A/N: Hey guys, last chapter here! ;)

I made it extra long just for you :3

Disclaimer: I dddoo nnnooottt ooowwwwnn tthhheemmm

"Casey!" Leo called, and ran over to his friend. Donnie and April joined them, and they turned to the ghosts.

The teachers screamed one last time as their bodied ignited in a white flame. White light flashed from their eyes and mouths, before it finally encompassed them. The teenagers shielded their eyes from the light, and when they looked again, the ghosts were gone, leaving no trace that they had ever existed.

"You..." the head master hissed, seething in anger as his feet touched the ground. The four teenagers gulped and stepped back in fear with wide eyes. "In one term, you have all singlehandedly ruined what has taken me generations to build!" he slowly walked towards them, hands clenched. "How dare you think you can just come into my school, and destroy all I have accomplished? Do you really think that I'd let you get away with that?" he let out a short laugh before his expression darkened.

As Leo was inching back, he glanced behind him and his heart lifted as he realised they were in front of the fire, above which was the head's portrait. Apparently, the spirit was too angered to realise. Leo's hand reached down to grab a piece of wood which was jutting out of the fire, and he smiled as his fingers closed around it, ignoring the pain he felt on contact with the hot piece of wood.

"It's time for you to joinyour brother" the head master said, his anger blinding him to what Leo was doing.

"No, it isn't," said Leo. April, Casey and Donnie looked at him in shock as the head merely laughed.

"Oh really?" he asked. "What are you going to do to stop me?"

"Leo!" shouted a voice. The head turned in shock to see Mikey standing at the door, his eyes wide as he saw the head master closing in on his friends and brothers.

"This!" said Leo, using the distraction Mikey had created to pull the log from the burning fire. The ghost's head snapped round and his eyes widened as he watched Leo in horror, before they narrowed dangerously. As quick as a flash, he leapt towards Mikey and grabbed the teenager's wrist, pulling him in towards him. Mikey yelped in surprise as he was dragged forward, before the head grabbed his neck and pushed him up against the wall behind them. "Mikey!" cried Leo and Donnie, and Leo immediately stopped moving the flaming log, bringing it down and away from the fire. April's hands flew to cover her mouth in shock, and Casey let out a low growl.

"Move one muscle," he said, "and he will pay for your actions." He squeezed Mikey's neck a little harder, and the boy grabbed at the head's hands in a feeble attempt to free himself.

"Let him go," said Leo, but the head master only laughed, raising Mikey higher. Mikey's legs kicked out as he tried to land a hit on his captive and Leo struggled to find his voice. "Please," he said hoarsely. "Just let him go,"

"And why should I?"

Leo gulped, "we'll leave you alone. You can even keep the painting, look!" he stepped to the side of the fire and threw the log back in. The fire grew in size with the new fuel before shrinking again. "Now, put Mikey down." Leo looked at the head master expectantly, but he only smirked.

"Okay," he said, and Leo raised an eyebrow, unsure. "Move over there."

"What?" asked Leo in surprise.

"I said, move over there," he nodded to the left, signalling for the teens to move away from the fire and the only thing connecting him to the mortal world.

The four teenagers cautiously moved to where he was pointing, not taking their eyes off the ghost or Mikey, who had gone an alarming shade of blue.

"Good," said the head, and dropped Mikey to the ground. The freckled teen landed on his hands and knees, and he grasped at his throat as he coughed and gasped, desperately trying to draw as much air into his lungs as he could.

The head master casually walked up to the painting with his hands behind his back, and smiled, looking up at the age-old masterpiece. "Now," he said as he flew up to the top of the painting. "Was that really so hard?" he reached up and yanked the golden frame off of the wall, throwing it to the left where it clattered next to Donnie, who let out a cry of surprise as he jumped out of the way.

They all watched, helpless as the head took the painting down from its place on the wall. He looked at it fondly and smiled, before rolling it up and slipping it under his arm. He glanced at Mikey, who was still breathing heavily on the ground and smirked as he made his way to the other four teenagers.

"I'm going to get rid of you once and for all," he said as he came closer, causing them to inch back.

"Oh yeah?" suddenly said April, trying to keep a brave face. "And what are you gonna do then? You've got no one left."

"Oh, don't be silly, child." He said. "I've got the five of you, and those children I have trapped. He turned to Leo. "Including your brother, I believe."

"You can't do this!" exclaimed Casey, his hands balling into fists.

"Oh, but I can." Leo stole a glance behind them and saw to his dismay that they were dangerously close to touching the wall. Then there would be no hope of escape. "You see," the head continued. "I plan to recreate what I did all those years ago, and this time, I get to watch." He grinned sadistically.

Out of the corner of his eye, Donnie spotted something moving, and to his relief realised it was Mikey creeping up on the head. Mikey caught his brother's eye and raised a finger to his lips to tell him to be quiet. Donnie didn't nod, but instead turned to the head master.

"Are you sure you get to watch?" he asked, in an attempt to stall the ghost. "I mean, you were there last time, but surely you had your eyes closed. You were burning to death, after all."

By now, they had their backs to the wall and as soon as Leo realised what his younger brother was doing, he joined in, "yeah, what are you gonna do if you miss it a second time?"

"What if you do a really long sneeze?" added Casey, as he too had noticed Mikey, who was now attempting to reach out for the painting without needing to come too close. "Or even a yawn – you'd have your eyes closed for a while."

The head growled at the dark haired boy, "are you mocking me?" he asked, leaning in close to Casey.

