A/N: You know the phrase "Everyone's Doing It?" Well, I usually try not to do anything that everyone is doing, but…after an episode like that what was I supposed to do? I had some downtime at work today and this is what happened. (I was also watching the end of the episode again and again so that didn't help.)

I loved the episode. Even the ending. My opinion, it's all stepping stones to something greater than we can imagine. Anyways, I digress. Here is my post-The Parts in the Sum of the Whole. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bones. Never have, probably never will. But I'd love to work for Hart Hanson. The man is a genius.


It's been three weeks, four days, and approximately eight hours since his world crumbled around him in the humid night air of spring. Three weeks, four days, and approximately eight hours since she told him she couldn't change, couldn't love him, and he told her he had to move on to someone who could. He doesn't want to admit to himself, or anyone else, that he relives that night more than is healthy for someone who is moving on, or trying to.

It's been eight days and approximately two hours since he asked Catherine to dinner and she'd accepted. Eight days which had turned into three dates. The three dates had been good, dinner at nice restaurants (but they weren't the diner) and even one concert. It was about to be nine days and four dates, but he knew he had to make it through another day first.

It was the days that were the worst. It was when the sun was high in the sky and they had murders to catch that he had to guard himself. To keep his resolve up and his heart guarded. During the nights, that was when he was free to dream of what life would be like if things were different. If she hadn't pulled away, if she could realize how much she had already changed but also realize he wasn't asking her to change. He felt guilty for those dreams. Dreams that bordered on the coma dream of the prior year of marriage and babies and the new fresh dreams of 'yes' instead of 'no' and dinner together at his place, or hers, and not at the diner.

Not that they had gone to dinner together since that night. Not really, at least. They said things wouldn't change, but they were wrong. Things had changed. He couldn't take back the words he'd said that night and neither could she and they walked on egg shells around each other ever since. Everyone noticed, but no one asked. At least, no one asked him. He didn't know if Angela had cornered her at some point begging for information. And he didn't know if, or what, she had said. He was pretty sure he didn't want to know.

Cam wondered, he could feel the questions in her eyes whenever he came by the Jeffersonian in a case related matter. She had to have noticed he came by less frequently when there wasn't a case. He wanted to be able to tell her, to talk about it, but then it would make it real. Or more real and he was sure his heart couldn't handle that again. It was better to pretend things were normal and only allow his dream state to dwell on the possibilities.

He downs a shot of whiskey, something he only allows himself when the possibilities overtake his mind. He knows the dulling affect of the alcohol isn't helping but it's the only thing he can justify. Instead the alcohol sharpens the pain in his heart. It tightens the vice that seems to have taken a permanent position around his heart and refuses to let go. No matter how well Catherine might kiss. If anything her kiss makes the vice tighten again. He's sure he'll never truly be able to move on. Every woman he sees isn't going to match up to his soul mate. The one woman he wants to spend the next thirty or forty or fifty years with. She doesn't believe in soul mates, he knows that. She told him as much, but he does. And he believes that she is his. She is the other half of him and the only person that will ever be able to complete him. And this means he'll live the rest of his life incomplete. The crushing pain in his chest reminds him of this every day.

It's unfair to Catherine. He knows that. He knows he's not the guy to use a woman and so the decision to end it now, before it gets to deep is the easiest one he's ever made. So it's eight days and approximately six hours when he ends the relationship with the beautiful and smart marine biologist who isn't his Bones. Isn't his soul mate.

He's not sure if the seemingly abrupt ending to their potential relationship surprises Catherine and he's ashamed to say he really doesn't care.

It does seem to surprise her though, and that surprises him. Their banter slowly regains its normalcy. It's nearly surreal and he's not certain it isn't all in his head. But it isn't, because everyone else sees it too. Lunches at the diner and dinners in her office seem to pick up and fall back into place. Like before. He feels his guard starting to fall during the day and the dreams continue at night. Her smile brightens his days and he sees that smile more and more lately. His trips to the Jeffersonian aren't always about a case anymore and the tension between them is lessened. Cam's noticed and her knowing glance follows them around sometimes. Sweets has noticed as well and he's tried to talk about it, but he refuses and he doesn't know if she's been talking to him. Angela, Jack, the Interns, all don't seem quite as terrified of them anymore and he knows that Angela has cornered Brennan at least once. He overheard their brief and unrevealing conversation a few days before.

