Author has written 12 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Kuroshitsuji, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Sailor Moon, RWBY, Flash, Book X-overs, Dragon Age, Mythology, and Dungeons and Dragons.
Call me Mauisse, please.
Currently, I'm working on several separate FanFics, and I like to write up a few chapters first before posting any, just in case I have sudden Writer's Block and no one is left hanging for a long time. I hate doing that.
Oh! And welcome to my Profile Page. Fics and summeries are below
Willful Kismet - The Flash (2014) - On-Going, Multi-Chapter, Self-Insert
Summery -- Introducing the Flash self-insert not a damn soul asked for complete with me learning from my own OC fics, joking over the very situation I’ve landed in, saving Eddie Thawne because I’m a salty mofo who loves Eddris, my really weird-ass humor, real facts about me, gratuitous mentions of my love of OJ, orange soda, & Leonard Snart, and me getting to eagerly fuck over Eobard Thawne. Let’s hope this is the one fic I actually freaking finish in my life. CROSS-POSTED TO AO3: http ://archiveofourown . org/works/11145378/chapters/24866004
Tale of a Demon's Best Friend - Kuroshitsuji FanFiction - On-Going, Multi-Chapter, Ciel Phantomhive, DISCONTINUED
Summery -- Aislin Bird, an orphan who lost her parents at four, befriended the teen boy who lived across the street at age five. Eight years later, he reveals to her the secret why he and his 'brother' never aged; they were demons. Now, Aislin and her friends have to leave the safety of her small town to keep out from under the nose of a certain Reaper and a new rule against Aislin's friendship with the demons.
The Lucy Spellman Trilogy - Multi-fandom- On-Going, Multi-Chapter, Three Books, INDEFINITE HIATUS
* Lucy of the Moon - Sailor Moon (Manga) - Multi-Chapter, Book One of The Lucy Spellman Trilogy
Summery of Book One -- Tsukino Lucy and her sister aren't as ordinary as they thought. One is a crime stopping superhero fighting it in the name of Justice and Love, the other is an advisor for scattered Senshi and a lost princess. CROSS-POSTED TO AO3: http ://archiveofourown . org/works/2060733/chapters/4478607
you said come with me boy (I want to show you something more) - The Flash (2014) & Irish Mythology, One-shot, Leonard Snart & the Morrigan
Summery -- Three times Leonard Snart gets killed and brought back, and the one time he opts out. OR Leonard Snart accidentally tickles the Morrigan's fancy. / WARNING: mentions of abuse, death, and blood.
Normal People V.S. YuGiOh! Fans - One-Shot
Summery -- Normal people: Rely on their local weatherman for the weather forecast. Yu-Gi-Oh fans: Would rather rely on Ishizu for future predictions. Which are you? Are you a normal person or Yu-Gi-Oh! fan?
Don't Cry, Mr. England - One-Shot
Summery -- Visiting England during the summer, one night little Lyonesse is woken and has to do something she's never done before: comfort someone.
Queen of Clubs - Axis Powers Hetalia (Cardverse) - Multi-Chapter, 8/8 Chapters, BEING TAKEN DOWN
Summery -- Hannah was raised as a village girl, and her whole life she was a village girl. When her father takes her and her brother to the capital of their kingdom, the Club Kingdom, to witness the new king's coronation, what will happen when she meets him herself?
Plot Bunny (A.K.A. Unsure) FanFiction
The Lucy Spellman Trilogy - Multi-fandom - Multi-Chapter, Three Books
* Wands, Charms and Patronuses - Harry Potter (Books) - Multi-Chapter, Book Two of The Lucy Spellman Trilogy
Summery of Book Two -- Lucy, Hotaru, and Luna end up in the world of Harry Potter, needing to change something in history to the four founders of Hogwarts appeasement and find her lost friends. Of course, none of the founders specify what and Lucy doesn't know who, so now she has to tread lightly with the story line, and hope she doesn't kill Harry. Then again, she's already been placed in the wrong house and apparently Draco is childhood friends with Lucy. (There will be talks of the Silver Millennium and of Sailor Moon.)
