Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it! For those of you who don't, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Getting back into writing in present tense was both difficult and disturbingly easy. Gotta quash the impulse to write more fics in present tense.

This chapter is dedicated to ChaoticDucky, who waited so patiently for so long for this chapter. Sorry it took me this long to continue this story.

Great trepidation floods Rogue's body as he eyes the guild hall of his friends. The great ruckus emanating from within the building is an assault on his Dragon Slayer senses, and it's a wonder that the other Dragon Slayers in the guild can withstand the constant bombardment of noise and smells. It's a wonder, too, that despite this, he still fully intends to enter and seek out one member in particular.

It's been a couple of weeks since Lucy made the reckless journey to Sabertooth. Although Rogue wanted to visit the Celestial Mage much sooner, work seems to always get in the way – along with the bills he still needs to pay. It's the first day he's taken off, and he fully intends to spend it visiting Fairy Tail. But the cacophony is giving him second thoughts and although he's not one hundred percent certain as to why, Rogue trusts his instincts when they tell him to flee a situation.

Frosch, however, holds none of Rogue's conflicting feelings, the cat heading straight for the door and forcing Rogue into following his little friend.

Entering brings the entire fracas to a standstill. Every individual within the guild collectively turns to stare at the interloper, and Rogue suddenly has the feeling that he's interrupted something important. Building materials are scattered all around, and the scent of sweat and paint fumes is overpowering.


The cheery calling of his name turns the Dragon Slayer towards the source. Lucy is rapidly winding her way past her guildmates who – upon seeing that it's just a Saber – return to their tasks. There's paint splashed across her cheek and in her hair, but she hardly seems to notice in her excitement.

She beams upon spotting Frosch as well. "Hello, Rogue! And Frosch as well!"

"Lucy!" the Exceed proclaims happily, holding its arms up. When Lucy acquiesces and picks the Exceed up, Frosch comfortably settles into her arms. "Fro and Rogue came to visit!"

Her laughter is infectious, and so is her smile. "And I'm happy to see both of you!"

Rogue's answering smile at the two of them is small, but heartfelt. "What are all of you making?" he asks with a glance around the hustle and bustle. "I thought Fairy Tail wasn't participating in the parade this year, so they can't be floats."

Lucy's smile abruptly turns into a grimace. "Turns out we need to make more stands to accommodate all the attention our S-Class trials garnered." Raising an eyebrow, Rogue contemplates the guild at large with clear concern. "We're making the stands on site!" Lucy hurriedly adds, sweat running down the back of her neck. "These are just the signs and smaller things."

Relief washes through him. Oh good. They never would have been able to get the stands out of the guild hall if they'd built them inside.

"Would you like some help?" he offers. This isn't what he had planned in coming here, but then he didn't really have any plans in the first place so if this was how he ended up spending his time with Lucy then that would be fine, too.

His partner is all for the idea. "Fro will help, too!"

Attacked on two fronts, Lucy capitulates swiftly. "Sure, that'd be great. Hate to make you guys do work though when you're guests…"

"I want to."

Rogue's emphatic, clear-cut answer heads off any further protest on Lucy's part. "Well, if you insist… then I don't see any more reasons why not."

The Dragon Slayer follows Lucy back to the sign she was working on before. Unlike others who are working in groups, Lucy is alone at her task so far as Rogue can tell. Her sign is in the shape of the Fairy Tail Guild's emblem, though of huge proportions. A clear coat has already been applied, and one corner of it has the first coating in a gorgeous goldenrod hue. Rogue can't help but compare the shade to Lucy's hair.

He wonders where the green paint on Lucy's face and hair came from.

Although, knowing Fairy Tail, he doesn't rule out the notion that they'd engaged in a paint-flinging contest prior to his arrival. It seems like something they would do.

Then Lucy hands him a paintbrush and Rogue is confronted with an entirely different dilemma than the mystery of the green paint.

Rogue has zero idea how to paint.

It is no secret that Sabertooth is a combat-oriented guild. Jiemma had been a monster that had revered strength above all else, and any other talent was basically worth less than garbage. He also imposed his rule with an iron fist that put Gajeel to shame. Therefore, any request that was put in for anything outside of that was rejected long before it ever reached the mages. Furthermore… Sabertooth was the only guild that Rogue had ever been a part of. Much as he'd watched Gajeel and wished to join Phantom Lord when he was younger… well, Phantom Lord hadn't been too different in that regard and honestly the idea of Gajeel taking any sort of job that didn't hold at least some potential for violence was pretty laughable. (The Iron Dragon Slayer is also conspicuously absent at the moment.)

So he's left holding an object he has only a basic understanding of how to use.

Does he hold it overhand? Underhand? Wing it?

In the end, he chooses to mimic Lucy, but he's starting to come to the conclusion that she doesn't actually know what she's doing either. In fact, judging by the swearing and sounds of paint splattering all around the guild hall, he suspects that none of them do.

He gets into a rhythm with the brush while he works on his section of the emblem. It's soothing, he realizes. Not too different from blade work – lulling him into a sort of meditative state so strong that it takes him a couple minutes to realize that Lucy is talking to him.

"Sorry," he mutters, embarrassment sweeping through him. "I wasn't… I was zoning out. What was that, again?"

Instead of offense, his honest reply garners mirth from the Celestial Mage. "That's okay, it wasn't important," she says. "Just making small talk."

Upset by his lack of courtesy, Rogue prompts, "How is your training going?"

