Reviews for Ink
Alwaysgurl2013 chapter 4 . 4/3
You did such a great job with this! This sounded so true to them, although I think I agree with Alexis- Castle doesn't seem like the one to get a tattoo lol :)
Griever11 chapter 4 . 7/2/2016
I'm gonna ugly cry at this fic right after I look for this quill sword design
mcobsessed007 chapter 3 . 9/29/2014
Just wanted to say that I've been reading a bunch of your stories in the past week, and I haven't commented, so I just wanted to say that I love all of them. I love love love the Dash stories, and I especially love that you made us feel a deep connection with characters, like adult Ellery, Rafe, Nick, in just a few chapters.
Sorkin's Gal Friday chapter 2 . 1/18/2014
Please tell me you have a picture of Castle's tattoo somewhere. You did a good job describing it, but I want to see it. I like that idea a lot.
Twyger chapter 4 . 11/2/2012
His tattoo is perfect for him also. Sweet how Alexis is brought into the story and thinks a ring is involved! Nice how it all evolves into the two of them being permanent and the entire painful for a little while and then totally worth it analogy. Thank you!
Twyger chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
Perfect guy, loves her, wants to hear about her past, and picks up milk at the grocery store! Beautiful tattoo idea with the sword and the scales of justice, perfect symbol for Kate. Yes, I agree the secrets should be over and these two should be open and honest with each other to build the foundations of their future together! Thank you for the story and the midnite snack!
JellieEllie chapter 4 . 10/6/2012
Daaaawwwwwww :3 that's an adorable ending to the chapter .
anna chapter 4 . 7/23/2012
so healthy and healed! wow!
Mark C chapter 4 . 6/17/2012
This was a wonderful story that was aptly named and centered around tatoos.

I thought you did a wonderful job with the story behind Kate's and it was that that inspired Rick to get one. Loved how Kate reacted to learning where Rick was one day and wanting to stop him. In the end, Kate was won over by Rick's story about why he got it and what his turned out to be.

The rest of the story was great. Loved the parts that involved the boys and Alexis getting a look at Rick's tattoo.

The ending was great with them wanting to live together and get married which made their tattoos a metaphor for their relationship.

Great job.
someheartslove chapter 4 . 5/22/2012
Ooooof course. I mean, of course it would be different and perfect and funny and special with them. And definitely not normal or usual. But it's them and it's just even more perfect this way. Marry, move in, all of that. Pretty permanent, oh yes.

Loved it how boys couldn't stop looking at it, how Esposito kept telling him he was not a tattoo material, how Ryan was excited about it, how Esposito talked about his manly war tattoo... And the slap part was hilarious and oh, so right. Slapping is the best way not to scratch it.

Loved it how they got playful in the precinct and how she just couldn't keep her eyes off of him.


First of all, hallways almost-sex again? Hahahahahhaha Oh man, I want to see that in the show.

And second, 'dirty' in front of Alexis HAHAHAHAHAH SO hilarious.

I'm glad Alexis likes the tattoo. It shows how she accepts her dad and Kate together. Oh, amazing.

Loved it SO much!
someheartslove chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
Oh, oh, Castle! You really need to watch your mouth. Kate is very sensitive with topics you just blurt out like that.

And I just love all the love I can feel in this story. So many emotions, so many memories, so many good times... and it's all just there. It's like you have this big huge bucket of love that you just give to people who read your stories. Every single word is in the right place. And how you describe little things, kisses, glances, thoughts, movements... It's all so perfect. I absolutely loved the shower and how she was teasing him about sleeping in his stomach and how he was draped all over her then and she just loved it. It's so Kate and so not Kate at the same time. But in a good way. It's what Kate will be,once she gets more comfortable with him in that area.

Love, love, love. Oh, how much.
someheartslove chapter 2 . 5/22/2012
Oh, wow, he got a tattoo! And one that is so meaningful to both of them. Ah. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I love it SO much. And how he texted her hahahaha Of course he would do that. And how she just came to the tattoo shop and demanded to see him, all cop attitude and everything. I'm so glad she was shocked at first. And his explanation is so perfect. Nothing before made him have before and after. But then Kate came and this was such a great way of showing that. A sword and a quill. Love it so so much.

Bad boys comment hahahhahaa Oh, Castle.
someheartslove chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
I have no idea why I waited this long to read and review this, but I'm glad I did it in the private of my own room, because it made me chuckle and laugh and get all tingly in weird places... Like all of your stories.

Oh, and this is good. This is so good. I love it how he wants a story, how he wants to know everything about her, every detail, every single thing that made her be like this. And I just love what that tattoo represents to her. So much fire and anger and justice and oh my... Just incredible. Only you can make up stories like this one. And the part about the scales was absolutely awesome. Not a perfect, shiny, smooth sword. It has imperfections, parts that are ugly and in pieces and oh my, it's so much like her. Like her story.

Leave it to Castle to buy milk and make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (which, bdw, NOBODY here eats) with bananas and then protest when she makes him leave it to go to the bedroom. But he's always quick to change his mind around her, and I just love that with your stories. How he's so captivated by her that nothing else matters.

Love, love, love it!
readandreview chapter 4 . 5/17/2012
aww. cute! he's chicken - she proposes... love

loved them at the precinct too... "Both Esposito and Ryan turn entirely too interested eyes to her. She steadies herself and shakes her head. "Get Ryan to do it." "

Capelthwaite chapter 4 . 5/8/2012
That was incredibly sweet. Did you have an image that you based these tattoos on? If so, could you perhaps share them? :D

I love how you've written this proposal, as well as the one in your other story. I can totally imagine Kate asking. This one was particularly light, as if it was expected. Alexis/Kate moments are awesome!

Wonderful story, yet again.
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