Reviews for The Heiress
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 23 . 6/30
Laxus, my dude, you have got to start thinking with your OTHER head!
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 20 . 6/30
Tbh I’m kinda surprised she gave in so quick after everything that happened to her and him basically saying you’re on your own. Like he knows he fucked up but last thing she said was she’d never be his
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 16 . 6/30
I am living for these sassy authors notes lmao
19vanelkc chapter 23 . 6/28
Guest chapter 23 . 6/26
tory72 chapter 23 . 6/28
Awesome chapter :) can't wait to see what happens next
QueenOfWS chapter 23 . 6/28
Please stay safe! You seem like you’re in a tough situation and I’m sorry your job is so dangerous right now! Good chapter though! Poor Laxus, he just can’t get his words together or get his feelings sorted out. I’m curious about what’s going to happen with Loke though.
BugBite24 chapter 23 . 6/27
Love it. Take care of yourself.
Sooluna05 chapter 23 . 6/27
What about Loke tho?
LunaStarLady chapter 23 . 6/26
Another awesome chapter. Can't wait for Lucy to save Loke and Laxus' reaction to it. **Squeee!**
takeagamble27 chapter 23 . 6/26
I feel you man. Everything is overwhelming emotionally but gotta be honest reading this story and seeing them be idiots around each other really helps me relax haha. So thanks for still updating
Rogue-Flamez chapter 23 . 6/26
im so happy to see that you updated. im sorry about how crazy things are, and I hope you stay safe. I've been putting off my writing, too so I get it. I wish you the best!
aliciacevbra chapter 23 . 6/26
Really things in the United States are not very good. But well, while the murderous hornets have already left in my country, we are going to have a plague of locusts and we had an alert for Tsunami and volcanic eruptions ... I feel like I forgot something ... Well, this 2020 wants to kill us.
3HaH3 chapter 23 . 6/26
Traduce español a inglés, Eres de EEUU cierto, yo soy de chile, el estallido social chileno es muy parecido, los policías mataron a mucha gente, le reventaron los ojos a más de 400 personas con las balas de goma. La primera línea fue quien dio la cara a los policías con escudos hechos a mano, con lentes especiales, con pintura VS armas. Me gusta tu fanfic y te ayudará a despejarte, lo mejor es no ver la tele porque realmente solo muestra lo que el gobierno quiere que muestre. Ánimos. Hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre, lema del estallido social.
graystripemkc chapter 23 . 6/26
Glad you're back! Excellent chapter as always.. laxus torture is my favorite torture! As for your AN, hugs. It's been hard for sure, I have had a few family members die, and people tell me oh they must have had preexisting conditions... It's all fucked. Same with the riots. I'm sorry you're going through the ringer like me. Hugs and I hope things get better for you. Thank you for the chapter
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