Chapter two

The Argument

AN: Thank you guys for the favorites and follows and the five reviews! I have been AWOL on the internet for a while.

On with the show! This is not in any particular order.


The two brothers put Lilo to bed that night and went ahead to store a few weapons in the drawers of the master bedroom and the guest bedroom.

"Do we tell Lilo about hunting?" Sam asked after he neatly tucked the salt rocks into another drawer.

"She's now family, so I say yes," Dean said gruffly, going back to the living room to sit down.

"But what about giving her a normal life?" Sam asked.

"You're the one who wondered if we should tell her about hunting," Dean said looking up darkly at Sam.

"Maybe we should enter her into a club," Sam tried to compromised, "Give her something to do in the summer,"

"Let's look into it, we can see what's right for her," Dean said, "We can see what's right for her,"

Sam went back to the master bedroom and retrieved the laptop. He cracked it open and looked into clubs on the big Island. The two Winchesters narrowed down the search on two topics, Archery and Hula.

"I personally prefer hula for Lilo," Sam said casually, "She is Hawaiian,"

"Well, I think Archery is best for her to get into the business and help us out on hunts,"

"Archery will drag her into the hell we're going through," Sam began to argue, "Do you want that to happen to her?"

"Obviously not," Dean said, appalled, "I don't want her to become some sleazy worker at a bar or something,"

"She won't become a bar-maid or a sleazy dancer," Sam said abruptly, "she's six,"

"I seriously think- no, I know that archery is good for her. I see it in her eyes that she wants something like that,"

"It's getting late," Sam said, "best we continue this in the morning,"


"Archery," Dean argued heatedly, "It's the same price and useful,"

"Hula classes," Sam shot back, "We can't risk diverting her from her roots,"

"Which is why she should do archery, be a Polynesian warrior," Dean said puffing out his chest proudly, "Then learn how to shoot a gun,"

"No," Sam said, "Hula is best for her, it seems proper, seeing as she's Hawaiian,"

Lilo wandered into the kitchen that morning, rubbing her eyes sleepily,

"Hey guys," She said, sitting at the table, "What're you doing?"

"Thinking about entering you into a club," Sam said, "And I think Hula is best for you,"

"I already sort of took Hula," Lilo said, "It didn't go so well,"

Dean grinned smugly at Sam.

"I was thinking about archery. Learn to shoot a bow and arrow," Dean faked trying to shoot an arrow.

Lilo's face brightened, "Do I get a say?"

Dean and Sam exchanged a glance.

"Sure," Dean said hopefully, "What do you choose?"

"Archery," Lilo said simply. Dean looked ready to jump with joy, Sam scrunched his face up with disappointment.

"So we're signing Lilo up for archery," Dean said happily, "It will be useful," He nudged Sam playfully and he rolled his eyes at Dean.

On the first day of Lilo's archery lessons, she was doing rather well. Dean was becoming a lot more annoying around Sam. She came home with her compound bow and quiver of arrows they offered, greeting Dean in the kitchen then Sam on the couch. She went up the stairs to her room and after a few minutes came back down dressed in her swimsuit, ready to go out the door. That is, until Sam stopped her.

"Where are you going?" He asked sternly.

"Swimming," Lilo answered crisply and Sam shook his head.

"It's too dangerous,"

"I know how to swim," Lilo protested, "I've always know," Sam shook his head again.

"I could get in trouble," Lilo huffed with disappointment.

"Look," Sam said, "I'll go with you,"

Lilo brightened and she pushed Sam to his room, "Be quick," She said, "oh, and bring Dean with you,"

"Where?" Dean came into the living room. Sam and Lilo exchanged equally wicked looking grins.

"Surfing," Sam said, smiling, "and you're coming with us," He entered the room to change, leaving Dean and Lilo alone.

"Surfing?" Dean asked faintly, "I don't know how to surf!"

"David will teach you," Lilo said happily, "Just a few basics to catch the waves," Dean went into the same room as Sam to change.


David really knew how to teach someone because in no time Dean was balancing easily on the board pretending to ride the waves. Sam then thanked David and dragged Dean into the water, shoving an extra surf board in his hand. Lilo dove into the water and waved her hand at Sam.

Dean and Sam paddled into the water, deeper and deeper, Lilo was gracefully following like some fish. Sam stopped paddling and waited for the first wave.

"Come on Lilo, I don't think that you'll be able to fight the waves," Lilo got closer to Sam's board and Sam scooped her up out of the water and placed her on the board. That water began to roll and Dean made an uncertain noise. That's when a wave began hurtling towards the two and a half surfers. Sam's board went over the wave and quickly stood riding this small wave, Dean had more trouble, wobbling on the wave than swishing towards the shore. That's when an even larger wave came barreling towards Sam, Lilo and Dean. Dean became more confident riding the wave, attempting to be cool. Sam and Lilo were both standing on the board in the curve of the wave. Sam reached out and his fingers brushed through the water, whooping with happiness. The wave collapsed in on itself and engulfed the two, Sam made a wild for Lilo and the two swam back to the surface. Dean was at the shore, grinning smugly at the two. Sam gathered his board and dragged both Lilo and the board out of the water.

"I found a new passion," Dean said happily, "I have to thank you Lilo,"

Lilo grinned with pride, "Now, you have to do hula!"

"What?" they both said abruptly. She only smiled innocently.


AN: I realized Lilo was eight, not six but whatever. Until next time!