Added stuff to the end of PART 9. Sorry. didn't add a PART 10 yet. I'm just adding Donnie to this part, due to some people's suggestion. Although, nobody seemed to be complaining when Raph and Leo weren't in PART 8. Apparently Donnie is just that special.
Texting for the First Time PART 9
Mikey: LEO
Mikey: Why'd you just text me my name back?
Leo: because you just texted my name. I returned the favor.
Mikey: Makes no sense.
Leo: Well you texted my name….you know what? Nevermind…..
Mikey: Your explanation for why this makes sense is going to mock me for the rest of my life. O.O I can sense it in my tenders.
Leo: Your tenders?
Mikey: Yes Leo, my tenders. You know where your tenders are?
Leo: I can easily think of a bunch places where our tenders might be. Hmmmmmmmmmm…..
Leo: Actually, I really don't want to know.
Mikey: I'm going to give Raph a biology lesson on tenders.
Leo: Poor Raph.
Mikey: Okay Leo, I texted you for a reason…this is serious
Leo: What?
Mikey: To say hi to my big brother. J
Leo: hi to you too…now bye.
Leo: shoot
Mikey: "shoot" as in "drat"? or "shoot" as in "shoot, tell me what you need shoot"….or are we talking about the literal term "shoot"…which is that case….what or whom do you want me to shoot? But my dilemma is I don't have anything to shoot with. Then again…I could always snatch a hand gun from the Purple Dragons…
Leo: You are over thinking this too much to the point where it concerns me. Please stop.
Leo: I meant "shoot:" as in…"JUST GET TO THE POINT ALREADY. WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
Mikey: Darn….I wanted to shoot something…. :(
Leo: You're the one who wanted something. You said this was serious.
Mikey: I forgot.
Mikey: ummmm….Leo?
Mikey: hello?
Mikey: oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh Leo…
Mikey: Leo
Mikey: Leo
Mikey: Leo
Mikey: Leo
(many many texts later)
Mikey: AH! Leo finally!
Leo: This isn't Leo. This is Raph. Leo ditched his phone and hid it in my room where it WOULDN'T STOP BEEPING.
Mikey: Oh come on…it wasn't that annoying.
Leo: You were texting ALL NIGHT. 15434 texts to be exact. I thought you had a short attention span!
Mikey: That is a hurtful stereotype and you know it.
Leo: If there's only one mutant turtle whose name is Mikey that I know of. I don't think it's considered a stereotype.
Mikey: We'll talk about this later. *glares darkly*
Leo: Just typing in the words *glares darkley* does not have the same effect as its intended action.
Mikey: Well….it didn't hurt to try.
Leo: How do you know the Text Gods aren't screaming in pain because of that "one text"?
Mikey: OH NO! I'M SORRY OH GREAT TEXT GODS *bows down*
Leo: Like I said, texting the action is nothing compared to doing the action.
Mikey: But since they're the Text Gods, we should TEXT THE ACTION. Duh!
Leo: Oh how stupid of me.
Mikey: Where did Leo even hide his cell?
Leo: That tool we call Leo hid the tPhone in my alarm clock. Took the batteries out.
Mikey: Don't our tPhone's sound exactly like our alarm clock's
Leo: Unfortunately. (dam U Donnie)
Mikey: How's the alarm clock?
Leo: Broken beyond repair as we speak.
Mikey: I wouldn't expect any less.
Mikey: You didn't happen to get you breaking the alarm clock on videotape, did you?
Leo: Now why in the world would I get that incident on videotape?
Mikey: Couldn't hurt to ask.
Leo: You'd be amazed at how painful it is to hear some of your questions.
Mikey: Don't worry I got a doctorate. If there's any bleeding. I can help you.
Leo: No no no you've done plenty
Leo: By the way? What was it you wanted to text Leo about?
Mikey: I forgot
Mikey: Raph?
Mikey: heeellllloooooo….Raph
Mikey: Raph
Mikey: Raph
(and it continues)
Leo: Hello?
Mikey: Raph!