* Journey to the West or At Least How They Got Part-Way There - Saiyuki (Anime) - Multi-Chapter, Book Three of The Lucy Spellman Trilogy
Summery of Book Three -- Lucy, Hotaru, Luna Lovegood, and Luna the Cat are now in Saiyuki, the end of Lucy's long journey, and Kanzeon Bosatsu has told them to warp it to their liking. Hotaru must stay with the Merciful Goddess while the other's travel with the gang. Naturally, Luna the Witch and Lucy plan to mess with Sanzo, and Luna the cat herself teams up with the Mother Hen to crack down on everyone when they're hurt. Let's see where this takes them. (There will be talks of the Silver Millennium from Sailor Moon and of Harry Potter)
As Time Moves - Axis Powers Hetalia - Multi-Chapter, America, Britian/England, future-UsUk
Summery -- On the late evening of December 21st, 1991, America stumbles upon a small, recently born baby girl and takes her in as his 'daughter', naming her Lyonesse A. Jones, unknowingly bringing back long buried memories from England and France's past.
I've got nothing else to say, sooooo...
Write Down Ten Random Characters.
1- Ciel Phantomhive - Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
2- Germany - Axis Powers Hetalia
3- Russia - Axis Powers Hetalia
4- Vladimir Tod - The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
5- Alice Liddel - Heart no Kuni No Alice
6- Sarah Williams - Labyrinth
7- Usagi Tsukino - Sailor Moon
8- Loki Laufeyson - Thor/Avengers
9- Jareth the Goblin King - Labyrinth
10- Prussia - Axis Powers Hetalia
1.) Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their own house. What happens?
(Vladimir Tod invites Russia and Loki to dinner at his own house. What happens?)
Vlad invites both the most scary people on Earth to his home for dinner? Pfft. Won't happen. Russia would try to 'become one' with Nelly- resulting in Otis and Vlad BOTH going for the kill- and Loki would try to dominate everyone, making Vlad have to use his Pravus powers to show Loki who's really boss and he needs to leave Earth alone.
2.) You need to stay at a friend's house for a night. Whose house, One or Six?
(You need to stay at a friend's house for a night. Whose house, Ciel Phantomhive's or Sarah Williams?)
Hard choice. I get along well with both Ciel and Sarah. (Ciel: That is the largest lie I have ever heard. We get along like salt and sugar.) Shut up! Anyway, I'd choose Sarah's place anyway, because I usually like to talk with the Hat and play knight games with Sir Didymus when I visit.
3. Two and Seven are making out when Ten walks in. Ten's reaction?
(Germany and Usagi Tsukino are making out when Prussia walks in. Prussia's reaction?)
Oh, this is good. Okay, so Prussia walks in, and he's shocked at first that his brother- probably the biggest prude-but-secret-pervert on Earth second to Japan- is making out with innocent Usagi. Both blondes are putting Spain's tomatos to shame when they realise he's there, they're so red, and then Prussia walks over and claps Germany on the back, telling him 'good job' in German before running off before he can get his arse beat by his baby brother. About five minutes later, the two start making out again and Japan is secretly taking notes for a new manga in the kitchen.
4.) Three falls in love with Six. Eight is jealous. What happens?
(Russia falls in love with Sarah Williams. Loki is jealous. What happens?)
Russia? In love with Sarah? And Loki's jealous? Holy crap, has Jareth got compatetion. But if Jareth did not exist here, Loki would probably pull a 'I banish you through Tesseract to the Other's realm' or something to get rid of Russia to have Sarah to himself. Either that or Loki puts Sarah under that crazy mind control or the two scary guys have an all-out war for her. *shrug* In an matter, Sarah goes to Jareth in the end.
5.) Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who rescues you, two, ten, or seven?
(Vladimir Tod jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who rescues you, Germany, Prussia, or Usagi Tsukino?)
