He wanted the first time they were together to be gentle, with soft music in the background and candles burning around them. Call him a secret romantic, a pansy in denial, but he wouldn't deny his girl if she asked for it. After all they had been through together, she at least earned a bit of romance, no matter if it tested his manliness. So what if Lily teased him for it? He was half surprised to find his apartment clean of flower petals whenever Levy popped up in their discussions, especially if he knew the cat like he did.
However, he hadn't planned to find himself pressing himself against the little mage in an abandoned cabin not a mile from their destination. The weather had turned ugly far too fast for his liking, and just as he'd turned to Levy to mention rushing to the village, a fat rain drop plopped on his nose. After that, the heavens opened and suddenly he was pulling her behind him as they ran for cover. It wasn't long before they were soaked to the bone, tripping through the mud as they raced towards the shelter of the village. Levy startled, stumbling as lightening pierced the skies overhead, followed by the thunderous explosion that rocked the ground under them. She fought to regain her balance, half dragged by the larger man as his longer legs covered more ground.
"Gajeel, wait, I can't-" she panted, reaching for him just as her foot slipped and twisted over a hidden twig. She cried out, pulling free of his grasp to land sharply on her palms as her ankle throbbed. She squeezed her eyes tight against the pain as she hissed, biting back a groan as she waited for the pain to pass. What she wasn't expecting were large yet gentle hands to hook under her pits and lift her off the ground, steadying her against him before sweeping her up in his arms. Ignoring her shocked squeak, he turned back to the road and pelted down the deteriorating path as the rain grew worse. The winds shifted behind them, drawing a string of curses as a sudden chill swept over them. Levy shivered, and buried her head under his chin, attempting to hide from the cold.
Gajeel nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt her cold nose brush across his collarbone. Though he was drenched to the bone and the cold seeped into his skin, he could feel a sudden heat swell in his chest, spreading to his cheeks as he gripped the little mage tighter in his arms, trying to shield her from the wind as he raced in the rain. They had to find shelter fast, otherwise the cold would overcome them and they'd catch illness.
He cursed again, nearly catching his foot on loose rocks when he saw it out of the corner of his eye; a cabin that was fairly hidden in the thick foliage and nearly damn impossible to see, even without the rain it was well hidden. Silently thanking the First, he sped towards it as another torrent of water nearly drowned them. He hoped it was empty, or that if it wasn't, that the occupants would be sympathetic to their plight. There was no way they were going to stay out in this deluge.
The windows were dark as he approached, and his senses immediately sprung to life. He couldn't see anyone moving in the windows as he peered in, and through the overwhelming smell of damp moss and pine, he couldn't smell any recent activity around the area. 'At least we'll have peace,' he thought as he reached the front door. The awning over the door provided slightly more shelter than the trees from the rain, but didn't stop the cold winds. Shivers racked Levy's small frame as he set her down, and she huddled against him, wincing over her sore ankle as he tested the door. After a little jarring, it swung open to them. Musty air wafted over them, confirming Gajeel's hunch from earlier.
"Can you walk?" He asked gruffly, turning back to Levy. She was still huddled against him, secretly pleasing him yet it caused an inkling of worry in his mind. 'She's too cold,' he realized, and without waiting for an answer, pulled her back up into his arms as he strode into the sudden dryness of the cabin.
She hadn't made a sound, yet she had stiffened against him, startled yet again by his actions. She hadn't expected him to carry her as far as he did, and without commenting on her slip. But then again, she hadn't meant to cling to him as she did. It was just that she had been freezing thanks to the rain and wind, and that the warmth of his skin was too much to resist. Not that she was going to mention that to him, nor the way she liked the way his scent of sweat and spice mixed with the rain. It took everything in her willpower not to gently press her lips to his skin and taste him.
She was thankful that he couldn't see her face at the moment, or she'd die from the embarrassment as her cheeks glowed. Where had these thoughts suddenly come from? She had no business daydreaming about her fantasies while they were on the job! Yet, as she continued to cling to him, shivering from the cold, she couldn't shake the desires out of her head. 'This is so bad,' she thought as he set her down on a dusty bench. 'I've got to control myself now, or I won't-'
"Levy?" Gajeel's voice rumbled in her ear, jerking her out of her thoughts and causing her to slightly flinch. Regretfully she pulled away from him, rubbing her hands over her sodden sleeves as she kept her eyes on the floor, unable to face him. She didn't need him to know how flustered she was becoming, though he could probably tell due to his blasted dragon senses. She nearly jerked her head back when his fingers brushed under her matted bangs, making way for his palm to firmly place itself on her forehead. There were few things about his abilities that she was jealous of, but she couldn't deny that his hand felt very good against her skin, and she sighed as she leaned into his hand.
