the wait.

Guest chapter 30 . 6/2/2019
Yay! I'm so excited to see the new chapter, and am definately looking forward to future updates!

I was expecting to have levy say "I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his fiancee!". I'm definately curious to hear how everyone will react to her saying "mate".
Guest chapter 30 . 6/2/2019
I've been waiting soooooo long and it's beautiful Worth it!
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