I do not own Fairy Tail that is the wonderful Hiro Mashima!
Desna is the original creator and owner of her views of Bosco, The White Sea, the Pradesh clan and the White Sea Mages that may show up in here.
OMG the reviews yall made me cry! Glad you guys are enjoying it and I will try to make time to write but with the work grind I can't promise how quick my updates will be sorry. Also, I must apologize for Natsus word vomit last chapter I rewrote it like five times, but I couldn't get it perfect, so I gave up sorry if it was awkward and how cute of Beck and Natsu I just love them together! No promises on who Lucy will be with its still up in the air but love the feedback on what you hope to see!
Chapter Six
Listening in to the pink haired mages explanation to Beck from the window ledge I was stumped by the selflessness that was being told. It was going against everything that I have ever learned from her kind. Could she be an exception? With everything that I have witnessed so far, she hasn't shown any sign of the cruel selfish ways that I became accustomed to from celestial mages. This new information is rocking the foundation of what I thought I knew. Noting that the magical pressure from the blonde has decreased dramatically I decided to climb back through the window on the second floor where I was perched listening in.
Zen come up to my office we need to talk about what we just heard.
Shaking my head of course Kaleb wants to talk about it already. I don't even know what to think about this. Noticing Bickslow ascending the stairs he must have been asked to join Kaleb as well. Meeting him at the landing to go up another floor I give him a weak smile and he just gives me a glare. This is going to be lovely meeting.
Stepping into the office I reluctantly lean against the wall by the desk still unable to have anyone stand behind me from the days in the pit. Just waiting for Kaleb to get this started since he was the one that wanted to discuss this. Bickslow takes a seat in front of the desk leaning forward with his elbows on his knees staring at the floor as if he is still processing it as well.
"I just want to make sure we are all on the same page that what we heard should not be repeated and be any cause for to treat her differently."
"You knew this from Natsu on the ship, didn't you?"
The angry accusatory tone did not sound right coming out of Bickslow. Looking back and forth between my brothers I knew I missed out on something but didn't care enough to pry.
"Yes, I heard it from him, but it wasn't for me to share. Frankly I think Natsu shouldn't have just blurted it out in the guild either. If Lucy would find out, she would angry and devastated especially if either of you started treating her differently."
Bickslow ran his hand through his trihawk and down his face. As if rubbing it out of his head would make him forget.
"I can't believe cosplayer would hide something that huge from everyone. But I guess it does make sense she wouldn't want people to treat her different and that would definitely happen with our crazy guild."
Bickslow looks at me with a harsh glare.
"Do you believe me now that she isn't like the celestial mages you have met before? I know she even pulled strings to get that book for you from the celestial realm."
"She gave you a book on your magic?"
Rolling my eyes at Kalebs eager tone. He has always had a weakness for learning new things and my rare magic was no exception.
"Yes, her spirit Leo gave me a book on my magic he said she had to get permission from the Spirit King to let me have it. I do admit that she is acting quite out of character but what if it is just for show? I just don't know and with how our magic reacts together I don't want to be around her more than I have to."
"Zen, I know you have problems trusting people because of the way you were raised. But trust me when I tell you that she is not being deceitful. She isn't trying to do anything other than look for her lost key and have some fun while she is here."
Looking between my brothers that the blonde seemed to have wrapped around her fingers already I let out a sigh in defeat.
"I will try to give her the benefit of the doubt. But if she tries to bind me, I will not hold back on protecting myself. You both being friends with her be damned."
I rush out of the office done with the conversation and ready to be alone with my thoughts I head to the gym to do some mind-numbing workouts. The only consistent thing I have between my old life and new life is how much I truly enjoy working out. The burn of my muscles the push to do better than the day before. It is something that I have been doing for so long I could probably do it in my sleep. The only difference between my old life and new life is I no longer have to keep an eye out that no one is going to try to jump me and rape me.
I think back to the blonde and all that I have witnessed from her so far. Her playfulness with her friends. Her tenderness to those that ask to share pleasure and now the selflessness she has shown for her nakama. Her gift to me giving me the knowledge of my magic and understanding of its creation I am still unsure how to feel about. Is it a sort of bribery to make her on my good side or did she simply help me because I am Bickslows brother? The fact that three of my five brothers are friends with her should make me more at ease. Maybe if our magic didn't have such a strong reaction, I could be friends with her as well.
Shaking my head using a towel to wipe my face of excess sweat. Even from here two floors below I can feel the thrum of her magic although it did decrease dramatically from when she ripped off her armband. She must have put it back on incase I came back. Deciding to go home and read more of my book to distract myself from the blonde that seems to be possessing my mind.
AN: I love yall for the reviews you guys are the MVPS! Much love to you! Sending out virtual hugs to you all! Should next chapter be a back at Fairy Tail to see whats going on there? Sorry so short I didn't know how to move to the next scene quite yet so I still need another sort of filler chapter.
Amongst this COVID-19 crisis I hope and pray that this all will end soon and that all of you are being safe and stay healthy! I myself am still working since my job is considered "Life Sustaining" since I work in medical records and send records to other medical facilities to help with continued care. Along with that I am going home and doing cyber school with my kids so no time to breath but I am trying to work on my writing sorry! If you all are quarantined or shelter in place for weeks just keep yourself occupied, consider it a stay-cation. Read, Write, Watch, and Create! I have a tbr pile a mile long and 7 wips in folders that wished I could stay home! Sending love to you all in this crazy times!