"So...this is the place?" Donatello looked over to his elder brother Leonardo, who frowned slightly.

"This is the place." He replied. There was the rev of an engine and they turned just in time to see their taxi driving away.

"Guess that means we can't bail now," said Raphael dryly.

"It...could be fun," said Michelangelo, attempting to lighten the gloomy mood hanging over the four teenagers. He didn't get a reply as his older brothers stayed where they were, looking up at the old, breathtaking mansion. It was grey with countless windows all placed evenly along the mossy brick walls. There was a huge, dark oak door directly opposite them, and all around the empty gravel car park where they were standing was perfectly cut fresh green grass and tall trees, with colourful flowers lining the gravel path leading to the door, despite it being the middle of winter.

"Well," decided Leo, picking up his suitcase and looking up at the grey sky. "We'd better go in before it starts to rain."

"It'd suit this place," mumbled Donnie as he followed his brother inside the building.

Raph pushed the huge door and it swung open with a loud creek, immediately slamming shut as soon as the four brothers were inside. "Who closed the door?" whispered Mikey, feeling the need to be quiet even though there was no one around.

"Probably the wind." said Donnie. "It's not unknown for the wind to be able to close doors, even ones as heavy as this."

The room they were standing in had another smaller oak door to their left, with an identical one on their right. The floor was spotless marble and in front of them were a set of wide, concrete stairs leading up, before splitting off to go in opposite directions once they reached the far wall, which was home to a huge portrait painting of a scary-looking man. He wore a top hat and a smart suit and was neither smiling, nor frowning.

"How old is this place?" wondered Donnie, staring up at the painting.

"Hundreds of years old." the boys jumped at the sound of a new voice, and turned to their left to see a man walking up to them, seemingly having appeared out of thin air. He had black, greying hair with a receding hairline and was wearing a white shirt with a black bow tie, and a black suit jacket with trousers to match. He looked as though he were ready to attend a funeral or a wedding. "Welcome to Kingsland High. I am Mr. Hemsworth, the maid. Now, bring your things and I will show you to your rooms." The four brothers said nothing as they grabbed their matching black suitcases and followed Mr. Hemsworth up the stairs, before he turned left at the portrait. The way he walked was very formal and old-fashioned, keeping his back straight and gaze ahead without letting anything distract him.

Where are the other students? Wondered Leo. In a place this big there's got to be more than just a couple of us.

"The other students are in various other parts of the school, unpacking for the terms ahead." said Mr. Hemsworth suddenly, as if he had ready Leonardo's mind. "You are one of the last to arrive."

Leo coughed to clear his throat, "Right, uh, sorry about that. We live quite a long way away from here."

Instead of asking where they boys actually lived as Leo had thought he would, he just stated, "Yes. Not many students live near here. We are in the middle of nowhere, away from civilisation; this is the best way to get you a good education – no distractions." He took a final left which lead to a very long corridor lined with, for once, normal size oak doors on either side. "You are room numbers 33 and 34." Mr. Hemsworth said, placing two keys each with different coloured tags in Leo's hand. Leo looked at them, seeing that the yellow one had the number '33' on it and the blue one had the number '34'. "Try not to get lost."

"Right, thanks." said Leo, "So do we just follow the –" he gasped as he looked up, seeing that the strange man was gone. "How did he..."

"Dude," said Mikey, shuddering. "We've only been here for five minutes and this place is already giving me the creeps."

"Join the club," muttered Donnie, beginning to walk down the corridor.

"Odd numbers on the left, even numbers on the right." said Leo, looking from one side to the other as he followed Donnie. "They're in order so our rooms should be easy to find." After a while of walking in silence, they stopped in between two of the doors, about halfway down the corridor.

"So who's taking what room?" asked Raph. Leo threw the yellow key to Raph, who caught it deftly, before grinning.

"Donnie and I take this one; you and Mikey take that one."

"What?" Raph exclaimed as Leo unlocked his and Donnie's door. "I don't wanna be stuck in the same room as Mikey!"

"Hey..." protested Mikey, but it fell on deaf ears.

"What?" said Donnie, clearly trying to hide his smirk. "He's your brother, and besides, Leo and I get along well. You and Leo...don't, and you just make fun of me all the time. Plus, we don't wanna go with Mikey!"

"Hey!" exclaimed Mikey, louder than before. Donnie and Leo grinned at Raph before entering their room, closing the door behind them.

Raph looked from his key to Mikey and sighed. "Oh boy..."