Ok folks, rated PG-13 goes to R+ from here on, fair warning. I hope you like it!

Gajeel looked up and drew in a sharp breath, while he'd struggled she had walked right up to him without him noticing, he tried to back away but his back came against a tall fir tree and suddenly Levy was right there, sliding her hands into his open jacket, putting her arms around him.

"Tell me Gajeel, tell me. I love you, do you love me?" She asked quietly, tears were on her face, he could smell them before he saw them and he shuddered under the feeling of her arms closing around his waist, her body coming so close to his he could feel the warmth of her.

He couldn't do this, the idea of possibly hurting her terrified him. Why wouldn't she just listen to him? Why did she have to push so hard? Did he love her? Was she out of her mind? It was all he knew right now, was how much he loved her, how much he wanted to make her his.

"Yes!" He snarled then, leaning down, his eyes close to hers "I love you Levy, more than anything else in this world and that's why I want you to get away from me! Because what I'm feeling, what's burning in my blood right now is not love Levy, it's all consuming lust you understand?!"

Her eyes widened and for a moment Gajeel thought he'd finally won, she would back away, leave him to ride out the next weeks in isolation. But her hands didn't leave his sides, still burning him with the contact of her touching him. He could feel his fangs, pressing, longer than they normally were, feel his blood racing. He waited for her to withdraw in horror, but she didn't. Her wide eyes shined and he could smell the tears again.

"You…you love me." Levy breathed, and Gajeel held his breath, he saw no fear in the bright hazel eyes, and no trace of anything but…determination.

He was holding his arms away from her, trying not to let anything touch her she hadn't claimed, looking away to the side "Please Levy, before my will to protect you is drowned out by my Dragon need to claim you, to make you…mine." He spoke through clenched teeth and she could see his fangs, longer than normal, glinting in the wavering light from the cabin.

"No… Gajeel…I…I want you to take me…make me yours, I'll make you mine…I want it." She said insistently. He staggered in her arms, groaning "Levy…" He looked at her and she removed her arms from around him, catching his face in her hands and making his eyes stay on hers "I know exactly what I'm saying you overgrown idiot, I love you, I want to be yours, am I getting through that stubborn wall of yours?!" She demanded.

Gajeel was loosing control, those beautiful hazel eyes locked with his, she looked so fierce and determined and it was all..for him, this amazing woman was offering him her love, her body and he was astounded. "you…you have to be…sure Levy…once I start….once I taste you, put my hands on you…I wont be able to stop…" He said raggedly "You could scream, beg…but I wont stop until I've made you mine. I love you, but I'll be driven by a part of me that might eclipse that, and that side of me is…dark…and doesn't care if you're in pain."

He tilted his head back, looking up away from her, her hands sliding to his shoulders. He had little control left now, breathing hard "You can still go, we can talk about this when I get back…you don't have to go through this right now…" She pushed his jacket open, and lifting herself to her toes, she kissed his neck.

"I want to be yours now Gajeel, not later." She murmured against his smooth skin. He gasped under the touch, a ragged moan escaping him, his arms came around her then and she was lifted from her feet and up against his body, his mouth coming down to capture hers in a fierce kiss, his tongue pressing through her lips driving firmly against hers with an intensity that made her pull in a sharp breath. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, while the intensity of his invasive kiss was alarming, she knew, understood what she was facing and no matter what he said, she trusted him, trusted his strength, and believed without doubt he would not hurt her.

Her body blazed to life, more than before, though she wouldn't have thought it possible. Her hands in his hair she kissed him back, delighting in the growl she drew from his throat. He was moving, she felt him walking, carrying her, but his lips assault on hers, his tongue moving over hers didn't relent and she couldn't think.

She felt the warmth flow over them as he carried her into the cabin, heard the door slam from his boot then she was laid back on something soft and he was moving her well onto it, following her as he did, her scarf and coat were quickly pulled away.

"Levy…" He said against her lips, his leaving and trailing over her cheek to her neck and she moaned at the feeling.

"Levy…I'm going to make you mine."

"I'm going to…make you scream my name…over and over."

"Yes…" She breathed as his fangs scraped over her neck and made her shudder. She knew those fangs would find a place in her, her blood would flow into his mouth, the thought made her shudder as she felt how long and sharp they were against her skin.

