Hello my lovely readers and welcome to my new story! Before any of you start telling me that this story is already up by a diffrent author I'm going to tell you that I adopted this amazing story from Novahetalia and it is now mine. Please enjoy and don't forget to review!^^

Ludwig waved as the final customer left his formal dress shop, on the busy main street in the center of Angoen. The day had been overly busy due to the upcoming Festival Ball.

Having dealt with customers, magical and non-magical, good and bad attitudes included, all the German wolf wished to do was go home and drink beer, with his older brother and if he was angry enough, their Austrian cousin. Ludwig began to count the till, removing the foreign coins as he went.

After counting the till and sealing the cash in the safe, he locked the front door and pulled the roller doors down over the windows and doors, securing them with thick chains and locks. The silvery locks reflected beautifully in the moonlight.

As he stood back from the display cases, he spotted a large mess on the polished wood floor, probably from the loud American customer who complained about everything in the shop. Grunting in Frustration he pulled the broom from the storage room and swept the mess away.

He would need to wash the floors later due to multiple stains on the jarrah floor. His tail twitched as the crumbs simply scattered everywhere in his erratic brush strokes.

The wolf eventually gave up and walked to the back door, removing his name badge and activating the security system before closing and locking the back door. He spun around only to come face to face with his supplier Kiku Honda. Kiku was a member of the Stoic Gargoyle race, sent to Angoen in his boss's attempt to get him to show some sort of emotion.

Kiku respectfully took a step back, knowing the German disliked disruptions to the personal space bubble.

"Ahh Ludwig. I do apologies for the late visit. Yao wanted me to give you this. He does not know much about it but says that it is a new creature. It is the only one of its kind, he believes, because he has not seen anything like it in his four thousand year existence.

"From what he saw in the box, it is rather cute and gruesome at the same time. It needs to be reassembled however, and no one can sew better than you in this town." Kiku said quickly. He handed Ludwig a large box before bowing and leaving the stunned German on the steps.

Ludwig looked down at the box. It was withered and appeared to have been recently mended for transport to the weary town. There was rope wrapped around it, making it seem more sinister than it actually was.

Shrugging the German held it under his arm and walked to his van, down the alleyway, his tail swishing as he walked.

The faithful van his brother had painted, sat at the entrance of the alley, waiting for the German. He slid the box into the back, closed the van door and clambered into the front of the van. He almost dropped his keys when a childish giggle came from behind him.

Spinning around he spotted nothing. Brushing it off as just his imagination, the Germanic tailor drove through the streets to his home, eyes flicking to the box in his rear view mirror every so often.

He drove through the winding roads until he eventually arrived home. Ludwig could feel the windows vibrating as he pulled up into the driveway. Getting out his ears flattened against his head as they caught wind of the loud music from the basement, where his brother was no doubt entertaining his friends.

The Wolf pulled the box from the back and approached the door. The door opened when he nudged it with his foot, leading him to believe that Antonio, his brothers Vampire Friend, had been the last to enter the house.

The German yelled a greeting to the other household members, who returned the greeting over the music. He threw his keys into the ugly bowl on the table under the coat hooks, before moving into the living room.

The smell of Hendle greeted him as he moved into the living room. Ludwig dumped the box down rather harshly on the table, earning a whimper from the box. Shrugging he moved into the kitchen to collect the sewing kit.

His cousin, Roderich was near the oven watching the food cook, clearly bored out of his mind. Ludwig pulled a bottle of beer from the fridge as he went past, taking a huge swig as he pulled the sewing kit from the cupboards. Roderich looked up at him, a questioning look on his face.

"New project, Ludwig? Don't start it now, Dinner is ready." Roderich inquired. He pulled on a pair of Pink oven mitts and removed the finished Hendle from the oven. The smell wafted throughout the house and soon Gilbert and his friends were seated beside him.

Francis, the French Incubus, sat between Ludwig's Salamander brother and Antonio, the Spanish Vampire, away from both Roderich and Ludwig, learning from Prior experience. The group lapsed into a dulled silence, enlightened only by the sound of silverware hitting the side of plates. That is until Gilbert noticed the box in the living room.

"Hey Bruder? What's with the box?" Ludwig looked up from the table and looked at the Salamander.

"I'm not sure Gilbert. Kiku gave it to me after work." Ludwig answered

"Ohonhon! Something Kinky Ludwig?" Francis piped up quizzingly. The German wolf glared at the incubus before replying.

