Reviews for Of Shoulder Scars and Bumpy Cake
ApoorvaHobbes chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
loved it ! seriously this should be a movie. people should see this
tiger-lily9240 chapter 2 . 12/28/2016
I absolutely adore this!
Please please please keep writing it
It's beautifully written and so in character!
MiiaC chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
More :D
DesertSnowQueen chapter 2 . 10/25/2014
Awww. Well, I would love it if you continued the storyline on this. The last chapter was beautifully written, and I love the little plot bunny mentions that I think you could totally have be like Budapest until they decide to explain what happened. But definitely keep writing for them. It's awesome.
DesertSnowQueen chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
Awwww it ended with fixed love! Yay!
Nerdlee chapter 2 . 12/2/2013
This is the best thing ever! I would love to read anything from you. In fact, I am on my way to your profile now to see if you have anything else going on. I want it all.

GalanthaDreams chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
The story was all sorts of beautiful. All sorts of wonder.
sapphiretwin369 chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
Gotta admit I was disappointed to click to chapter 2 and see it was only an author's note! I was hoping they'd officially get together in that one! Four years gone by and it makes me so sad! Poor Clint! Anyway, excellent job with this one! I loved it so much!
Taylor chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
This is probably the best Clint/Natasha fic I've read. I love the pacing and the emotional depth you gave characters that most writers just write as cold. Amazing.
PendulumWings chapter 2 . 11/5/2012
Just- Yes.
There is depth in this, finally! Most of the Clintasha stuff you find is rutting or already an established relationship, and while I don't actually mind that, I do crave the details. This caters to those details.
It's very well written - I particularly liked the 'Silence' and 'Noise' parts, that was just fantastic!
Well rounded, well done, very nice!
Bobthepegasus chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Kay, not complaining, but that chapter took me an hour and a half to read, and I'm a fast reader. Also, you went through six years in one go. Usually, do one or two missions/stories in a chapter. You don't want it to be excessive. Other than that, great!
Galatians 5.16 chapter 2 . 10/15/2012
Well aren't you such a Jack's Mannequin fan? XD

Anyways, I think your story was entertaining, long (which is a good thing!), and so freakin' wrong on so many levels, but you've delivered it and that's what matters.
Superster chapter 2 . 10/14/2012
OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZING. You are a fantastic writer! I'm seriously blown away. Your accuracy in the tone and personality of characters, your story arc, your style alone. Wonderful! Excuse me while I go read everything else you've ever written...
Tsukinoko1 chapter 2 . 10/6/2012
I LOVED this story, and I would love it if you continued in any form! You really nailed the sexual tension without making it raunchy. Thank you!
VoldieBeth chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
Amazing story! I loved it from start to end! I just wish there was more!
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