"Tch, knew that freak storm was no good," he murmured as his hand slipped over her temple, gently cupping her cheek. His brow furrowed in consideration as he glanced over her flushed face, clearly not liking what he saw. He sighed as he knelt in front of her, nearly startling a squeak out of the girl. Her heart was racing as he raised her injured ankle, placing it on his knee as he began to probe it, inspecting it for further injuries. If he could hear it, he didn't say anything as he leaned over the injured limb.
Finally he leaned back, nodding to himself before glancing up at her, and nearly swore under his breath; she was shivering violently as she wrapped her arms around her sodden body, attempting to warm herself feebly. The air was cooler in the cabin than he anticipated; he could feel the icy tendrils seep through his own soaked clothes. Goosebumps rose on his arms as drafts of cold air hissed through cracks, spurring him into action.
"Lev, as soon as I get some wood you do your fire spell," he snapped, whipping his bag off and standing to survey their surroundings. It was dingier than he liked it, but somewhat dry. Hell, he wouldn't even mind if they camped with the bugs; it wasn't ideal, but necessary. He spotted the fireplace not too far away, and scooped Levy up, depositing her next to the hearth as he began his search for wood. The place had been abandoned for some time, thus only dusty twigs and broken furniture were available. He cursed lightly, tossing the twigs into the hearth as he turned to the furniture, preparing to break them down to fuel the fire. A breathy whisper and a crackle caused him to pause and turn to the hearth, where Levy had shuffled closer to the miniscule heat. She flinched when she bumped her bad ankle on the floor, and he bit back another curse, whirling back to the furniture and turned his fist into an ax.
He didn't dare turn his thoughts past getting Levy warmed and patched up as he chopped the old wood. That was going into dangerous territory, and he wasn't sure how much he'd be able to control the situation. He'd heard the subtle gasps she breathed when he carried her, how her heart raced when he'd touched her forehead. It was nearly more than he could take, and he had almost leaned down to brush his lips over her heated skin. His arms ached to do more than whisk her up and merely place her down; he wanted to hold her close to him, to feel her cling to him again. He had felt her cold nose nuzzle next to his skin in search of a warm spot, and swore he felt her breath on his neck; she had been that close to him.
The last of the old wood broke apart without much effort, and Gajeel began hauling it back to the fireplace, stoking the flames up as he tossed broken pieces and panels in. Soon, a respectable blaze roared in front of them, filling the hearth with heat. Levy sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned closer to soak in the comforting warmth. Gajeel sighed, pushing away to retrieve their packs. 'It won't be enough to get her warmed up all the way,' he thought, gulping. He pawed through the packs, dismayed when he discovered that everything in either pack had been as soaked as the two of them. He sighed as he laid everything out next to the hearth, Levy watching him curiously as he finally pulled out the bandages. He plopped himself down next to her, indicating that she place her foot back in his lap.
"I-I could do that, Gajeel," she protested. He merely snorted, and pulled her sandal off, tossing it away. She pouted, but didn't move to stop him as he began to wrap it gently around her foot. He sighed again, and looked up at her before turning back to her foot.
"Yer still too cold, even with the fire going," he began slowly, and Levy shuddered as though in agreement. "Both of us are soaked-"
"I know, Gajeel," she said suddenly, blushing as she stared into the fire. They'd been trained for situations like this; or at least, told what to do in the council. Pantherlily had the incredible pleasure of teasing both of them when they reported what it entailed: getting a fire going and stripping of wet clothes to prevent pneumonia. It was a silly thing to get flustered about, Levy had mused that day, but it was very entertaining to watch the dragon slayer blush and bluster about it.
Now, they were in that very situation. Levy wasn't sure if she was more embarrassed or excited, and didn't know how he'd react either. Even though they were technically lovers, they'd done nothing more than kissing or petting. She nibbled her lip, then nodded. 'It's only to get warm, nothing to get excited about,' she thought to herself, glancing back at Gajeel. He'd found her ankle very fascinating, even though he'd finished wrapping it long ago. He cleared his throat suddenly, avoiding her eyes as he glanced up and away, a dusting of red on his own cheeks.