He pulled her sweater off over her head, claiming her lips with his as soon as it was gone, his hands made short work of her bra and slid to her pants, moving ever so lightly down her belly to them, watching her reaction and she looked in wonder up into his blazing red eyes.

Instinct wanted to fear him, this massive powerful predator kneeling over her on the bed, stripping her clothes away. She'd never even really kissed anyone before and here she was, alone far from anyone with a Dragon Slayer fully in the grip of a mating season she had been studying for two weeks. The endless references to savage passion, primal lust, drives so powerful the Slayers could not even recognize friends and had killed them while claiming their women.

Levy kept her eyes on his, willing herself to cling to the love she knew was there, he had faced death for her over and over, she would make him hers, match his passion with her own, not hold back or let her shyness, her inexperience get in the way.

"Gajeel…" She moaned as he pulled her pants down, moving down so he could get them from her legs and toss them to where she had kicked her boots. He pulled back then, laying down alongside her, holding himself up with one arm and looking down at her.

His free hand was playing with the elastic at the top of her panties, fingering the little pink bow there, his eyes slid over her mostly naked body with fiery approval "You're so beautiful Levy…" He breathed, she smiled up into those blazing eyes, her hands sliding down his broad chest, over rock hard abs to his belt, which she opened and pulled away, earning another one of his sexy rumbles.

He leaned down, his hot mouth closing over her breast and she gasped, arching her back, his hand sliding over the other, thumb circling the firming pink nipple.

"Ga…Gajeel!" Levy gasped out, he didn't relent, one hand on her breast, he grabbed her hip then with the other pulling her over so she came firmly against his body and felt…him, his erection still trapped in his loose fitting pants, Levy couldn't do anything, overwhelmed by sensations she had never felt before.

"That's one, a good start…you're gonna surrender everything to me Levy…"

She tried to speak but all that came were gasps and sharp moans. His hands were like fire on her skin, leaving her aching and painfully alive everywhere he touched.

Gajeel smiled faintly, dragging a fang over her nipple and drawing another moan from her. She tasted sweeter than he'd dreamed she would, the spicy scent mingling with her growing desire and driving him wild.

He pulled her body against his, making her feel the hard evidence of his desire and drawing another gasping moan from her, she threw her head back and he was drawn to her neck, running his hot tongue over her collar bone then sucking at the skin where her neck met her shoulder.

He could feel his fangs, was keenly aware of how much he wanted to sink them into her flesh, not yet…not yet. He moved to her lips again, kissing her, feeling her hands pushing at his jacket. He sat back, looking down at his love with narrowed eyes as he slid his jacket off. She licked her lips watching him, his body, just looking at it made her breath catch. She reached for his pants and he turned, pulling himself away from her hands.

"…not yet Levy…"

"I have so much of you left to explore…"

His mouth moved back to her throat, then her breast where he nipped her and drug those glorious fangs over her until she cried out his name again. His lips burned down her belly, kissing her thigh as his hand lifted her left leg so he could kiss the inside of her thigh.

Levy gripped the sheets of the bed then as he pushed her legs apart, his arms sliding under her and lifting her hips so his arms could curl around each leg and grip her thighs, holding them apart as his mouth assaulted her core through the thin barrier of her cotton panties.

"Gajeel…ahh!" She gasped, unable to do anything but writhe in spiraling pleasure.

He was deaf to her as she started begging for him. "Please…oh God…please Ga…Gajeel!"

He liked her begging, and she was so sweet, tasted like nothing he'd ever known, and he couldn't get enough of her. She was gasping for air as he let her hips back down on the bed and grasped the now wet panties, pulling them down and away from her to fall onto the floor.

"Please..Gajeel." She breathed raggedly. He smiled down at her, catching her hands tugging at his pants and pulling them over her head in one of his, she looked up into his eyes a slight touch of fear in her eyes.

His fangs glittered in the firelight, eyes fiery red and brighter than she had ever seen them. He ran his tongue over her breasts again, holding her hands away so she couldn't touch him.

She was shocked how much this affected her, the whole time she had had access to his smooth skin, kissing his neck, his chest, her hands tracing the lines of his body as he had touched her. Now she couldn't touch him and she felt the loss.

