As always, an apology for the long wait, meh. But I'm trying to keep up the best I can, enjoy humans!

Chapter 9

Mikey's POV

"did I win?" was my first concern. And I rejoiced when I heard I beat him good and hard.

"tore yourself to the ground in exhaustion, but you definitely did it." Donnie smiled approvingly, I felt myself glow with pride, even though I was on the verge of passing out again. I looked about, realizing I was lying down on the couch, my brothers perched somewhat near me, doing their own thing.

"I congratulate you on your success, my sons." Splinter nodded to us, "but do not become egotistical." he abid us the advice, "It may make victory seem sweeter, but you will gain enemies, and it will give you great amounts of guilt if you falter agents them." Sensi turned and walked back to his room,

"Hai sensi," Leo called to his retreating back,

Leo's POV

The next day, we were the talk of the school, everyone was whispering 'Hey those are the Hamatos!' 'look! it's THEM!' 'arn't they the one's that beat the Drebbles?' 'those guys are, like, Olympic legends!'

We all got approving looks and even a few high-fives.

We all met by our lockers between classes,

"any problems guys?" I asked, they knew I was referring to the Drebbles,


"not that I could see,"

"all good my ninja!"

I smiled, glad that they wouldn't be giving us any issues.

"in fact," Donnie said as we all started toward second block, "I don't think any of them are here today."

"ha! Too ashamed to show their faces?" Raph snorted, "no surprise,"

I felt a dash of unease, like a small ice cold gale decided to glide upon my shoulders alone, I shivered, Mikey and Donnie didn't notice, they were too caught up playfully complaining about a certain algebra teacher that Raph and I didn't have.

Raph saw my small shiver though, he locked eyes with me, and quirked an eyebrow questioningly. I gave him a nonchalant smile and a tiny flip of the hand to assure him all was good, he grinned back and nodded.

It's nothing...right? it's nothing Leonardo... it's nothing... Yeah... it's nothing...

Mikey's POV

"Mr. Dalton, may I use the restroom?" I raised my hand in the middle of class,

"take a hallpass, Michelangelo." The lazy teacher waved from his desk, I took the navy blue pass hanging by the door and entered the empty hallways.

It was always so quiet here, like that crazy lady with the exploding elbows is gonna come around the corner saying 'Come with me.' in the creepy nice way April explained.

I started to hum for a while, just to fill the empty space, but it made things more awkward, so I just stopped, now the silence was again taken hold of me. I internally sighed, whatever, doesn't matter.

I felt my heartbeat begin to increase, and I felt the desire to either run back to the classroom, or just RUN in general.

I felt hot in some areas and cold in others, something was bothering me, what did Leo call this again?


"Well well, little Hamato, it's about time,"

oh. Danger. I was sensing danger.

I felt my blood run cold, there was no one around that I could see, the closest classes were the gym and auditorium, and everyone in gym was outside. I mentally kicked myself for not listening to my instincts.


"Show yourselves." I demanded, calmly. Glad Raph gave me a long talk about acting vulnerable, and how it can get me killed. Even if you are vulnerable, pretend you aren't.

"Or are you all too afraid to fight?" I called out, desperately wishing I had my nunchucks.

"we're gonna break your legs." I hefty voice whispered into my ear, I felt two pairs of arms gram mine, there was no use screaming for help, no one was with-in ear-shot. And I'd never give those Drebbles the pleasure of hearing me scream. they were bigger than me, I was pretty darn tiny compared to them, I didn't realize it at the time, but I was short. And I wasn't as strong as I used to be, for the first time in the duration of this entire adventure, I found myself missing my old body.

They kept a super tight grip of my arms, it hurt terribly, the worst pain was the kind you couldn't evade.

Conor and Justin were the ones holding onto my arms, Lance and Tobias were looking me up and down, as if they were butchers and I was their meat.

My heart was pounding in my chest, C'mon Mikey, you've faced mutant dogs, aliens, and blood thirsty humans in meat-grinder suits. high-school drama can't be THAT bad... right?

"This one's mine." Tobias growled and whipped out a switch blade knife. I felt my nerves giving in, and I started to shake like crazy, I was terrified.

"so I can run faster than you," I decided to make use of my tongue, "big deal, is it really necessary to- AAAGGUUUHHH!" I screamed as the knife was slashed across my arm, ripping a huge hoed in the arm of it.

"shut-up Hamato. You'll pay for humiliating me. You. WILL. Pay."

Raph's POV

"can anyone take this folder down to the gym? just leave it on Mr. Hard's desk."

"I will!" I raised my hand, no I wasn't doing it because I was an 'enthusiastic student' or because I wanted to show effort, I WANTED OUT. UGH! this class was SOOOO boring! and Mrs. Finch is a bore,

"alright Raphael, please take it down, dear."

"yes, Ma'm." I mumbled, I smiled when I was out of the room, taking my good ol' time. Till I heard something that turned my blood cold.

Mikey. A terrible scream that made me drop everything and dash toward the horrific call.

I turned the corner, panic clear in my eyes, I exactly what I was dreading; Tobias wielding a knife to my brother who was bleeding in several places, on his arm, and a crooked scar on his face, starting just under his left eyebrow, running down over his eye which was shut tight, traces of blood pooring out, under his eye spiking left, then right, ending at his chin. and lastly a large stab wound in the stomach.

