First time writing really hope you enjoy it. Only a true nalu fan would write a fanfic instead of studying for an exam they have tomorrow. Please feel free to review.




Fairy tail and all its characters belong to the great Hiro Mashima...Although is do wish i owned Natsu...


His footsteps echoed loudly into the night as he strolled aimlessly through the streets of Magnolia. He had been lying in bed for what seemed like hours but the sleep he longed for never came. Natsu's mind replayed images that he dared not to act on over, forcing him to throw back the covers and take off on an unknown journey.


Lucy's sweaty body lied beneath him. Her golden locks spread out like a halo around her head. A hand entangled in his hair while the other dug into his hard, muscled shoulders. Long legs wrapped tightly around his waist whilst he thrust away into her savagely. He then sucked on the tender flesh of her neck, making her to pant and moan in need of something more.


She said his name with such passion that the dragon slayer couldn't help but groan into her satin skin and sink his fangs into the nape of her neck, marking her as his.



He couldn't shake the vivid fantasies that pledged his mind, finding no solution to ease the agonizing ache. After the cold shower and a failure to get the job done by himself, Natsu opted for a midnight stroll, which he hoped would tire him out.

"Or maybe I'd run into ice prick and punch his lights out."

"That would do the job for sure." The slayer chuckled, unfortunately this too seemed like a failed attempted.

He groaned in frustration, thinking back to the events that transpired earlier that week.


Lucy had picked out a mission on the notice board.

"Rent money!" she squealed excitedly, walking over to the table Natsu and Happy where at. The stellar mage smiled brightly and handed over the worn out poster.

"100000 jewel reward..."

"Catch a group of thieves that have been attackin' travelers...


"Forria Forrest..."

"Yosh! I'm all fired up!" Natsu gave Lucy his signature grin immediately causing the blondes cheeks to tint pink.

"You llliiiiikee him" teased happy who's cheeks were pinched and pulled at by a yelling Lucy.

"Shut up you shitty cat!"

Natsu chuckled. She looked beautiful. Her silky golden tresses and her flushed face made her look so innocent and angelic. He wanted to stroke her hair away from her face and seal his lips over her soft, pink ones...and then…...

"Hey ash brain, what's with the dumb look?" An annoying voice pulled the fire mage away from his day dream.

"Whatcha say? You exhibitionist Bastard!" Natsu called back to the ice make mage leaning against the bar counter.

"You heard me flame breath! Wanna go?"

The challenge was accepted with a fist of fire into the handsome face of the semi-nude Gray, provoking him to throw a series of punches back himself.

"Fights are a MAN!" screamed Elfman before being the face...with a bar stool that then led to an all-out guild brawl.


"Stupid ice bastard" The pink haired slayer thought as his sandals crunched into the gravel along the path.

His thoughts once again drifted back to a particular conversation during their mission.


"How much longer do we have to walk? She says." repeated Horologium with a shivering blonde tucked away inside his warm wooden cavity.

"You ain't even walking, Luce" Natsu sighed .

"Aye, that's why Lucy is so heavy." chimed Happy.

"Baka neko! I'll rip off your whiskers, she says."


Natsu chuckled. Of cause happy didn't understand how beautiful Lucy was. He was a cat for crying out loud.

Lucy was gorgeous. Her long blonde hair and those big brown eyes always seemed to hold his gaze for a second longer than they should. She was smart and funny but the most unique aspect about her was the huge heart that she possessed. She cared deeply for others especially her spirits. Always throwing herself into dangerous situations to protect her friends, even going as far as to protect and comfort people she hardly knew.

No fool could forget that body of hers. Not even the dense Natsu Dragneel. Long legs which curved into deliciously shaped hip. A tiny waist that was made to hold onto as he thrust roughly inside her, and her massive breast that always seemed to spill from an form of constriction.

He longed to cup those breasts in the palm of his hands and squeeze them greedily, drawing forth moan after moan of sweet bliss. He wanted to roll her nipples between his fingers while he kissed, nipped and sucked along her neck. Snaking his wondering tongue down to the tops of her mounds and then latch his hot mouth onto an erected bud.….

"Fuck, this walk ain't doing shit!"

Sighing Natsu stopped, tilting his chin up to basked in the soothing light of the moon. His dark grey eyes grew wide when he noticed the familiar surroundings that he had venture into during his 'calm my boner' stroll.

Lucy's apartment building...

He chuckled softly, assumed with the current situation.

"That's right..."

"This is what I wanted all along."

What the slayer had most desire for was not to forget his desire. He craved her and only her. To crawl into her bed and hold her tightly against him. To ease the painful ache in his groin and sooth the beast raging inside him.

Hold her?

Yeah right!

More like grind against her until she wakes up...

That would earn me a Lucy kick for sure...

Sighing, the pink haired mage decided to leave, accomplishing to make a single step in the direction of his house before catching the scent of something intoxicating.


The delicious smell pulled at the chains of his restraints, temping him to break free from hesitations and claim it. It was her scent yet stronger somehow,driving him insane and making his length twitch painfully.

His body moved of its own accord, crawling in through the window and positioning the enslaved mage at the side of his partners bed.


The blonde lay hot and sweaty with the blanked pooled at her waist. The thin blue tank top that she dawn clung wetly to her unclad breast, doing little conceal the stiff peaks that strain against the material.

Rosy pink...

Natsu licked his lips hungrily at the sight of her untouched body.

So beautiful...

"Mmmmmm..." A pleasured sound escaped her lips

His eyes widened in surprise as he heard Lucy moan.

No way, I'm imagining...

The girl tossed and moaned louder as if affirming what he had heard to be correct. The slayer shut his eyes trying to stifle the groan that threatened to come forth in response to her cries.

Doubts soon began to cloud his judgement and a jealous growl rumbled in his broad chest.

Who was she dreaming of?

Could it be Loke, that man whore?

He was always all over her...declaring his undying love for her...

Or maybe Gray that ice…

His inner banter was drowned out by another one of Lucy's moans causing Natsu's eyes to darkened and his thoughts to cease. He had heard it clearly, there was no misconception this time around.

"Naaat…suu, please...". Lucy pleaded in a seductive voice unknown to his ears.

The dragon slayer growled deeply...possessively. She needed to feel his desire. All of him. He wanted to taste her...Fuck her...Make her come.

To ride her body until her legs gave out and her throat went raw from screaming his name...over and...

He had to get out of there before he did something he'd regret. Leaving her bruised and aching surely wasn't the way she would have wanted her first time to feel. Lucy was the type who wanted to be made love to rather than be fucked by an animal. Of cause he loved her but he didn't have the control to be gentle with her. His instincts were demanding that he claim her...Rough...Hard...and the longer he denied them...the stronger they became.

With that Natsu jumped out of her window and onto the street below. He placed his forehead against the cool stone wall of the building and sighed in defeat.

"Aye, I'm fucked."


To be continued...


Thanx for reading...