"No," answered Leo, trying not to gasp when it looked like Mikey was about to fall over. "We're just curious." He inwardly sighed in relief as Mikey, with difficulty, regained his balance and gave his older brother a thumbs up.

"Yeah," agreed Donnie. "You have to take all factors into consideration, after all."

"You see –" Casey was interrupted by a roar of anger from the head.

"Enough!" he shouted, making the lights flicker. "I've had enough of your stalling! Now, I'm going to end you!" he took a step forward, but as he did so, Mikey grabbed the painting tucked under his arm. The curly haired boy yanked it away and turned to sprint at full speed towards the fire.

"No!" the head screamed, and spun around to chase after Mikey, but the boy was too fast. He reached the fire and threw it in just as the head reached him. In anger, he blindly swung his arm at Mikey, striking the boy in the side before he could even think about dodging. Mikey crashed into a table, and groaned as he rolled over, holding his side in pain.

As soon as the painting hit the fire, it immediately went up in flames, and the head screamed in agony. The teenagers once again shielded their eyes, this time actually feeling the heat radiating off the ghost. With one last scream, the ghost burst in a mass of white light, leaving nothing behind.

"Mikey!" Leo called, and helped his little brother as Mikey groggily sat up, with a lopsided grin on his face.

"Did we win?" he asked.

"Yeah," replied Donnie. "We won."

"Good job, little brother," said Leo with a smile, fondly rubbing Mikey's mass of blonde curls. Mikey grinned up at him and laughed, although it was more in relief than in actual humour.

Raph blinked open his eyes and looked around, surprised to find himself in the library.

"What?" he let his eyes adjust to the light, before taking in the sight in front of him. Leo, Casey, April and Donnie were standing by a table with Mikey splayed on top of it, looking at him with a mix of shock and amusement.

"Raph!" Raph grinned as his youngest brother hopped off the table and ran over, tackling him to the ground in a bone crushing hug. "You're okay!" Raph gave a rare warm smile as he returned the hug and rested his chin on Mikey's head.

"Good to have you back, Raph," Raph looked up to see his older brother approaching him with a smile.

"Yeah," he agreed as Mikey clambered off of him, allowing him to stand up.

"Where did you guys go anyway?" asked Casey, gesturing to the kids standing behind Raph, looking around in bewilderment.

"Uh, I'm not really sure." admitted Raph, scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you," suddenly said a voice, and they all turned to see Alyssa standing with the rest of the ghostly pupils behind her.

"Alyssa!" exclaimed Mikey, before suddenly frowning. "Uh, how long have you guys been standing there?"

"You've set us free," she said, ignoring his question as she waved sadly, and Mikey gasped as their bodies became transparent.

"No, wait!" he called, but all he got was a shy giggle as Alyssa blushed, before she and the rest of the children disappeared entirely. Mikey felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Leo smiling down at him. Mikey smiled back as the others surrounded them.

"So, what did I miss?" asked Raph, and Donnie grinned.

"Nothing really."

"It's over," breathed Casey, putting an arm around April. She laughed and lightly lifted his arm up, moving it around her head and dumping it by his side.

"It's over," agreed Leo.

"That everything?" asked Leo, packing the last suitcase into the boot of the taxi.

"Yep, that's everything," said Donnie. They were one of the last cars left on the grounds, as everyone had rung their parents and told them to come and pick them up, using various stories about a fire and disappearing teachers as an excuse.

"We're leaving now," said April, walking up to the four brothers with Casey.

"You guys are going home together?" asked Raph in surprise.

"Nah," said Casey. "Her parents are dropping me off 'cause mine are out of town"

"Oh, okay," said Raph, raising an eyebrow.

"So I guess we'll see you later then..." said Donnie sadly.

"We have your numbers," said April. "And it's so not like we're never gonna see you again!"

"Yeah," said Donnie, grinning. "You're right,"

"As always!" she said with a wink.

"C'mon, let's go already!" moaned Mikey, pulling at Leo's arm.

April and Casey laughed and left to go to their own car, waving one last time before getting in.

"Alright alright!" said Leo, grunting as his younger brother pulled him towards the car.

"Jeeze Mikey, we're going already!" muttered Raph, grumpily opening the car door.

Before getting in, Donnie thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and squinted in the blazing sunlight at the figure standing beside a bush.

"Guys," he breathed, and his brothers looked to where Donnie was pointing. Mr. Hemsworth looked up from the bush he was trimming, feeling the stares of the boys and smiled warmly, waving a hand. The boys waved back, but stopped as he mouthed "thank you" to them, before going back to cutting the hedges.

"So Mr. Creepy wasn't a ghost?" asked Raph, turning to Leo.

"Doesn't looks like it," replied Leo, but gasped in surprise as he turned back to see that Mr. Hemsworth had disappeared. "He's gone!"

"But I only turned away for a second!" exclaimed Donnie, gaping at the spot the cleaner had been standing in only moments before.

"This place is so weird," said Mikey, getting in the taxi.

"Yeah, it is," agreed Donnie as he and Raph also got in the car. Leo took one last look at the mansion before getting in with his brothers. They all turned to watch the building out of the back window as the taxi drove away, and kept on watching even as the tall green trees covered the old school, hiding it and its secrets until the next time someone got too curious.

A/N: There, I've done it! Woo! Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed, favourited and followed this story, I hope you enjoyed it! (I know I enjoyed writing it)

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide whether Mr. Hemsworth is a ghost or not ;)

Please review and tell me how you found the story – be honest! Thanks again and I'll hopefully see you in another fic! *hint hint nudge nudge*