"Nien Francis. Kiku was given it by Yao. He gave it to me reconstruct. Neither one knows what it is." Ludwig said, placing the dirty plates in the sink as he spoke. He dried his hands on a nearby tea towel.

"Seriously? Now I definitely gotta see this. It could be totally awesome!" Gilbert proclaimed. He took a huge swig of beer before following his brother into the living room, the clueless Spaniard and flirty Frenchman behind him.

Ludwig rescued the box as the Salamander almost kicked it as he sat down. When they finally settled on the couches, Ludwig pulled his pocketknife from the draw and cut the ropes away from the box. The ancient seals crumbled to dust at the touch of the wolf, leaving the box to be unsealed.

Gripping the lid, Ludwig lifted the lid quickly, leaving dust to scatter in all directions.

"Mon Dieu! It's a head!" Francis said as the dust cleared. Antonio sneezed causing the couch to move back slightly.

"It is male and rather young." Ludwig said, lifting the head.

Hazel eyes looked back at him, devoid of life. A small curl erupted from the boy's head. The box held all the parts for a range of creatures as if they were thrown together in a hurry. Gilbert yanked the box from his brother's grip and tipped the contents onto the table, dirtying it with dust and cobwebs.

A small blue coloured paper fell from the box, clutched in the boy's left hand. Francis pulled the paper from the boy's hand, skimming over it before paling and thrusting it in front of Antonio's face. The vampire pulled it away from his face and read it before growling in anger. Gilbert looked at both of them.

"What's twisting your pants?" Francis handed him the note. He skimmed over the note and shrugged.

"Yeah so what? All I see is Latin..."

"Mi Amigo many centuries ago there was a sorcerer called Arthur. He tried to take over the world with his army of the Zombies and he frequently experimented with other creatures. The outcomes were these experiments called Ragdolls. They were fiercely loyal to Arthur and were the perfect body guards, indestructible and unstoppable.

"They were a mix of the strongest creatures of the time: Werewolves, Vampires, Light and or Dark faes and Humans. However there was one Ragdoll that refused to be a guard or even fight. No one knew its name. The only thing they knew about it was that the human part of it was a good friend of the Sorcerer's.

"Arthur kept him around because he could clean and cook. On the odd occasion that Arthur drank, he had a tendency to attack and beat the poor ragdoll. When Arthur discovered that he was losing the war; in a fit of rage he dismantled all of the Ragdoll guards before he dismantled the useless Ragdoll in the most savage way possible.

"Some say he pulled it apart one stich at a time, whilst others say that the insane sorcerer poured acid on the boy, making it impossible for the doll to be recreated. I hope for your sake this is that useless ragdoll and not one of the protective ones." Antonio told them in one of his serious phases, before a huge grin erupted on his face. No doubt caused by thoughts of his "Lovely" Lovino, the towns' resident Siren.

Ludwig listened to the tale as his brother pulled the parts around, making many crude movements with the disembodied hands. Shooting a glare at the older sibling, Ludwig ripped the hand from him.

He moved the parts around, eventually placing them in the right place. He pulled out a roll of black thread. Francis shook his head as he handed the German wolf a roll of fishing wire that was in the kit as well.

The wire was very sturdy and was less likely to break. Antonio offered to hold the parts still, which Ludwig appreciated greatly. They began at the head. Ludwig pushed the threaded needle through the skin, flinching slightly at the feeling.

He sewed quickly, deftly pulling the needle through the fragile skin of the human and the delicate skin on the Vampiric torso. The skin of the vampire was slightly stronger than the humans but the muscles were as tough as Diamonds.

Having sewed the head back on they then moved onto the remainder of the body. They reconnected the body parts, pushing through the tougher skin of the wolf and the extremely fragile skin of the fae. Eventually a very disfigured creature sat on the couch, having been moved from the table.

"We need to give it a name. We can't just call it Ragdoll for the rest of its life." Ludwig said. They looked at each other.

"Perhaps he has a name already and will tell us when he wakes." With that the 'Bad touch Trio' ran from the house to drink, leaving Ludwig with the nameless Ragdoll and his Irritated cousin.

Feeling suddenly and extremely tired he trudged up stairs and dropped onto his bed, not even bothering to remove his work clothes and promptly fell into a dreamless sleep.

I didn't change much but I hope you still liked it. Please review!^^

In case you wanted to know what each character was

Feliciano- Ragdoll

Ludwig - Wolf

Gilbert -Salamander

Antonio- Vampire

Francis- Incubus

Kiku - Gargoyle

Yao- Half Dragon

Roderich - Human