There are several moments when he almost completely lets his guard down and goes to say the three words he's always desperately wanted to be able to tell her, but he quickly closes his mouth and changes the pace of the conversation. He couldn't physically or emotionally take her rejection again. He still isn't sure he survived the last time completely. He wants to think that the look he sometimes catches in her eyes is love, but he refuses to let himself have hope. Hope will only lead to heartbreak. Or heart crushing. Either way, he's not ready for another round of that. So he ignores it and continues to be her partner, her friend.

The summer drags on and their relationship continues its growing mending. He enjoys knowing that they can bicker back and forth like before, discuss their differences in religion and faith, but they continue to steer clear of the topic of love. To keep up the façade of moving on he goes out on dates here and there. They are never with the same woman and not more than once or twice a month. He's not sure if she's dating and he'd rather not know, so he doesn't ask.

She shows up at his door step the night after a little girl was found on the bottom of a pond in Virginia. He was surprised to see that she left the Jeffersonian at all, the cases that dealt with children always caused them to go to the brink of insanity, but here she was. In one hand was a brown paper sack and the other held a bag from their favorite Thai restaurant. He lets her inside without a second thought.

She makes herself at home on his couch and pulls out the bottle of tequila. He grabs two glasses, plates, and a handful of napkins before joining her. They are careful, drinking just enough to get a slight buzz, they still have a murder to catch afterall, but it's familiar and comfortable and he likes it. He hopes she likes it too.

When it closes in on midnight he calls her a cab and walks her downstairs and watches as the can driver takes her away from him. It feels to similar to that first time. When things had been less complicated. He doesn't wish for that night back though. Because in the five years that he's had the privilege of really knowing her he's learned things about here that he didn't know then. But he's glad he knows them now. Some of those things only he knows about and he can't help but smile. It feels like the pieces of his heart are being put back together again.

It gives him hope.

Summer gives way to autumn and it's football season again and the leaves on the trees are changing colors and it's time for hay rides and bonfires. He loves autumn. He always has.

He's reluctantly agreed to be in Sweets' wedding to Daisy. He was secretly honored. The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear and cool. As he donned the tux and drove to the church he remembers the last time he did this. Well, something similar to this. Jared's wedding was held at the beginning of the summer. It was a small affair in Philadelphia and Cam had been his plus one. They drove up for the day and came home that night.

Now he's in the tux and he knows that she'll be there, in a sage green bridesmaid dress. She'd been complaining about it for the last two months. He admitted to himself that he couldn't wait to see her all dolled up. Those were some of his favorite moments with her. Both of them all dolled up and dancing the night away or mingling with generous donators for the Jeffersonian. They hadn't attended a gala together since the Egyptian mummy exhibit.

He was in heaven holding her in his arms as they danced at the reception. She was spouting something about even though she thought that Daisy and Sweets were too young to be married they made a cute couple. And she could tell they loved each other.

He bit his lip. They weren't supposed to talk about love. So that was all that was said and they went back to people watching and laughing at the cheesy songs the DJ was playing. It was natural, relaxed, comfortable. He liked feeling comfortable with her.

She dressed as Wonder Woman for Halloween. It didn't surprise him, she really did love that costume. And just like that crazy Halloween from so long ago he dressed as a squint. It was tradition and who was he to break a tradition?

She left on a dig for the Thanksgiving holidays and he ate dinner with Pops at the nursing home. He wished she was there and so did Pops. Pops asked about her and it surprised him when Pops told him that she stopped by to visit on occasion. He couldn't hide his smile and he knew that Pops read into his look. He changed the subject and Pops didn't push it anymore.

Washington DC quickly transitioned from the warm nights of autumn into the snow covered city of winter. Christmas lights were strung up and decorations littered the city and the Jeffersonian. It was going to be a rough holiday season for him as Rebecca was taking Parker to Texas to visit her new husband's family. His attitude was not well hidden. She pushed the holidays on him and tried to cheer him up. Showing up at his office with Christmas cookies, listening to Christmas carols around him without dissecting the absurdity of some of them (because a snowmen could never really come to life,) and he didn't want to admit that it made a difference. But it did.

