Author has written 70 stories for Harry Potter, High School Musical, NCIS, Book Thief, Hunger Games, and Recess. “Stories? We all spend our lives telling them, about this, about that, about people…But some? Some stories are so good we wish they’d never end. They’re so gripping that we’ll go without sleep just to see a little bit more. Some stories bring us laughter and sometimes they bring us tears…but isn’t that what a great story does? Makes you feel? Stories that are so powerful…they really are with us forever.” - Dustin Hoffman You can find me on tumblr if you want to - I post mainly cute pictures of puppies, Josh Hutcherson, and fanfic progress. You can also find my work on AO3 Since I always forget my disclaimer here it is: I own nothing. Including the avatar, which I found online. |