Leo: No, this isn't Raph, this is Donnie.
Mikey: Oh hi Donnie! :) Just the person I wanted to text...
Leo: If you wanted to text to me this whole about texting MY tPhone and NOT Leo's?
Mikey: okay...I'll weren't my first choice. But you will do.
Leo: For what?
Mikey: I'll get to that.
Leo: Let me forgot...
Mikey: Shhhhhhh...
Leo: yep you forgot
Mikey: I SAID shhhhhh...
Mikey: did Raph hide this phone in your room?
Leo: No. Raph came up to me and yelled, "HERE JUST TAKE IT!" and now I have Leo's phone. Won't he be wanting it back?
Mikey: Not anytime soon I suppose. I must've really annoyed him.
Leo: That would explain why Raph literally chucked the phone right at me like it was a ticking time bomb.
Mikey: Yeah well I had something important to tell Leo. That's what we were texting about.
Leo: Well, I would've reread your conversation with Leo, if it weren't for the fact that all the text messages were Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph, (and so on..) BTW if you had a data limit, you would've long surpassed it a while ago.
Mikey: K
Mikey: SIGH sooooooooooo...I'm bored.
Leo: K
Mikey: K
Mikey: ...
Mikey: So how's the weather?
Leo: 86 degrees partly cloudy feels like 88 degrees. 50 percent humidity. Winds SSW at 11 mph. 0 percent chance of precipitation. Dew point at 65 degrees.
Mikey: could've just said that it was hot outside.
Leo: I didn't know what you were asking. But did that answer your question?
Mikey: It probably did. I'm just too overwhelmed by that detailed answer to know.
Mikey: Hey are still there?
Leo: So, are you pulling any pranks on anybody?
Mikey: ummmmmmmmmmm... yeah. Promise you won't tell anybody?
Leo: I won't tell anyone else.
Mikey: even the intended victim?
Leo: Especially the intended victim.
Mikey: Okay. Maybe I could use an accomplice.
Mikey: BTW don't give this phone or show it to ANYONE ELSE.
Leo: I won't show this to anyone else. Or tell anyone else about the prank.
Mikey: Okay...I'm pranking Leo for ditching me when I had something important to tell him.
Leo: What's the prank?
Mikey: I'll sedate Leo tonight. (don't ask me how.) While he's asleep I'll paint his shell pink with glitter, and give then him a makeover. Then I'll hang a bucket of syrup and feathers above his door, so when he wakes up he'll be sticky and covered in feathers. I also put salt in his toothpaste and I also snuck itching powder in his favorite towel. (so don't use his favorite towel, or better yet... don't shower tomorrow morning.) And I'll be discreetly videotaping the whole thing.
Leo: Really?
Mikey: yep
Leo: Is that all?
Mikey: Yeah.
Leo: Did you already put this prank together?
Mikey: everything is all set up. Just waiting for Leo to go to his bedroom.
Leo: Okay.
Mikey: Hey Donnie...are you going to help?
Mikey: Donnie?
Donnie: Oh hey Mikey!
Mikey: Donnie! Did you just switch from using Leo's phone to yours?
Donnie: What? Oh yeah! I gave Leo back his phone a while ago!
Mikey: WHAT?!
Donnie: Ummm...yeah. Do we have a problem here?
Mikey: How long ago did you switch? WHAT WERE WE TEXTING ABOUT?
Donnie: Ummmm...the weather. Why?
Mikey: Nothing...nothing...ummmm...bye Donnie. Good talk.
Donnie: What?
Donnie: I'm confused...
Donnie: Mikey?
Donnie: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll llllllllllllooooooooooooo?
Raph: Did Mikey ever tell anybody what he needed to talk about yet?
Donnie: Raph? What's a bucket of syrup and feathers doing above my door?
Raph: You're stuck in your bedroom, right?
Donnie: I could use a little help here...
Trivia: Originally when I wrote this. I had Mikey texting Leo about a service that he wanted to get done. But that service was never revealed after typing this whole thing. Because I started getting off track. (obviously).