![]() Author has written 11 stories for Prince of Tennis, Harry Potter, Naruto, Card Captor Sakura, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Bones, and Chuck. The-undefined Name: I go by more or less everything. I had more than 60 nicknames last time I checked and I know I've gotten more since. Oh well. Eyes: Two. Height: Virtually non-existent. (i.e. I'm short) Ethnicity: Black. Just kidding. I only aspire to be black. Alas, that does not make me actually black. But I have hope! After all, America is the only country where a poor, black man can grow up to be a rich, white one. Why on earth couldn't an Asian kid be black? Location: In my mother's basement. Actually, even if that's a joke, I'd love to live in our basement. That's where the huge TV is and all my martial arts equipment... Age: 53. If you believe that, I'd also like to say I'm a lesbian male who has some interesting things to sell you... If I sound like a nerd, a geek, or a dork it's because I am one. I'm actually all three. And yes there is a difference for anyone who cares to ask. Geeks= the tech savvy kids Nerds= the straight A kids Dorks= those losers no one likes Music Faves: I've decided not to list them all They would bore you to death... but I really do like everything but rap. Christian, emo, screamo, country... and yes I am a Disney kid. There's nothing better than singing a Disney song at the top of your lungs. Current favorite song of when-I-last-updated-this-page: Listening to Freddie Mercury by Emery. Favorite Movies: Disney. Obviously. Lion King at the top. Some other things too... oh plus Anastasia since that's not technically Disney even though we include it in our family of Disney films. Shawshank Redemption V for Vendetta Hero (Jet Li version) They all make me happy. Don't diss them. Hobbies: OBVIOUSLY fanfiction is my complete and total life. Just kidding. But it does sap a lot of time. Even after cleaning out I still have about a hundred favorite stories. Ohhh boy. That's ok. They're all quite phenomenal I assure you. Another note: I love the nontraditional nonconforming stories. I just wouldn't know how to write one. Random Favorite Quotes: If you can not read this, please ask for assistance Whoever said nothing was impossible never tried to slam a revolving door. Always consider the glass half full rather than half empty. But always consider the fact that it might be half full of rat poison. If you never stare off into the distance, you'll never get there. Women don't make fools of men. Most of them are do-it-yourself types Definition of a bachelor: some man who's missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable A day without sunshine is like... night. You don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest guy running from the bear NOTE: Fairytales has so many mistakes (although all of my other fics do too) that I fear it will need to be rehashed and reposted. I'd actually like to get a beta reader for it because goodness knows if I spot 5 errors it's likely there's 25. Yes I realize it's unorthodox to get someone to beta something AFTER it was posted. But I feel like I should. If only because I feel like the premise was too good to be completely wasted. Email/PM me if you're interested. Additional Notes: I'm probably going to revamp my stories when I get the chance. I look back and I feel like they should be better. It's like whenever I post is when I suddenly notice those dozens of previously invisible mistakes. Which sucks. So I'll go back to them at some point. When I get around to it. Errrr... hopefully. I've also been horribly mean as of late in giving out reviews. It seems I'm only signing on for very few authors or for fantastic fics that simply aren't noticed. I really should review more and I hate that I don't but I just... don't. I'm a horrible person I know. I'm a little sad "I know why the caged bird sings" didn't get more reviews. Honestly, it's the first story I was happy with and it's the one with the least reviews. Maybe I just can't write serious fics worth shit. That's unfortunate... I suppose I'll have to keep spewing random humor fics... Last thing I swear: I love my reviewers. All of ya. A cookie for you all (and for anyone who managed to reach the end of this). Or a fortune cookie if that's what you prefer. xD |