His teeth caught the firm flesh of her breast and she gasped, feeling the needle ends of his upper and lower fangs distinctly, though they didn't break the skin, barely didn't.

His hand had slid between her legs when he'd grabbed her breast in his teeth, she hadn't noticed until his fingers started assaulting her, one slipping inside her and making her gasp and pull at his hold on her hands. He smiled down at her, releasing her hands and kissing her.

"Ohh…mm…Ga….Ga…jeel!" Levy gasped out as he relentlessly plunged his finger in and out of her, his mouth capturing hers every time she started to try and push again at his pants.

She couldn't believe how this felt, how much pleasure she was finding, when she thought she couldn't stand it anymore he pushed her farther until she screamed out his name, her body convulsing. He lazily kissed her neck while she gasped for air and rode through her orgasm.

As soon as she caught her breath he started massaging her hips, pushing them down into the bed, then pulling them so her wet core rubbed against his rigid erection. She gasped "Oh!...oh yes…Gajeel…please…" she begged, uncertain of exactly what it was she was begging for.

"Soon Levy…soon now…you're not quite ready…" he promised, kissing her again, slow and languid now, his mouth tasted like steel, she got her hand free and cupped his erection, rubbing the head of it and causing him to gasp then chuckle wickedly "Mmm…naughty…Levy…not yet…" he said, moving her hand to his shoulder and sliding a hand between her legs again, again he drove her, making her breathless and gasping under his touch.

"G…Ga…Jeel" She cried and he smiled as he sucked at her breast, moving at last to slide his pants down, letting them fall to the floor as Levy stared wide eyed at his fully naked body.

He waited, letting her look, he was so much bigger than her, and nothing made that more obvious than the sight of him with no clothes on, a feast of taught muscles under smooth skin, he had scars, a lot of them, jagged, telling a frightening story of how many times he had cheated death, how many fights he was survived, won.

He came down to her, kissing her, his hand between her legs slow but insistent and then it wasn't his fingers stroking her there, he rubbed himself on her sensitive wet core and she gripped his shoulders, shuddering at the feeling. "Levy…I love you Levy….I would never hurt you…" He breathed in her ear.

He didn't know where this control was coming from, he felt the desire to just take her, pin her to the bed and ravish her body over and over, but she kept moving, demanding her hands have access to him, kissing him back with a boldness that more than surprised him…he loved it and wanted more.

In answer to his words she reached down and grasped his arousal firmly, her thumb sliding over the tip and making him hiss through his teeth "Fuck! Levy…." His head went back and she lunged in, kissing his exposed throat then biting him hard. He moaned and she delighted in the sound, her first victory.

He reached down and guided her hand to move the head of him to the entrance of her body, she rubbed herself against him, rotating her hips until he finally gasped out her name and she smiled, another victory.

He kissed her smiling mouth "I'm gonna make you mine now Levy …." He pushed the head into her and she gasped as she stretched to accommodate his substantial girth. "fuck…Levy…so….tight." He gasped, adjusting to the feel of her walls grasping him.

She shuddered "I love you…Ga…Gajeel." She said as he started rocking his hips between her legs, pulling out then sliding back in gaining inch after delicious inch into her.

"Say it Levy…say you're mine." He prompted, rolling his hips. She gasped "I'm…I'm…ah…yours…Ga..jeel" She said, he stilled when he felt himself come against the rigid barrier of her virginity.

"Im going to take you now Levy, you can scream, bite me, scratch me, anything you want, but once I'm all the way inside you…I won't stop." He said, he wanted to just tear into her, pump his full length into her body and dominate her completely, but he adored her, loved her with every ounce of his being, and she deserved better.

This was a battle with himself he had no chance of winning, he was already partly inside her, she was gasping and moving, pulling at his shoulders, her nails raking his skin, he had his mouth by her ear and she was biting and sucking on his shoulder. He smiled faintly, reveling in just how much he loved this woman, she never seemed to stop surprising him.

He pulled up, looking into her half lidded eyes that were deeply lost in pleasure, "I love you Levy." He said and thrust into her hard, breaking through her barrier and sliding deep inside her. He moaned in intense pleasure as her eyes flew wide and her breath caught in a wave of tremendous pain.

