Inspired by The Order of the Phoenix.

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror,

Cold and clear

What will I see

When I look into you?

Will I see my green eyes

Beneath round glasses?

Or will slits take their place

And red pupils like a snakes?

To everyone around me,

I am exactly the same

But inside,

I can feel something stirring

Sinister and dark

It feels like him

HIs presence is inside me

And it's growing stronger

It grips me like a vice

and takes control

My anger flares

Dumbledore wont look me

in the eye anymore

Visions haunt my dreams

Voices whisper in the corners

of my mind and soul

Something has infected me

Something black and evil

Cold as death

Hot as molten flames

And it feels like him

It lies dormant in me

But without warning

Rears its head

And I can't escape its grasp

It scares me

What if it grows stronger?

I cannot avoid

Its influence now

If it gains power

Willl it control me?

Will I become

A puppet on a sting

A clown to dance

To the pipers tune

Will I become his slave

Or will I become him?

Mirror, mirror,

Cold and clear

What will I see

When I look at myself?

Will I see Harry Potter,

Or the Dark Lord?