Verdammit! I told Vlad my blood was off limits! *sigh* Well, any three of them would save me. But the most likely would be Prussia do to his knightly virtues from back when he was the Teutonic Knights and chivalry and all that crap still actually existed. *le gasp* It is no myth! Chivalry once existed! Not to mention Prussia's Cathlioc- look up dem facts, ppl- so he's bound to have a cross on him somewhere other than the Maltese one around his neck.
6.) One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what happens?
(Ciel Phantomhive decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what happens?)
Ciel and a cooking show? There is no fifteen minutes. He quits in the first five and has Sebastian take over for the lasting 25. He let Bard give him lessons instead of Sebastian or me.
7.) Three has to marry either Eight, Four, or Nine. Who do they choose?
(Russia has to marry either Loki, Vladimir Tod, or Jareth the Goblin King. Who does he choose?)
*tries not to laugh* My gosh. It's pretty obvious! Vlad is owned by Snow, so no. Jareth is still after Sarah, even after the whole "You have no power over me" thing, so nada. The only choice is Loki, and both are bound to take over the world together, so now I'm going to go hide in a cave while those two take over the world.
8.) Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two's release. What is it?
(Usagi Tsukino kidnapes Germany and demands something from Alice Liddel for Germany's release. What is it?)
Actually, Usagi doesn't kidnap Germany. Not really. It's some play the three were acting out for class at Hetalia Academy. Usagi doesn't have a mean bone in her body, so yeah. I can tell you Usagi broke up with Mamoru and Germany is no longer going steady with Italy.
9.) Everyone gangs up on Three. Does Three stand a chance?
(Everyone gangs up on Russia. Does Russia stand a chance?)
*shivers in fear* More like 'does everyone else stand a chance'. Jesus, that guy is a frickin' demon! (Sebastian: I beg your pardon?) Sorry, but he's really flippin' scary, everyone is nuts to fight him! But, yeah, he stands a chance. Majorly.
10.) Everyone is invited to Two and Seven's wedding except for Eight. How does Eight react?
(Everyone is invited to Germany's and Usagi Tsukino's wedding exept for Loki. How does Loki react?)
YAY! I knew they'd get married! Anyway, about Loki... he wasn't invited because him and Russia got a devorce and well... they'd already invited Russia. So, Loki reacts by trying to crash the wedding, but Jareth, Vlad, and Russia just fight him off.
11.) Why is Six afraid of Seven?
(Why is Sarah Williams afraid of Usagi Tsukino?)
She's not. Sarah and Usagi are great friends in reality.
12.) Nine arrives too late for Two and Seven's wedding. What happens and why were they late?
(Jareth the Goblin King arrives too late for Germany and Usagi Tsukino's wedding. What happens and why was Jareth late?)
Jareth was late because him and Sarah had a little fiasco the night before... if you catch my drift.
13.) Five and Nine get drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
(Alice Liddel and Jareth the Goblin King get drunk and end up at your house. What happens?)
*facepalm* And once again, Ace (maybe Blood looking for someone to warm his bed this time?) gets Alice drunk and Sarah kicked Jareth out of the Underground for the night. Anyway, after calling up Russia to go hunt down both Ace and Blood for a beating- beacause I know it was one of them- I help her throw up her dinner in my toilet and give her some bread and water to soak up the rest of the liquir then send her to my spare bedroom. As for Jareth... I make him watch Labyrinth with me and every other movie David Bowie or Jennifer Connelly are in until he leaves in heart broken agony for Vlad's.
14.) Nine murders Two's best friend (Has to be someone on the list). What does Two do to get back?
(Jareth the Goblin King murders Germany's best friend. What does Germany do to get back?)
Oh, shet. Jareth killed Prussia? Uh... well... *hides while Germany hunts Jareth down in Nazi!Germany mode*
15.) Six and One are in mortal danger. Does Six save One or themselves?
(Sarah Williams and Ciel Phantomhive are in mortal danger. Does Sarah save Ciel or herself?)
No need. Jareth- while hiding from Nazi!Germany of course- saves Sarah and Sebastian naturally saves Ciel.
