Author has written 24 stories for Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Artemis Fowl, Star Wars, Thor, My Little Pony, Magic: The Gathering, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Phantom of the Opera, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and How to Train Your Dragon. Goodness, this hasn't been updated in ages! Blows dust off of profile* Hello, all! I'm not dead! School is still happening, but I've officially set aside a day of the week for just fanfic, so maybe that'll help increase production without adding to my imaginary stress load. But I'm updating my profile and creating one on Inkitt instead of writing, sooo. It's at a crawl, but at least I'm thinking about writing fanfic! 'She knew who it was before her hand met the mask.' Lol, this is never gonna get written. If you want Phantom from me, you'll have to get it all mixed in with Doctor Who in the epic crossover soup that is Blue Box Five! #advertisesformyownwritingonmyprofile Kinners vs. Sher- Nobody cares, it's out already!! …what's this? My profile has been discovered!? GIR! Startin' up the shields!! Hops into an X-Wing fighter* DIVE! DIVE! DIVE! *ska-BOOM* ...hi! I am the resident ponies, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Clone Wars, Avengers, Doctor Who, Portal, Sherlock, Minecraft, Star Trek, Phantom of the Opera, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Stargate nerd. *Degrees of nerdiness may vary between fandoms. I have OCs out my ears, some of whom you may never even meet because they're so underdeveloped or I have hopes of them becoming real one day. I am Vanirheim's 1503 number one airhead and Midgard's 2018 number one werewolf. I love taking personality quizzes, but I get the absolute worst results EVER. No lie, I got Jar Jar once. I ride horses, byakhees, skyhoppers, and the occasional alicorn, if Her Highness permits. Obviously I love writing, but basically everything I write is fanfic. I do have a couple other ideas for actual books, but I can't seem to get over my love of fanfic and fandoms…that and I'm well aware that my readers would hunt me down and chain me to my desk if I ever shut down my fanfic. I've had YOU! *Huggles* Why yes, I did get Pinkie Pie on a personality test. What makes you ask?
jkhesavampiretrololololol |