Gajeel was going nuts. After Natsu had released him he had started walking in the most opposite direction of the blonde girl as he could. He had gotten far enough away that he hadn't heard or smelled them but still…

How could that pink haired idiot get some when he was left wondering the forest being consumed by his heat?! And now, he couldn't even fight with the bastard to let loose some of his pent up energy!

His skin started to crawl again. It made him stop in his tracks. He was going to reach his peak soon. After that the rest of the week would go by in a breeze. But right now, he felt like his skin was going to split!

'An animal,' he growled to himself, 'that's all I am right now.'

Far off, he heard a noise. Someone was sneaking around.

"Geehee," he smiled.

Someone looking for a fight.

He kept into a tree, stalking through the branches. Leaping over a few more trees, he found the culprit.

A man, wearing all black, was slinking around in the bushes. He didn't look like too much of a threat, however, Gajeel couldn't help but notice the knife in his hand. From his posture and his movements, he could tell he was hunting something… but what?

Gajeel took in a deep breath and almost choked. The heat under his skin flared like a raging fire. He could feel his skin turning into scales. His claws dug into the tree limb, trying desperately to hold his pulsing body in place.

'What in the fucking hell is Levy doing out here?!' it took all he had not to let out a growl.

A picture started forming in his head. The man with the knife, the unsuspecting Levy walking too close, him grabbing her, raping her, killing her….

Rage was blinding him.

He could see the blue-nette's hair as she approached their position. The man with the knife getting ready to pounce…

Gajeel lept, grabbing the man by the throat and pinning him behind a tree. His claws were digging into his flesh. Gejeel grabbed the knife by the blade and yanked it from his hands. He could smell his blood, the delicious iron in it seeping through his fingers. Gejeel licked his lips, instilling fear in the villain.

He could smell Levy as she walked by, a growl forming in his belling and traveling to his chest.

"Was she the one you were hunting?" he growled low, his face inches away from the man's.

"N-no…" he stammered.

"Tch… I can smell a liar from a mile away," Gajeel grinned wickedly. The man's pulse jumped, confirming the fact, "You cam on a bad day,"

Levy heard a blood-curdling scream that was suddenly cut short. She spun around. She had just walked past where it had come from.

In a split second she decided to see what it was.

If it was too much to handle, then what?

'Gajeel's around here,' she thought to herself, 'He'd find me before I got hurt I'm sure,'

She remembered seeing him run off into the forest. She knew Natsu had tone there and wondered what was up. I mean, Natsu did this every year, but Gajeel too? Were they picking a fight or what?

Taking a deep breath, she headed for the scream, her solid script ready.

She stepped around some bushes and felt something squish under her feet. She looked down at the ground and gasped. It was covered in blood!

Fear made sweat bead at the back of her neck. She noticed a shadow in the distance.

"Who's there?!" she yelled, her hand ready to cast a spell, "Come out right now!"

The shadow moved, a part of it falling to the ground. Panic entered her heart as she realized it was a body… the cause of all the blood.

"What do you want?" two red eyes looked over at her, "Shrimp?"

"G-Gajeel?!" she gasped.

He took a step out of the shadows. The sight made her back away. His hands and arms were covered in blood, his hand was sliced open, and there was blood splattered on his face, neck, and chest. Levy tried not to assume the worst. Maybe it was Gajeel's blood on the ground? Maybe whoever was on the ground was unconscious and had attacked him?

'Or maybe he killed them in cold blood,' the thought scared here to the bottom of her heart, 'After all didn't he crucify you, carve the FairyTail symbol into your flesh, just because you were part of the guild?'

'No! He's different now!' the inner battle seemed to be tearing her apart.

Gajeel just watched her. She was cute when she was scared. Dark thoughts started going through his head.

"Might as well… you did just brutally murder a man for stalking her. A punishable crime, yes, but should his life be the price?'

Gejeel let loose a growl. The heat had faded when he'd let loose on the man. With every drop of blood spilt, it seemed to cool his skin until the death-smell was released from his bloodied corpse. Now the heat was returning with Levy so close. But for now, he could control it.

"Levy," her attention immediately went to him, "I killed him,"

"What?!" she gasped, join gale, "But.. Why?!"

"He was going to attack you, Shrimp," a growl finding its way out of his throat at just the thought, "And right now, I can't find it in me to have mercy. So if I were you, I'd leave before I no longer allow it,"

"What?! What's going on Gajeel?!" her fear was replaced with anger, "I thought you'd changed wince joining Fairy Tail! You can't tell me you've been out here slaughtering people! Natsu wouldn't let that happen! What's going on?!"