16.) Eight and Three go camping. But they forget food. What do they do?
(Loki and Russia go camping. But they forgot food. What do they do?)
Easy, Loki conjours up food for himself and Russia never forgets his Vodka. The two put aside their differences for a weekend to please Sarah.
17.) Five is in a car accident and is critically injured. What does Nine do?
(Alice Liddel is in a car accident and is critically injured. What does Jareth the Goblin King do?)
Considering Alice is Sarah's friend, he uses his magic to make her better and stuff. He's a Fea, a Fair Folk, made of MAGIC, he can do just about anything but revive a dead body.
18.) The quiz is over. By the way, how did Two and Seven end up?
(The quiz is over. By the way, how did Germany and Usagi Tsukino end up?)
Oh, Usagi finds her husband and changes him back after reviving Prussia- she can do everything, she's a Moon Princess and Lunarian-, Crystal Tokyo happens, Chibiusa is still born- just blonde and blue eyed like her parents. Germany loosens up over the years leading up to the 30th century (and Loki and Russia get back together, plus Jareth and Sarah finally get hitched thanks to them). The two have their fair share of quarrels- not as many as you'd think though with their personalities and large contrasts- but make up and are a fair King and Queen over the years.
And now thanks to this I ship RussiaxLoki and GermanyxUsagi as crossover pairings.
Lucy's Cat Form: http:///wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Norwegian_Forest_Cat.jpg
Lucy's Henshin Earrings: https:///042/0/5662649/il_340x270.572438714_i7j9.jpg
Lucy's Transformation Hair Clip: https:///044/0/6528545/il_340x270.612884079_pcyn.jpg
Lucy's Masquerade Gown and Mask (minus jewel and feather on mask; earrings replaced by star earrings on dress): DRESS- Lucy's Dress MASK- Lucy's Mask
Lucy's New Uniform and Weapon: https:///376358f02892e87aeb6ec4d266dd59c5/tumblr_inline_nj4gozQM7w1t729aa.jpg ; https:///214f6fbaaa875e9d3e2f7113d7566a08/tumblr_inline_nj4grvB9SQ1t729aa.jpg
For my other stories I don't plan to post here, visit here; http:///LucidDreamersDreams
Written By FlyingAboveTheClouds
All Credit Goes To Her
"Marukaite Chikyuu - Avalon"
Hey Papa America, could I have some white wine!
Hey hey Daddy- Er, I mean, Britain!
For some reason I just can't forget,
The taste of that mutton that Mr. England made before!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
I am Avalon
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Could it really be the Earth?
Something tells me that it's the Earth!
I am Avalon!
Ah, the beautiful world,
How I wish I could see it all!
Adding an extra "A" to FACE family!
("Sup', Uncle Francis! ¿Qué tal?, Hermano Antonio! O-oh, h-hello Mr. Prussia…")
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
I am Avalon!
Draw a circle, there's Earth!
Let's look down upon the Earth!
Looking to and fro, there is the Earth!
I am Avalon!
Ah, if you look past all the silly disputes,
You can find so much love and joy
("FrUK this!" "Don't use such foul language, darling.")
Somewhere out there, magic is in the air!
Hey, Big Bruder Ludwig, get me some wurst!
Oh, how's it goin' Uncle Ivan! Huh? Become one with you?
Yo, yo, Japan-kun! Anime is the best!
Can I have another scone, Mr. Britain? (Why are you guys giving me that weird look?)
Hey, Uncle Mattie, give me some maple syrup!
Hey, hey, Papa! Hey, hey, Papa!
The taste of that mutton I ate before
I still have it stuck in my head!
Aval? Abal? Afal?
I don't know! It's all Welsh to me!
Draw a circle, that's Earth!
Draw a circle, that's Earth!
Draw a circle, that's Earth!
I am Avalon!
Ah, a world of magic,
Exists right under your own nose,
Let's forge a sword in the name of peace!
Ah, even after war and death,
You can find an exquisite paradise!
The Fortunate Isle!