He invited her over to his apartment for a pre-Christmas celebration with Parker and she quickly agreed. She showed up, arms full of gifts, and wearing a ridiculous Christmas sweater that glittered like snow. He laughed and when her smile brightened he pulled her into a hug. He held his breathe as she hugged him back, holding him tightly. His heart leapt. He released her reluctantly and lead her to the Christmas tree. After the presents had been opened (Parker loved his new video games and books and Booth loved his new tie) and dinner had been eaten and the Christmas cookies had been eaten and Parker was tucked in bed they sat on his couch watching the fire in the fireplace and drinking hot chocolate. He wanted to ask her to stay, but he didn't and she left. But not before placing a brief kiss on his cheek and whispering a Merry Christmas and goodbye. He stood at his door longer than he probably should have while his cheek burned from her lip's touch.

Hodgins' mansion was decked out gloriously for a New Year's Eve party like he'd never seen before. He knew the scientist wanted to celebrate the new year the right way since Angela and him were back together. Their team was there, all of them, as well as lots of random people Booth had never met. It seemed like everyone there was one half of a couple except him, and well her, and he tried not to let himself be jealous. It wasn't an easy task. He felt like a fish out of water and was glad when she came to keep him company along the wall. She looked beautiful with her hair in a fancy up do and the body hugging black dress. He had to really try not to drool.

They welcomed the new year in with a hug and her lips on his cheek again. He wished he could take her in his arms for a proper kiss, but he withheld. The look in her eyes made him want to think that she wanted him to do exactly that, but he chickened out. She looked briefly disappointed but the look was gone so quickly he couldn't tell if it was imagined or not.

Winter melted away and once again brought the warm Spring evenings, flowers in bloom, and rain showers. It was coming quickly upon the three hundred and sixty fifth day since his world crumbled around him and he had to face the rejection of the only woman he's loved in nearly eight years.

In a completely masochistic move on his part, the night that marked the year date he went to the place where everything changed and he'd made the biggest gamble of his life…and lost.

Cradling his head in his hands he felt a tear roll down his cheek. He wanted to hate himself for not being able to move on. For not being able to find the girl he could and would love second best. When he felt her presence (and yes, he knew it was here without looking. He could always tell when she entered the room.) He was surprised but refused to look up. Refused to show his weakness again.

Her voice was quiet when she finally broke the silence between them. He could hear the hurt in her voice, it would match his if he tried to speak. She was saying how she knew he would be here and how she couldn't stay away either. That it was irrational and confusing, but here she was. He didn't know what it meant, and he kept his thoughts buried deep inside his head. The sting of her rejection from the prior year still to fresh to believe that this time it would be different.

The silent air that hung between them was stifling when she stopped talking and he felt her head come to rest on his shoulder. His shirt was quickly obtaining the stains of their tears and his hand found hers and they squeezed at the same time.

"I want to change," she whispered against her shoulder and his head jolted up. His eyes met hers and she continued speaking. "I want to be the one who loves you in thirty or forty or fifty years."


"I want to change, I do. But only for you, only with you."

Her lips crashed to his and it took him about a half second to respond and then he was kissing her with everything he had in him. Every ounce of love he had for her he poured into that kiss. When they finally pulled back for air he rested his forehead against hers.

"You don't have to change Bones," he assured her, "you just have to open your heart."

"I opened my heart to you years ago Booth, I was just to scared to show it. But I'm anymore, I not."

It was fifty two weeks and thirteen minutes from the day his world crumbled to the day when the pieces were finally picked up and put back together. Fifty two weeks and thirteen minutes until his soul mate finally realized that he was the only for her and that the risk of a relationship with him was worth it.

It was fifty two weeks and fourteen minutes when he knew that it was true. That everything happens eventually.


A/N: So, what did you think? I really hope it was in character. I'm thinking about doing a companion piece from Brennan's perspective…good idea? Leave me reviews to let me know what you think!