Lucy's brush pauses as she shivers in horrified remembrance. "Capricorn has my schedule locked down tighter than the Council's prisons. He could be a drill sergeant if he wanted. His training is brutal…" Companionable silence falls between them as they continue to paint. Then, Lucy adds, "But it's worth it, in the end. It's a lot easier to summon spirits one after another now, and I think my hand-to-hand skills have gotten better." A mock sob erupts from her, startling Rogue. "His diet restrictions are horrible, though! No milkshakes! For an entire month! Can you believe that?!"

Frosch gasps in absolute horror.

"A truly terrible fate," Rogue intones, not unsympathetic but not yet accustomed to displaying it outright and on cue (sympathy being the easiest way to turn Jiemma's attention on you next and something altogether avoided until recently and therefore not yet Sabertooth's strong suit. It's still a work in progress). He doesn't quite get why she'd need to diet at all, to be honest. She looks fantastic, honestly speaking. Having one's sweets taken away isn't a fate he wishes on anyone, however.

Lucy, of course, misinterprets his speech. "Okay, okay, so maybe it's not as bad as all that, and I could stand to lose a couple pounds. But I don't have to like it."

The Shadow Dragon Slayer stares at Lucy, uncomprehending. Not sure where he's gone wrong in the conversation, yet pretty sure that he somehow has.

Clearing her throat, Lucy returns her attention to painting, and Rogue does the same. It's silent for a few minutes. Lucy eventually breaks it. "So… what have you two been up to since I last saw you?"

Flinging its arms into the air in excitement, Frosch unintentionally sends paint splattering from its paintbrush onto both Rogue and Lucy. "Rogue and Fro went on lots of jobs!"

"Oh? What kind of jobs?"


Lucy gives the Exceed a fond smile. "I bet you were an excellent guard, Frosch."

Pleased by the praise, Frosch's tail thrashes, dunking into the paint can and splashing around.

"Hey!" someone from the group next to them complains. "Watch where you're throwing the paint!"

"Sorry!" Lucy apologizes. "We'll be more careful."

"Fro is sorry…" Frosch adds, dejected and eyes starting to fill with tears.

Rogue turns his crimson glare onto the guild member. In response, they hurriedly turn away and go back to their work. The Dragon Slayer lets it go, and gives the Exceed a pat on its head in reassurance. "Just be a little more careful from now on," he gently instructs, and Frosch nods in agreement.

A few minutes pass, and Rogue starts to feel lightheaded. Chalking it up to too little sleep the night before, he ignores it and continues to paint.

With the three of them, it isn't long before the first coat of paint is fully applied. Lucy admires their handiwork with a smile. "Looks great!" she praises. "Thanks for the help you two!"

"Happy to help," Rogue replies.

"Fro, too!" the cat exclaims.

Another wave of dizziness passes over Rogue. He blinks rapidly, trying to force it back.

But a moment later, he's collapsing onto the guild floor, to the terrified shouts of Lucy and Frosch.

When Rogue comes to, it's in bits and pieces. Bursts of groggy consciousness bright and painful and then dark again, only flare up once more after an indeterminate time frame. He fights it, trying to pull himself into full awareness.

"Whoa, stay down there, Tiger," a calming voice urges him. "You'll just pass out again if you try to get up too fast. If you wait there just a moment, I'll go tell Lucy and Frosch that you're awake."

The voice isn't one he immediately recognizes. But the promise of Lucy and Frosch is enough to forestall any further attempts on Rogue's part to rise.

A small weight plops on his chest, lurching him out of another burst of unconsciousness. "Rogue!" Frosch cries. "You're okay!"

"Had us pretty worried for a bit," comes the teasing voice of Fairy Tail's Celestial Mage.

Rogue let out a groan and confesses, "My head is pounding. What happened?"

"Inhaled too many paint fumes." Lucy's face is apologetic. "Honestly, I should have known better – what with all the Dragon Slayers in my guild. I'm so sorry."

A yawn escapes Rogue's mouth before he can stop it. "It's fine," he mutters after it passes.

Lucy gives him a wry smile. "I'm guessing that's not everything, though." She knows her pressing has hit the target, when Rogue's gaze slides away from hers. "Look…" Patting his hand, her lips curl into something much softer than before. "I understand." All too well, unfortunately. "If you don't want to talk about it right now, that's perfectly okay."

Her inability to deal with her nightmares was largely the reason that their friendship has come to be, after all. And she still hasn't discussed the issue fully with him. It's a hurdle she can't yet bring herself to even attempt to leap over. So yes… she understands very well.

"But please…" she continues. "Please know that someone will always be here to listen to you when you need it." Then her grin turns fierce, and she lays her hand on his Exceed partner's head. "And that someone is Frosch. Right Frosch?"

"Yeah! Fro will always be there for Rogue!"

Unbidden, a laugh bursts from deep in Rogue's chest, reverberating in Fairy's Tail's small infirmary.

If Lucy had previously thought that Rogue's smile was a gift from the gods before, then holy shit she is not prepared for this. Her heart is threatening to break free of her ribcage at the glorious sound.

A sound which Rogue, in turn, is inevitably picking up with his keen hearing, she's sure.

It's infectious, she finds. And soon she's echoing the sound, laughs of her own pouring from her mouth and her eyes crinkled in mirth.

Someday, she would like to be able to call herself one of Rogue's support pillars, she decides. It will take some time to get there, Lucy realizes. But she's willing to wait until he's ready to take the first steps in that direction. And in the meantime… she'll make sure that she's ready as well to meet him halfway.

In the back of her mind, Lucy begins to wonder if she's in deep water when it comes to the handsome Dragon Slayer.