Reviews for His Brother's Girlfriend's Neighbour
Guest chapter 9 . 1/20/2019
this chapter made my heart so happy! 3
Spyguy275 chapter 9 . 6/9/2018
Amazing fic
AfterWriter chapter 9 . 6/6/2018
Great job! Loved it!
piranha pk chapter 9 . 6/2/2018
A great ending to a great story! Thank you for writing it :)
fictionalhearts chapter 9 . 5/31/2018
I really like this story and it's sad to see it end. Would like to read more.
Drafonfly chapter 9 . 5/27/2018
Awww why does it have to end? Loved this story! I am so sad to see it end.
Where'sTheFood chapter 9 . 5/28/2018
I ADORE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! and the whole story by miles! It felt so fit into the story! True, it's such a sucker puncher to the heart and I could feel Gajeel's pain and anguish all throughout. But it felt so bittersweet at the same time. How Levy was there for him, being his support through all the hardship. It felt so right because Gajeel had been so independent and had relied on no one but himself, and having him so vulnerable here was such a complete turn around for him, more so that he allowed Levy in to see him like that and let her help him pick himself up. This is such an amazing story and I don't remember if I've expressed all my love for it but I truly love this so much! From the very beginning I loved their interactions. This feels such a natural story that I could see happening any day any time and with your narrative it still feels so unique and wonderful! I always love Gajeel being conflicted with his feelings for Levy but you portrayed that in an unique way that I loved so much and all the awkwardness between them is so cute and adorable and I always return to this story from time to time to feel all fuzzy in the inside! Thank you thank you thank you so much for a wonderful story and a marvelous wrap up of this!
JGio23 chapter 9 . 5/28/2018
Good story. It’s one of my faves and one I keep going back to read over and over. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing it!
AfterWriter chapter 8 . 4/29/2018
Oh my goodness I love this story! I love how you have written the characters and I really really hope you continue this story because it is fantastic! Love Love Love
LevyLoveGaLe chapter 8 . 1/17/2018
This makes me honestly so happy
frantsiskakutevska chapter 8 . 1/15/2018
Love the story. I think it's really good. I even like the way their relationship is making everything seems more natural.
JGio23 chapter 8 . 1/14/2018
Squee! So happy to see an update! Hope you'll continue until the end! Love your story!
piranha pk chapter 8 . 1/14/2018
Yaassssss next chapter xD don‘t worry about forgetting, dear! Life happens to all of us xD glad that you’re back at it tho ;) great chapter as always! You’re still killing me with the FEEEELLLLSSSSS~ :D
JGio23 chapter 7 . 12/3/2017
Just read again. Hope you'll come back to finish this one! Love it!
Senkita chapter 7 . 11/25/2017
Noooo... I want to read more. I feel really bad for Levy in this chapter. Gajeel has been thinking about breaking up with her this whole chapter and most likely being a pretty crappy boyfriend. She deserves better.
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