"I'm gonna go over there and strip, I ain't gonna peek at ya," he mumbled, gently placing her foot on the ground. She stared at him for a moment before nodding, turning her body towards the fire again as he pushed himself up, shuffling to the colder, darker area of the cabin. When he grunted that his back was turned, she hastily began peeling the wet clothing off, shivering as the air hit her cold skin. She gulped when she could hear his own efforts in pulling his clothes off, and she could feel her blush expand from the top of her head all the way down her shoulders, following the dress that she slipped off. She placed all of them next to the fire along with the other items Gajeel had set out to dry. As she scooted closer to the flames, she trembled as she rubbed her arms and legs, wanting more than the fire gave. She was completely nude now, not even her panties had escaped being soaked. 'At least they'll be the first to dry,' she thought dryly as she hugged her shoulders.
She nearly screamed in surprise as a pile of sodden clothing were dropped on the other side other hearth, and she almost whipped her head around. Fortunately she hadn't, cause Gajeel was just as nude as her when she saw his boxer briefs on top of the pile. She buried her head in her arms, resisting the urge to peek at him while he spread his clothes around on the floor.
She did squeak when she felt his legs brush her back, sitting behind her and pulling her into his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her curled up frame, rubbing her arms as he lay his chin on her shoulder. She inhaled deeply, then leaned back against his torso, drawn in by his warmth. She closed her eyes as she rested her head back on his shoulder, letting her muscles relax as she dropped her arms. She could feel him stiffen suddenly, and turned her head to look at him. She hadn't expected his face to be this close, nor their lips to brush each other. He was practically redder than a lobster at this point, and she nearly giggled at him, but was unable to hide the smirk that graced her lips.
"O-oi, don't you laugh at me," he grumbled, wrapping his arms around her. "I oughta arrest you for that." She laughed at that, and pecked his cheek lightly with as small kiss. It was his favorite saying these days, one that no one really took seriously. It suits him, really, she mused as she watched him sputter, and kissed his cheek again, giggling as she watched the blush darken on his cheeks. He grumbled, then tightened his grip around her, dipping his nose in her neck. She shivered, both from the thrill of how close he was to her, and how cold his nose actually was. His breath was hot, however, which balanced the cold somewhat. Her heart began jumping again, recalling the spark she'd felt earlier when she was this close, igniting a blaze in her gut. It didn't help that his lips were now pressing against her skin, making her feel tingly all over. Suddenly, something hot and wet slipped over her skin where his lips had been, dragging slowly over her rain soaked skin.
She gasped loudly, startled as she leaned back, clenching her legs together as she whipped her head around to face him. A satisfied smirk played on his lips, and a wicked gleam flickered in his warm eyes.
"Y-you did that on purpose?!" She sputtered, her eyes owlish as she stared at him. He chuckled victoriously as he curled his body around hers, encompassing her with more warmth than she'd thought possible.
"Gihihihi, that was for laughing at me," he teased, then began to nose his way into her hair. Her blue locks were beginning to dry, thankfully, but it'd be a while before they'd puff out even more, giving her the appearance of a puffball. He sighed, turning serious for a moment as he inhaled gently, savoring her scent mixed with rain. It pulled him in, winding around his senses till it planted itself in his brain, spreading over his being till nothing but Levy existed. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
"Gajeel?" Her soft voice broke his reverie, and he blinked, pulling himself regretfully from her hair. And found himself getting lost in her molten chocolate eyes, flickering gold when the fire crackled. Blood roared in his ears, nearly drowning out the sound of their racing hearts. Her parted lips were chapped from her nibbling too much, almost beckoning him to close the gap and soothe them with his own. Her breath was ghosting under his chin, and he gulped heavily, taking a breath as he leaned closer, finally giving into the urge to kiss her.
The heat she felt was nothing like the fire Gajeel lit in her now as his mouth covered hers, firm yet gentle as his lips pulled at hers. She moaned lightly, her breath catching as he rumbled low in his throat, reverberating through her entire being as she opened her lips a bit more, allowing his tongue to sweep inside and steal what little air she had left. His fingers grazed her jawline as he cupped her chin, lifting it for easier access. It felt like a lifetime before he finally released her lips, panting slightly as his nose brushed hers. An idea struck her then, and she pulled back from him, startling him slightly as she moved to sit up.