"C'mon bookworm," Gajeel smirked, "Use that brain of yours,"

"What?" she was caught off guard.

"Natsu leaves the same time every year since he's come of age? And I'm stuck out here too? Think about it. Two dragon slayers, suddenly more aggressive, can't be around anyone for a week every year? Could you possibly know why?" he smirked, watching the wheels turning in her head, the heat slowly rising. he couldn't keep this up much longer, "i'll give you a hint, Shrimp; it happens to dragons too,"

Realization suddenly hit her face.


"THAT'S why?" she blushed, her blue hair falling around her face, hiding the embarrassment in her eyes.

"You're smarter than you look, bookworm," he growled, the heat boiling under his skin, "Now, if I were you, I'd leave,"

"Huh?" she froze. Blush was still creeping up her face. She couldn't help the thought that crept into her mind. How long had she had feelings for him? And now that they were completely alone, he was telling her to leave? Even in the state he was in? Did she really mean nothing to him?

Gajeel thought he saw hurt flash through her eyes but couldn't be certain. The heat was back with a vengeance, driving him crazy. He balled his hands into fists, his claws sinking into the palms of his hands, causing his blood to start dripping. She was so petite and soft, the complete opposite of the large metal dragon slayer. His eyes traced a line from her lips, to her jaw, her neck, her chest…. He was undressing her with his mind. How couldn't he? The girl was beautiful.

Then the thought of pulling her to the ground and having his way with her crossed his mind, making the heat surge again.

He stepped towards her, having to dig his claws deeper to make himself stop. She was staring at him, her brown eyes taking him in. He locked eyes with her, the lust driving him insane. Maybe she wasn't so smart after all, staying so close to a frenzied dragon even knowing why.

'Or maybe she wants this to happen?' he smiled wickedly.


'Fine,' he started towards her, 'let's have some fun,'

Her smell was intoxicating. He decided to stop holding back. Let her see what she was doing to him. He had warned her. How was it his fault if she didn't leave when he told her to?

As he approached her, he saw her shiver. Damn, did he like that look in her eyes. But then, he hated that look when he pinned her to that tree. That fear in her eyes. Maybe it was his dragon side, but seeing it now sent a tantalizing feeling all the way down to his hardening dick. A heartless smile tugged at the dragon slayer's lips.

His eyes were blazing as his face got ever closer to hers. her large scared eyes were locked with his. God he loved this feeling! knowing she was under his spell. He felt in control, able to manipulate her any way he wished.

he hadn't felt this way since leaving Phantom Lord.

A low, menacing growl ripped its way from his throat. He took in a deep breath, taking in her scent.

"Fear…" he growled, inches from her face now, "confusion… anger… and, what's this?"

His eyes widened and he licked his lips. The tiny script mage was visibly shaking before him now. But oh! how amazing her scent was!

"Do I smell DESIRE?" Gajeel's voice was just a hiss on Levy's ear. A small gasp came from her delicious lips.

"I'll let you run now," Gajeel breathed, "that is, if you think you're fast enough to escape your hunter,"

Levy knew there'd be no way she'd be able to escape the deranged dragon slayer before her. And deep down inside, she didn't want to. The thoughts were tumbling through her head so fast she didn't know what to do. Once again at the mercy of the Iron Mage, all she could do was bite her lip with fear slowly icing her veins.

Suddenly, she decided to take the dragon slayer off guard. She was through being toyed around with! With one swift motion, she slipped the short dress up over her head and threw it onto the bloody ground. To her surprise, Gajeel recoiled. But she wasn't finished. Turning her head, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Watching the Iron Dragon's reaction as she reached her hand back to unclip her bra…

"STOP," two warm hands clamped her arms to her sides. She looked up, startled. Gajeel was once again up close and personal, but the lust raging in his eyes was almost overpowering.

"What? This isn't what you wanted?" Levy purred, pressing her body up against his, her breath ghosting over his chest. A deep rumble resounded from his chest, making the blue-nette shiver, "Not so fun when your prey doesn't run away, is it?"

He leaned down to her ear. She could hear the clink of metal against teeth as he licked the inside of his mouth.

