![]() Author has written 62 stories for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Artemis Fowl, Misc. Books, Teen Titans, Divergent Trilogy, NCIS, Ninja Turtles, Harry Potter, Thor, Sherlock, Pokémon, RWBY, My Little Pony, and Merlin. "And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl Hi! My nickname is Seidr. I'm a teenage girl in high school, and I live in the US of A. I love reading and writing, just not English. On Pottermore, I'm a Slytherin and proud of it. I also love music and failing at art. If you want to contact me on social media, my Tumblr is blue-seidr. My Fandoms and Fav Characters -Harry Potter (Harry, Hermione, and Luna) -Artemis Fowl (Artemis) -TMNT (Leonardo) -Avengers (Loki) -Sherlock (Sherlock) -Death Note (L) -NCIS (Gibbs and Abby) -Merlin (Merlin, Arthur) -Doctor Who (9th Doctor, Rose, 10th Doctor, Donna) -Pokémon (N Harmonia, Steven Stone, Sir Aaron) -Sword Art Online (Kirito, Klein (he deserved more airtime), Sinon, and Asuna) -Invader Zim (GIR, Dib, and Zim) -Free! (Haru and Makoto) -Gravity Falls (Dipper, Mabel, Ford) -RWBY (Ren, Nora, Ruby, and Whitley (fight me)) -Attack On Titan (Levi, Eren, Hanji) (Slaine) -Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward Elric, Roy Mustang) -Lockwood and Co. (Lucy, Lockwood, George, Kipps) Please read my stories and review. I welcome constructive criticism, but remember that flaming hate is not constructive. "Being in charge means making the tough choices. Not being in charge means shutting up and doing what you're told!" - Commander Root, Artemis Fowl "I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am. They'd be too scared." -Artemis Fowl, AF The Eternity Code "If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose, I'm crazy. That's the way history is written." - Artemis Fowl "He's really turned running away screaming into an art." - Raphael, TMNT 2012, Parasictia "The Turtles? Unfortunately my friend, the lowly turtle has been saddled by society with the stereotype of being velocity challenged." - Donatello, TMNT 2003, The Shredder Strikes Back Part One "Okay. Maybe, just maybe this guy is kinda cool." - Leonardo, TMNT 2003, Nobody's Fool "We need bigger missiles." (The answer to all of life's problems, at least when you're these guys) -Mikey, TMNT 2003, Garbageman Cody: "That's what friends are for." Mikey: "Yeah, to make up for the family you got stuck with." -Cody and Mikey, TMNT Fast Foward season, The Jammerhead "Revenge is underrated, that felt AWESOME!" -Dipper, Gravity Falls, Irrational Treasure "Whoever said patience is a virtue needed to be shot. Several times. Preferably with him holding the bow." -Halt's thoughts, Will Wolfson fanfiction by I. F. T. S. "Who cares if you disagree? You are not me. Who made you king of anything?" - King of Anything song Normal, sane people think R.I.P. means Rest In Peace. People like me think it means Rot In Pieces." - Me! You're going to grin and bear it, your newfound popularity . . . -Popular, from Wicked (describes how I felt in my Social Studies class. Somehow, I became popular despite all attempts otherwise) "Catfish don't purr. Or have nine lives." -Chloe Jennings, Dog With A Blog (walked past the TV while my sis was watching it, and found that line hilarious) "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "It wasn't easy. I had to climb through the depths of Tarturus. And then Cleveland." - Luke, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, the movie. "Jetpacks . . . Yep, this is gonna be a weird one." - Gibbs, NCIS, Ignition I give you permission to pester me about my stories; otherwise I might never get around to updating them. Currently In Progress:(Key: U=Unlikely to be updated soon, L=Likely to be updated soon) Unmasked: A TMNT fanfic (U) Creature of the Night: An Artemis Fowl fanfic (U) We Are: A TMNT fanfic (L) Love Triangle; Ugh : A TMNT Fanfic (?) Human : A TMNT fanfic (U) The Newest Teen Titan : A TMNT and Teen Titans fanfic (L) The Troubles Of Being Divergent : A TMNT and Divergent fanfic (?) Because of You : A TMNT fic (L) Wrong Place at the Wrong Time : A TMNT and NCIS fanfic (U) Teenage Little Ninja Ponies (Co-written with JayWoolHat) : A TMNT and MLP fanfic (U) Muggleborn Mutant Turtles : A TMNT and Harry Potter fanfic (U) The Frozen Prince: A Thor fanfic (U) The Sorting of Sherlock Holmes: A Sherlock and Harry Potter fanfic (L) Artemis Fowl and the Kalos Journey: An Artemis Fowl and Pokémon fanfic (L) Both Fowl and Fair: An Artemis Fowl fanfic (L) |