"Lev?" He asked, uncertainty lacing his husky voice. Had he gone too far? He wasn't sure, he'd never experienced this before, had never felt so good while kissing his girl and so lost when she pulled away. His mind spun as she pushed herself up, not looking at him. But then, she surprised him by turning to face him, placing herself back in his lap, her legs draped over his legs on either side. She smiled up at him as he gaped at her, stunned beyond belief. Before he could open his mouth, she laced her fingers through his hair and tugged him down, kissing his chin gently. He blinked, his senses returning as he grasped her elbows.
"I'd figured it'd easier this way," she muttered, shrugging her shoulders shyly and ducking her head. Her hands untangled from his hair to spread her fingers on his shoulders, dragging them delicately over his clavicles till they reached the center of his chest. His breath hitched as she glanced up at him from under her lashes, and pulled her close. He could feel her twitch when she finally pressed flush against him, and nearly bit his own tongue when her skin brushed his, hot from the fire.
"Lev, you're sure about this?" He asked huskily. "Cause I ain't gonna stop if you don't want me to." He shuddered when she nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace.
"Yes, I'm sure," she whispered in his ear, gripping his torso with her legs. "I love you no matter what, silly dragon." Her voice had gotten just as husky as his, and he rumbled happily, turning his face into her neck, beginning to pepper her with kisses and little bites. When his lips returned to hers, she sighed into his mouth, melting against him as his fingers began dancing against her back, sending little shocks of pleasure up her spine as he explored skin he hadn't touched before.
Her own fingers sent electricity coursing through him, trailing across his chest and down his torso, to where his hips jolted when her hands touched him. She barely had a chance to breath when she felt a little nudge at her center, something hot and hard that she'd only dreamt of. It was far better than her fantasies, she decided, and reached to touch him, gliding her fingers through his course nether hair. She squeaked when he grunted, surprised when he leaned her back on the hearth and braced himself over her, grinning mischievously.
"Now, now, Lev," he chuckled, his eyes holding hers before sweeping over her body. "If we're going that fast, I at least want a good look at you." As his eyes traveled over her bare body, Levy resisted the urge to shy away, taking advantage to drink in the sight of Gajeel's own naked body. The sharp lines that defined his hard muscles stood out sharply against the firelight, cementing the rare sight in her memory. She'd cherish this view for as long as she'd live, she thought, and slid her fingers up his arms and over his chest again, smiling at him when he leaned over to kiss her.
He started softly, deepening the kiss as he settled himself over her, rocking his hips slowly. She nearly cried in joy when she felt the tip of his head slide along her thighs, pressing at her slit. He pulled back, and she nearly demanded that he take her now, miffed that she was being denied him. She nipped at his lips in frustration, and he broke off the kiss in a laugh. He murmured soothingly, kissing a path over her jaw and down her neck, her breath hitching in anticipation.
She wasn't the only one anticipating the moment he'd finally let go and press inside her. But Gajeel was lost in the wonder of his woman, and tasting her, really tasting her for the first time was something he wasn't about to pass up, even if it caused an impatience to brew inside him. Kissing her lips was heavenly in itself, but roaming his tongue over her salty and rain soaked skin was undoubtedly bliss. He could feel the thrill of watching her twitch and moan over every inch he licked build his arousal even more. He slid his hands in from her sides, beginning their own journey over her silky skin. He glanced at her face as he cupped her breasts, perfectly fit for his hands alone, and felt the shiver of pleasure as she arched her back under him, her eyes closed in ecstasy as his thumbs flicked her hardening nipples. Curious, he leaned over one mound and gently lapped his tongue over it and around the pink tip, finally sucking it into his mouth as Levy mewled in exhilaration. She wrapped her arms around his head, holding him tight against her as he sucked harder, twisting his tongue around her nipple at the same time. He tugged slightly with his other hand, groaning when she bucked her hips over his hardened member, sliding it between the lips of her slit. She was so hot where she touched him, and his resolve to take his time nearly crumbled as he lowered his hips on her body, pinning her to the floor.
"Gajeeeell..." She gasped as his hand slid from her breast down her stomach, slowly and torturously, to just under her navel and combed through her nether hairs, intent on its next destination. Then, his finger swept between her lips and landed on her little bundle of nerves, sending the little mage into convulsions as waves of exotic pleasure crashing over her. Her voice seemed to grow higher in pitch as he slid his finger around her clit now, wallowing in her wet heat.
He finally let her nipple go with a small pop, kissing the swollen and hardened tip gently as he scrutinized her face, amazed by what he saw and felt. She was practically dripping as more fingers joined the one digit as they played with her button. Her brow scrunched together over her closed eyes, her mouth opened as she raked in as much air as her lungs could hold before squeaking it out in tiny moans. Her arms had released their hold on his head, sliding up to frame the halo of blue locks. Some strands of hair stuck to her face, slick with sweat. He smiled when she cracked her eyes open to glance at him, and he kissed her breast again, preparing his next onslaught on her body.