'A tongue piercing?' she thought

"This is your last chance," he panted. His resolve was wearing thin. The heat was consuming his body and sanity. He felt like he would snap any minute. Slowly, he brought one metal-scaled hand up to her porcelain throat. He ran on sharp claw from her collar, across her fragile neck, bringing it to dig into the soft flesh under her chin, lifting up her face and making her stand on her tip-toes, eyes squeezing shut from the pain of it, "Unless you're ready for the ride of your life, little Fairy,"

Swallowing hard, she grabbed a fist-full of his raven hair and dragged his face down for a fiery kiss. In a haze, the next thing she knew, she was on the blood-soaked ground. The cooled blood was slimy against her back. Gajeel was on top of her, his claws making fast work of her bra. She felt like she was being consumed by the heat of his kisses. His tongue was fighting for dominance in her mouth, the metal bead of his piercing catching against her teeth. She couldn't help the moans of pleasure escaping her lips as he roughly grabbed her breasts.

Gajeel's kisses suddenly left her mouth as he began making his way down her body The way his fangs scraped against her flesh made her shiver under him and he loved it. She was so tiny he felt he could break her…

'And I just might before the night's over,' he growled in his head.

he didn't care to understand how things had gotten this way. All he knew was the heat was threatening to boil him alive any minute if he didn't have her screaming this name soon.

Mad with lust, he knew he was being too rough with the poor little elf. His claws were leaving thin, red lines down her skin. He started biting her neck, lingering anywhere that caused her to moan just a little louder. By the time he got to her breasts, she was already panting, begging him not to stop as he suckled on each of her little pink nubs.

DAMN he couldn't get enough of her body!

Even with his head foggy with desire he could appreciate the sick fantasy playing out before him. This small spell-caster was moaning his name as he did unspeakable things to her in a pool of blood that was not their own. he couldn't believe how much of a pervert the is blue-haired mage had turned him into!

With a growl, Gajeel grabbed her by the hips and roughly turned her over and brought her to her knees.

"G-Gajeel!" she gasped in surprise. he splayed his taloned hand over her back, riffing n his claws and making her back arch as a moan escaped her lips.

"don't worry," he purred, rubbing his long, hard dick against her soaking pussy, "This won't hurt… much…."

He forced his head inside of her, feeling how tight she was round his rock-hard member. She gasped, pulling at the grass under her fingers. Gajeel almost came right then and there. Fuuuuuckk…. He'd never had a virgin before. He dug his claws in her back and ass, a deep growl parting his lips as he slowly pulled back out.

"Damnit Levy!" he gasped, sliding only his head inside again, stretching her out a little.

"Gajeel!" she paned, "Damnit! Stop teasing me!"

A growl rocked through his ribcage as a smile curled up the edges of his lips, "As you wish…"

With one hard thrust he forced himself inside of her until he was completely sheathed inside of her. Levy screamed from the pain and pleasure of it, her arms faltering underneath her. Gajeel started slamming in and out of her, driving her higher. She was screaming his name and each time sent a chill down his spine to his tightening balls. Levy was being consumed by the pleasure that rocked her body. She couldn't even dream that the iron dragon would make her feel like THIS. With each thrust he was sending her spiraling towards the edge! Her legs were shaking and she knew it was join got happen any minute!

"Gajeel!" she screamed, "I'm going to…! I'm going to…!"

"GOD… DAMNIT!" Gajeel roared, grabbing Levi's hair and yanking her head back.

They both came at the same time as Gajeel sank his elongated fangs into her soft neck, marking her as his mate. As he released her, they both collapsed onto the blood-soaked ground.

Levy was still shaking, but now it was from the pleasure that had just rocker her body. Gajeel's muscles ached inane amazing way and the heat had finally retreated from his body. Opening one red, exhausted eye, he studied his new mate.

"Oi," he huffed, propping himself onto his side to look at her, "You ok?"

"I'm amazing," she smiled shyly.

"Geehee," he gave her a wicked grin, "so… how did I do?"

Her face turned an even deeper shade of red and she looked away from him, "It was ok, I guess,"

"Oh is that all? Well don't worry, there's more where that came from," he winked at her

'More?' Levy didn't know how much more of that she could handle.

"Hey," Gajeel put his arm around her, "you're mine now, understand? And if anyone EVER tries to take you away or hurt you… I will KILL them,"

The look in his eyes told Levy he wasn't lying, but she didn't think that was really a bad thing.

"I love you, Levy," he said softly, kissing her on the nose.

"I love you too," she mailed at him.

Gajeel took off his feathered jacket and wrapped it around his blue-haired bookworm. Lifting her off the ground gently, he carried her back to his apartment.