Reviews for Someone To Watch Over Me
Guest chapter 26 . 18h
in love. read this is a day and love love love. Thank you XX
Laure in Disorder chapter 26 . 7/29
(Ok so this review is 8 years late but...) Aghh this was SO AWESOME! Thanks for writing. :)
anji chapter 26 . 7/17
love this so much, im obsessed... here's a smiley face :)
Taytay123456 chapter 26 . 6/8
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. I'm on to the next story. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6
Incredible Book 1! Can't wait to go on to the next one! You hit 2100 reviews on January 5th, 2017. Congrats for reaching 2200 on June 6th, 2020!
statetech0 chapter 8 . 5/20
I like how Peeta says "Because I'm in love with her," instead of "Because she came here with me."
triojediknights chapter 7 . 5/20
They love how good they look in formal attire! And Katniss blushing is adorable to witness...
CaliforniaTexasNorthCarolina chapter 6 . 5/20
I like how Katniss confides in Cinna. And the admission of being held with Peeta was beautiful!
LawrenceDaddarioWatsonStewart chapter 5 . 5/20
Arguing about who is better is Everlark's version of flirting!
StarPotterTwilightHunger chapter 4 . 5/20
Peeta can indeed be very psychologically manipulative. But Katniss must have for faith, even if it is scary that she is already falling in love...
Katnibellamione chapter 3 . 5/20
Peeta knowing the body language of a fighter is really fascinating to me!
ClintonBush43Obama chapter 2 . 5/20
She likes holding Peeta's hand...
WizMonCruWil chapter 1 . 5/20
Haven't touched Hunger Games in a while (reading or writing). This seemed like a nice one to use as a diving board back into the fandom. so far, it's really good...
b3llacull3n chapter 26 . 4/4
Second time reading your story! It’s been awhile since the first read. Very happy with the decision.
Gabe Itch chapter 26 . 3/24
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