She gasped, nearly wailing when his fingers slid through her folds to her core, slipping one finger into her hole. She sobbed as another joined the first, pushing as far as they could reach before retreating. As they plunged back into her, she clapped her hands onto his shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh as she bucked her hips against his hand. "D-don't stop," she breathed when he paused his motions. A throaty laugh rumbled from him as he resumed his actions, flicking her click with his thumb. Then, slowly and carefully, he spread his fingers apart inside her, surprising her when he pulled them out.
She panted as she recovered, oblivious as he slathered her wetness over his own cock. His hips began to rock in response, and he knew he was at his limit. He grasped Levy's hips, pulling her closer. "Levy," he murmured, covering her mouth with his as he began to rub his cock between her slit, swallowing her moans. Her small hands cupped his face, her thumbs brushing his cheeks bones as she returned his kiss fully. Her hips rolled up as his head slid over her clit, teasing her hole as it glided by. She tensed, her legs gripping his hips in an effort to keep herself there, ready for him. He huffed, his chest beginning to heave as he broke the kiss. He slipped his hands under her lower back, supporting her. His head rested at her entrance, hot and throbbing as he softly pushed into her.
"Last chance to back out if you want," he rasped, barely able to keep the longing out of his voice. She trembled, suddenly nervous as every fiber in her being thrummed. This is it, she thought, almost as desperate as he was. She shook her head, grinning at him.
"I want you, Gajeel," she sighed, undulating her stomach. His eyes widened, gleaming with warmth and happiness. He kissed her lips lightly, then began to press himself into her, gripping her hips tightly.
Levy's eyes shut closed as the pressure seemed to swell, feeling far more intense than his fingers felt. She wailed, arching her back slightly as she felt him slip little by little into her, stretching her core the further he inched in. He was holding back from completely overwhelming her, she realized as she quivered under him. She rocked her hips up to cover the rest of his length, biting back a yelp as he slipped in the rest of the way, completely filling her.
"Fuck, Levy," he groaned, gulping heavily as her wet heat swallowed him up. He panted, drinking in the sight of her body stretching to further encompass him. He chuckled, kissing her soothingly as he eased away from her, receiving a deep moan from her before sliding back in. It was much easier the second time she swallowed him, having her slick heat cover his shaft helped as he slowly began thrusting into her. She panted heavily, her breasts bouncing as he increased his rhythm, pushing deeper each time.
Her chest heaved as she dug her nails into his skin, drawing a hiss from his lips. Her whimpering was spurring him faster, and he felt as though he could drown in her hazy eyes as she glanced at him. She was beginning to constrict around his shaft, and he groaned as he shifted his weight over her, bracing his arms around her as his hips pumped faster, racing to his release. Levy's voice hitched, and he skimmed his lips over her neck, nipping at her skin.
Levy felt herself losing control as he swelled inside her, and a cry escaped her lips as she felt her mind teetering on the edge just as he pushed into her for the last, jolting time, pushing her over the edge. Her back arched as her hips jerked, driving the rest of her body to shudder as he emptied himself into her, his own body swaying as he moaned. Finally, he sighed as the rush faded away, leaving them both gasping for air. Levy hiccuped, prompting him to roll over and pull her on top of him, hugging her close.
"Feeling alright, Lev?" He murmured, rubbing her back as she began to calm down, kissing her hair as she nodded. She would feel a bit sore later on, that she knew, but Gajeel had been far more gentle than she expected, and she cherished him all the more. She tucked her nose in his chest, sighing deeply as peace settled over the pair. The rain still pounded on the roof overhead, indicating that they'd be stuck in the cabin for awhile longer than planned.
'Nothing wrong with that at all,' Levy thought as she hummed, listening to Gajeel's heartbeat as she was being lulled to a quiet drowsiness. She could feel him relax under her, similarly pulled to sleep. She wondered if he was really comfortable with her on top, but his hand was rubbing circles between her shoulder blades, and her eyelids drooped further. She could feel herself slipping into slumber just as she heard him whisper softly to her, but she was past the point of being able to respond. Instead she resigned herself to succumb to sleep, her last thought nearly interrupted as he kissed her head again.
'I sure hope I don't drool on him...'