As expected, Angeline Fowl had been more than furious when she discovered her son gone without a word.

It had taken several hours to calm her down. Butler noted with amusement that Artemis, always two steps ahead, could not get away from his own mother, who could always move twice as fast as he did even when she was wearing high heels.

The boy had emerged, quite disgruntled and – what was that look? He seemed cowed, almost. Butler supposed that anyone would end up quite frazzled after several very explosive "lectures" from an overprotective mother – especially if that mother was a powerful, fiery witch like Angeline Fowl.

When she had calmed down enough for Artemis to explain his actions and show her the fruit of his labors…well, his mother's reaction was just as passionate as before. The entire cycle had repeated, although dear Lady Angeline was less angry this time and more shocked.

Artemis Senior had awoken to the yells, still ridden with amnesia (he only remembered the years under Karkaroff's rule and none of the rescue), and Artemis Junior had been forced to explain himself. Again. Of course, he omitted several of the details concerning fairies and was intentionally vague on how he had gotten past all of Karkaroff's defenses…

Butler would have laughed, but Butler did not laugh – because Butlers didn't laugh.

And the cycle of screaming and crying and hugging continued – mostly on Angeline's part.

Yep. Everything was definitely back to normal.

Artemis Fowl Senior's recovery had been steady. Lady Angeline noted happily that in a week, he would be able to walk perfectly fine – and even accompany them on their trip to Diagon Alley for school supplies.

Artemis Senior had been quite pleasantly surprised when he discovered that his son was a wizard. Having been away during Artemis' first year, he had no clue.

"Oh, Artemis, how I have failed you."

"You haven't, Father. You stayed alive for Mother and me – that is more than I could ask for."

There was much more to be said between all members of the family.

But we shall leave them to their privacy here, and close the curtain on their sentiments.

Dear Artemis,

How was your summer?

Artemis looked at the scroll of parchment in his hand. It was early August.

He reflected back on the past few days – they had gone by in a blur. He picked up his quill.

I kidnapped a fairy. I tried to ransom him for some blueprints of some very dangerous fairy technology. The fairy police tried to kill me with a troll, before they finally paid the ransom, although I think they were planning to double-cross me after that, anyway. Then I found out that my father was still alive – and that he was in Murmansk. I went and rescued him, along with the help of the fairies that I just kidnapped. I learned how to set a man on fire and break out of magical binding using wandless magic and nearly killed myself through exhaustion. And when I got home, my mother nearly screamed her own head off – and my ears as well.

Even in his head, it sounded stupid.

So, he scrawled a reply – "Did all the usual."

The usual for Artemis Fowl II, that is.

And that was all.



Review guys...the more reviews I get the sooner I'll post year 2! And believe me...this one is going to be good. I have it all worked out. You'll get even more hints about the mysterious voice in Artemis' head, for one, though I still plan to keep it a mystery until later books. If you're smart like Artemis, though, you might be able to figure it out.