Her groan of pain brought his lips to her face and he kissed her tearing closed eyes, then her mouth, carefully remaining still while she adjusted to him.

Levy knew it would hurt, she'd read plenty about this over the last couple of years, especially when wondering why she didn't have a boyfriend yet. She had to admit, when she'd started daydreaming about Gajeel, she had wondered if her body could handle a man so much bigger than her, so she had read up on that as well. Reading hadn't even slightly prepared her for the reality though.

Gajeels kisses though, his concerned eyes, the hint of guilt that she had sworn she wouldn't allow to happen all eased her and she willed her body to relax, she wanted this man, looking up at his handsome face she felt the last of her reservations leave her, God how much she wanted this man…

"Levy, sweet sexy Levy…are you ready for me?" He asked, she nodded "Ye…yes…I think so…I trust you Gajeel." and he began moving, pulling out until he almost left then thrusting back into her, she cried his name over and over as he found a rhythm that drew the reactions from her he wanted.

"You…feel..so…unh…amazing…Levy" He purred into her ear, she couldn't answer, she'd thought she reached the greatest pleasures her body could know but this…him inside her, it was so intimate, so wonderfully filling of the gaping need she had been so confused by before. This was what she had been begging for without knowing it.

He lifted her legs then, plunging even deeper into her, his full length reaching inside her and smiled with satisfaction at her reaction to his deep invasion.

"Nnngh…Ga…Ga..Jeel…it's too…much…I…I can't….oh…more!" She gasped out.

"You're liking that? You want more?" He asked, she cried his name again and he thrust faster, harder.

"Is…this…what you want…Levy?" He panted, eyes brilliant now, predatory, as she screamed his name with every thrust he rumbled again deep in his throat "Levy…be my lover….let me…unh…protect you…"

"Let me…claim you…take me…Levy…as your mate"

"Ye….ahhh!" Levy gasped

"Say it…say yes Levy…surrender to…me!" He growled

"Gajeel! I love you…"

"Say…you..are…MINE!" Gajeel demanded

"I'm….ah…yours…Ga….jeel….forever!" Levy moaned as his mouth moved along her neck.

She felt them, those long sharp fangs, skimming over her flesh until he chose the place and then she gasped, unable to breathe as they sank into her, her head going back as his powerful thrusts sent more pleasure than the pain his fangs were causing and she went over the edge of ecstasy.

Gajeel drew her blood into his mouth hungrily as she spasmed in his arms, rolling through an orgasm that left her limbs weak and shaking. He kissed her then and she could taste her own blood on his lips.

He waited a few moments then lifted her from the bed, sitting back on his knees and letting her settle on his lap, her legs around his waist with him still deeply seated within her. As he started moving her, holding her hips and sliding her up and down she clung to his shoulders "Gajeel…unh…oh God….more?" She said softly, sleepy eyes on him.

He smiled "I'm not done shorty…"

"Ahh…ahhh…I can…feel that…" She smiled, starting to move her hips and making him growl.

"I've tasted you…your blood…." He told her, she moaned, rolling her head back as she rode him

"You're mine…and I want to be yours Levy…"

She looked at him "Ye…yes….I want…you to be…mine" She gasped out

He smiled, suddenly rising, holding her firmly in place but pressing her back against the smooth oak headboard of the bed.

"No more holding back…" He grinned.

Now he pounded into her fiercely, she cried out, grasping the solid headboard, his shoulders, finally digging her nails into his back as he thrust into her with deep powerful thrusts that left her gasping. "Ga…Gajeel, too deep…I…ahh! Harder!"

He drug his teeth over her neck "Ah…Le…vy….so….demanding!" He gasped as she bit his neck, scraped her nails across his shoulders and arched her back, meeting his thrusts with her own until he couldn't contain himself anymore and went with her over the edge, his thick seed filling her and she gasped out his name again and he slid back down to the bed with her, both of them struggling to catch their breath.

He rolled to his back, pulling her over him so she laid across his body. She ran a hand over his chest, fingers tracing the lines of the defined muscle there. "Still wish I'd left?" She asked, his arm pulled her hard against him "Mmm, no teasing." He rumbled but he was smiling.

