So, this is the last chapter. Tear tear. It's kind of short too, sorry.

Chapter 13

June 2007

"So," Troy said as he threw the red graduation cap off the stage in the auditorium to an awaiting Zeke. They were the only ones there, plus Jason and Chad. "What to do?"

"We don't have to go to school," Chad said. "We don't have practice. I don't know!"

Troy turned and started to lean over, falling into Zeke from the stage as if starting a mosh pit. "Got any ideas?"

Jason turned his head to the door, hearing something and smiled. "I don't, but Zeke does."

Zeke turned and smiled. Sharpay was walking in, still in her white graduation gown, but the hat was no where in sight. He dropped Troy – who complained – before walking to her. He grab her in his arms and kissed her. But, after a few moments, the two felt a poke at their sides and split apart.

Chad was standing by them with a yard stick. "Well, I believe that on school grounds, two people should be a yard away. School rule."

Zeke grabbed the stick and snapped it in half. "Like you abide by the rules, Chad."

"Ms. Darbus is going to kill you when she finds out you snapped her stick," Jason said, sitting in one of the auditorium seats.

"Then she won't find out it's me," Zeke said in a warning tone. Chad smiled in a mischievous manner before holding out his hand.

"It's gonna cost ya!"


The five heads in the room turned toward the door to see the body to which the timid voice belonged. Standing in the doorway to the auditorium was Gabriella, and Zeke turned to Troy. He could have sworn Troy's smile was ear to ear. Troy walked to Gabriella and the two hugged. Zeke looked to Chad and Jason, who shared smiles.

"I missed you," Troy whispered into Gabriella's ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry about fight we got in," Gabriella said, tears streaming down her face. "It was your decision whether you told them or not, I just wanted to help you. . . .Are you okay?"

Troy nodded, "I'm fine, never been better actually, especially now that you're back."

When the two parted, Zeke looked down at Sharpay. She was dying to see Gabriella and talk to her, he could tell just by the look on her face. "Gabriella!" she shrieked.

"Sharpay!" Gabriella yelled back, her sweet voice filling the room.

"I'm so glad you could come," Sharpay said. "Everyone's missed you!"

"Wait," Zeke said. "You told Gabriella to come?"

Sharpay rolled her eyes. "Of course!" She turned back to Gabriella, but the brunette had turned back to Troy and the two were in a conversation, which Sharpay hoped she could end well. She walked behind Gabriella and pushed her into Troy. As if dictated by fate, their lips met and Sharpay giggled.

"I'm such a good cupid!"

She went back to Zeke, who was sitting with Chad and Jason in a row of chairs. She sat in his lap and Zeke laid his head on hers. Life for Zeke was perfect, no drama. Just his friends, Sharpay, and some graduation gowns, just the way he planned graduation to be like. And in his mind, it couldn't get any better than that.

Well, bravo! That's the end.

So, as for my next story, I have two options.

After reading through Those Four Words, I realized the ending was really rushed. So, I'm in the works of making a better ending with more feeling and depth. I'll put it on as a different story called something by a different name (no Those Four Words the Sequel, I don't do titles like that.)

Or, I have a trailer that I made for the fun of it after seeing the trailer for the new Matthew McConaughey movie We Are Marshall. The trailer's not the same, but the basic plot is similar (it's not based on the movie because I have not seen it and probably wont for a while.)

Just give me a review or PM for which ever one you want.
