Author has written 4 stories for Hunger Games.
Just starting writing again after a long absence. All thanks to the wonderful Hunger Games trilogy. I love reading and writing and playing video games, and sadly I'm a giant geek (as you can tell by my avatar). I'm not very interesting so I can't imagine why anyone would even be reading this right now, but if you are... *gives a e-cupcake*
Dear George Lucas,
This needs to be said, Han shot first. He always shot first. Greedo shooting first and missing doesn't make Han Solo a better character. Having Han shoot first shows what a scoundrel he was before he met up with Luke and Obi-Wan and allows him to have a character arc. Changing it up shortchanges you as a writer and Han as a character. I don't know why you insist on messing with the original trilogy, but please stop. You want to change the flow of movies already released? Do it with the prequels, I promise no one will care. One more thing. Jar-Jar. Really? What the hell were you thinking?
Dear Dan Brown,
You write interesting novels that are fun to read. However, lying and saying that you spent years researching every bit of your story makes you look like a fool. While I have no doubt that you did research some parts of your book, I also counted 3 inaccuracies in the first two chapters of The Da Vinci Code alone. It was fun to read and the story was interesting, but I can't respect someone like you as an author or a person when you lie so openly about something.
I am not the 99% nor am I the 1%. My situation is unique and different and I am one person in the 6.994 billion people in this planet. I am the .0000001429%.
WOOT! I was nominated for a couple of the 2012 Pearl Awards down by Mockingjay(dot)net:
(Nominated) Best Original Character- Misu Teeyer from Saving the Boy
(Nominated) Most Addicting Story- Saving the Boy
(Nominated) Best Katniss/Palenickā¦Olarkthorneā¦Geetanick? (Complete)- Saving the Boy
JUNE 16, 2012 UPDATE- laqueendeloskings(dot)tumblr(dot)com