Reviews for Knot Your Fingers Through Mine
Loti-miko chapter 12 . 3/19
Holy shit. This is perfect.

I heave a headache because I just couldn’t put my phone down, I had to finish the story! I was hooked.

You have a way with words. You are one of the few people who understand what makes a good story. I swear I thought I was reading a book. I loved it.

I was so afraid for these characters. For so many moments I thought you would kill Rue or Finnick and I was so nervous. And it didn’t happen! But then poor, sweet Prim died and it was heartbreaking. And Rory too. Ugh. It was too sad.

The characters were spot on. I loved the friendship between Clove and Katniss. And of course, I adored the way she fell in love with Peeta. He’s always so sweet and charming.

I learned a lot of history too! I’m not American, so I was a bit confused at first but after some reading on Wikipedia I was able to follow the story!

This was wonderfully written! Thank you for sharing!
Arenea Nara chapter 12 . 1/2
Es una historia genial, me encantó
ihaveajuicebox chapter 6 . 11/18/2019
ayeeeeeeeee i live in richmond, virginia!
Epic Otaku Cherry chapter 12 . 7/28/2019
This was so well written and sweet and heart wrenching. You actually made me tear up. Thank you for writing this, this was so lovely.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/10/2019
Such a beautiful story! I laughed and cried, it was just so good!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
Aye fellow Virginian! Love this story, a nice refresher on all the virginia history classes I had to take
SkeeterBeetle chapter 12 . 6/25/2019
This is by far the best fanfic I have read in years.. that you so much for your writingit was amazing!
goodnewseveryone chapter 3 . 4/14/2019
I’m hooked!
Your writing is awesome! My favorite stories are au’s with plot elements from the original story and you’ve done that so well! And it also makes me very concerned for Rue and Thresh :I
And Haymitch totally knows Peeta!
falkor80s chapter 12 . 12/14/2018
Such a beautiful story!
Guest chapter 10 . 12/11/2018
Noooooo! Finnick! Not again!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/25/2018
Awesome story. I started it and I really want a civil war story? I could imagine it getting long and dull...but people's reviews sounded so positive that I thought I'd try. The reviews were correct, and it was NEVER dull! So exciting. Moments of fluff mixed in with some sweet, tender, harrowing, angst, worry, defeat, victory, etc. Kinda had it all. Felt like the characters were old friends from THG...but the story was really different. Just loved it. Thanks for writing...I honestly couldn't put it down. I tried! Failed!
picklesisadeadcat chapter 12 . 10/25/2018
Just read this for the first time and wow is all I gotta day. This was so sweet and properly paced and just the right amount of everything. Nothing made me smile more than the idea of peeta trying to propose about 14 times. Honestly it was just too sweet and in character. Thank you for taking the time to write this story. Really it was such a fun read.
stjohn27 chapter 12 . 9/24/2018
I’ve read this three times and it always gets better with each reading!
gabzep chapter 12 . 9/19/2018
Such and amazing story!
engineerwenlock chapter 2 . 9/19/2018
Oh my goodness! This is amazing!

And Haymitch married Maysilee Donner ahhhhhh I love this AU so much. Katniss rocks, I'm so happy to see Rue being her brave self. All the details make sense. Just wow!
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