She kissed his shoulder, lazily moving her hand over his abs, looking down over his body in wonder, she loved him, the feeling kept growing almost by the moment, the aching need for him did too and it amazed her. She reached up and touched the spot on her neck where he had bitten her and winced a little, it was tender but not swelling.

His hand joined hers, his fingers gliding over the red mark, the four distinct punctures from his fangs. "It will heal fast, you'll like it…"He said, smiling when her eyes came curiously to his after hearing the sexy hint in his tone. "I'll show you that later, it needs a little time. Until then…." His hands were moving over her back, grasping her hips and moving her fully over him, pulling her legs open so she straddled him, she gasped, feeling his erection slide back inside of her.

Her eyes closed as his hands slid up her body and she moved forward then back, pulling him easily into her and moaning as she pushed down over his hips taking him deep inside her. He gasped.

"Levy…" He breathed out in a hard rush as she rotated her hips. They were lost again in each other and couldn't stop, every time they collapsed after powerfully trying to sate themselves, both were almost immediately in need of more.

As the sun came into the cabin Levy was only dimly aware of it, Gajeels body deep within her, his sexy growls and wicked promises driving her ability to think away from her. She was a woman in the arms of a dragon, being claimed by his insatiable desire for her, each time ,though it seemed impossible, he had new ways to drive her wild.

He brought out food at one point, sweet crusty bread and cheese and a bottle of dark red wine and they fed each other in front of the fire on the thick braided rug there, Levy had never dreamed food could be so erotic but he made it that way, filling two hungers at once before carrying her into the shower so they could clean away all of the wine they had gotten all over each other.

The time faded, she was only vaguely aware of days passing. Gajeel went out for wood for the fire and returned smiling, a large bag in his hands full of clothes and some of Levys soaps and body sprays. "Lilly must have left this." He chuckled and she had been thrilled to find her warm fluffy robe in the bag.

The cabin was well supplied, he had planned to be there for as much as two months. As the second week came toward it's end she lay breathless in his arms on the braided rug "I..I don't understand…how it gets better every time we…" She said, he smiled, kissing her "I'm learning…" he said softly, she looked at him, his eyes were so soft then, love for her so clear in them it was almost overwhelming.

"Learning?" She asked, he kissed her again, and trailed kisses to her neck "I'm learning what you want, your desires, what you need from me to feel…sated…safe…cherished." At her amazed look he slid his teeth over her and made her gasp "it's part of it all Levy…I'm to a point where my pleasure is dependent on yours and it's starting to work both ways."

"Before we leave here, your body wont ever want another mans touch, and mine will never respond to another woman. We will be…mated."

She closed her eyes, sliding her fingers into his thick black hair and kissing him, "Mmm, I…I…didn't realize how…deep…this would be."

He smiled, he hadn't ever dreamed this would happen, he hugged her tightly against him, "Forever." He said and she made a happy sound, kissing him until he moaned and had to push her back onto her back, needing her again intensely.

After the season ebbed and released it's hold on the Dragon Slayers, Makarov sat on the bar, smiling to himself. At a table nearby Lucy sat leaning back into Natsus arms, talking happily with Cana while his hand twirled a lock of her golden hair around one of his fingers. The couple had returned a couple of days ago, both happier than anyone had ever seen them.

A few days after their return he had been delighted to watch Levy walk in, Gajeels hand in hers, dragging him to the table by Lucy and Natsu and sliding into his lap, his massive arms encircling her as she started talking brightly with Lucy. The dark slayers eyes were calm, happy and Makarov looked upwards "Thank you, for the joy of my children…" He said softly, adding a silent prayer as he watched Panther lilly land on the table and get snatched up in the arms of Gajeel and Levy for hugs and kisses he tried valiantly to fend off but finally grudgingly accepted.

He prayed his grandson would soon know what Gajeel and Natsu had found, this peace in the love of a wonderful woman. If it could tame Natsus wildness, and soothe Gajeels turmoil, such a thing could surely bring happiness to his brooding, unhappy grandson. Maybe next year…

Authors Note. So there it is, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm starting research for my next one, open to suggestions/requests. I type about 60wpm so once I get going with one of these I will usually lay them out and get into editing quickly and I dont stop on a story until I have it wrapped to ship. The reviews really help and I really appreciate them!