"NO!" I screamed and whipped out my sais.

Leo told us not to bring our weapons, but I did anyway, making sure to 'casually' stretch my arms holding a bag with my sais over the metal detectors.

I let loose all of my ninja skills, and I savored the terrified looks on their faces. I had my back to Mikey, pummeling Lance to a pulp,

I then heard heard the most sickening SNAP! I had ever heard, then Mikey screamed louder than I ever though possible.

I swung around me, to see Tobias, he had lifted up Mikey's leg, from where he was lying on his back, put his foot on his knee-cap and snapped it completely the wrong way,

"NO!" I screamed,Mikey had his mouth open in a silent scream, too painful for his to combat.

With the deed done, the Drebbles ran off, I didn't care where they ran off to, but I rushed to Mikey's side, my baby brother, he was hurt, I didn't realize I was crying till it was blurring my vision too horribly for me to see.

I wiped my eyes, and picked him up bridal style, making Mikey moan in pain again, too physically and emotionally exhausted to shriek anymore.

I ran for the front door, which was right next to the front office.

no, go to the front office, they'll get a hospital to help.

I mentally sighed, glad that the hospital will help.

"hang in there Mikey, I'll get you some help okay? Please just stay awake! okay?"

"Raaaph..." he mummer,

"yeah buddy, what is it?"

"I-" he gasped, more tears running down his face, "I don't wanna be a human anymore!" I felt so shaken by what he said, that I almost faltered, I felt myself beginning to sob with him,

"Donnie will change us back little brother, I promise, I'll make sure of it!" I yelled to him, "please Mikey, just stay awake okay?!"

"but I'm so tired... and everything hurts..."

"I know I know... Just stay awake though,"


"please buddy," I whispered, he finally looked me in the eye with a pained expression, "I can't lose you, you."

"okay, Raphie." He murmured, I didn't care that he called me by my old nick-name that I forced everyone to stop calling me, I was just relieved by the effort he was giving toward life.

C'mon Mikey, I thought diligently, You're a ninja, don't go down because a bunch of teenagers wanted to be jerks to you, hold on a bit longer.

I finally burst into the front office, everyone's eyes going from me to my brother

"CALL AN AMBULANCE! CALL ONE! NOW!" I screamed, and everyone present scrambled for a phone, several of the adults came forward,

"no! Leave him alone!" I shouted, taking a step backwards, but between my exhaustion and my lack of good judgement, one of the stronger men took Mikey out of my arms, they were asking me questions but I couldn't hear them,

"no! That's my brother..."

"Calm down son,"

"Mikey..." I huffed, so physically and emotionally exhausted,

"The ambulance is here! Get that kid in there!"

I booked after my brother, hoping into the back of the truck, not caring if it reminded me of the Kraang truck.

"kid you should-" a nurse tried to stop me,

"that's my brother!" I pointed to my little red-headed brother, "I'm COMING." she nodded, and allowed me to ride with him, I sat back and watched the doctors secure him, I felt so helpless and despaired.

I fumbled to get my T-phone out, I hit dial for Donnie, the first one on my contacts list under April and Casey, He was my brother,

"Hey, Donatello here-"


"Sorry I couldn't get to my phone right now, probably cleaning up some catastrophe- QUIT IT MIKEY! ugh, so, I'll get back to you- oh, leave a message after the tone please!" I got the answering machine, I would of made a sly remark about his 'Good-two-shoes persona about turning off his phone, but Picky sarcasm was beyond me right now,

"Please Leo...Pick up please..." after four rings I was about to hang up, when I heard a voice hiss at the other end,

"heh heh...This had better be good Raphael!"

Leo's POV

We were doing a silent assignment. Then my phone rang. I instantly flushed red, everyone looked to me, some snickering, others annoyed.

"uh, heh...sorry..." I reached to turn my phone off,

"oh no, Mr. Hamato." Mr. Jones insisted, "please come to the front of class and answer your phone."

The class snickered again, I stood up and went to the front, knowing that it wasn't an option. I glanced at the caller ID,


"heh heh..." I laughed nervously, "this better be good Raph!" I snarled, still bright red.

"LEO!" Raph screamed from the other end, to the point I had to hold it away from my ear, "It's Mikey! He's hurt! You gotta get down to the Hospital off of 5th RIGHT NOW! Get Donnie, Casey and April too! Hurry man! He's fading fast!"

"I okay- okay Raph! I'll be there soon!" I turned off my phone and looked to my teacher who had heard the entire conversation.

"Mr. Jones-"

"go Leonardo, do you have a ride?"

"yes sir," I said, barreling out of the classroom. I texted to all captors while running: MIKEY'S IN HOSPITAL! GET DOWN THERE NOW! I DON'T KNOW DETAILS, BUT RAPH SAID HE MAY NOT MAKE IT! HURRY!

I made sure not to text it to master Splinter, no need for him to appear at the hospital.

aaaaaand scene.

That scene about Raph demanding to go into the ambulance with Mikey was actually biased on true events, when my mother got a Kidney stone and she was in so much pain she couldn't even move, I turned to the medic and demanded that I came with him. he was a bit surprised to see a bare-footed panicking teen ordering him around, but he allowed me to come.

P.S. special thanks to MissCookiiie for giving me the idea of Mikey getting beat up and Raph coming to the rescue!