Author has written 33 stories for Evangelion, EVE Online, X-overs, Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ, Halo, Inuyasha, RWBY, StarTrek: The Next Generation, and StarTrek: The Original Series.
Hello dear readers!
First, if you followed me here from DevaroAyanami, you're amazing! Thank you!
Second, if you're new to me, welcome! Come on in and please enjoy what you find!
And third, I'm posting a few works over on AO3, some drabbles and a couple completed stories. One is called Tarnished Silver, a RWBY AU set after a slightly different attack on Beacon; namely that Ozpin lived, Penny was quickly rebuilt, and Beacon survived. Also, there is no Salem nor any Maidens, just Cinder's mad plan to bring Vale to its knees and conquer it. It follows Weiss, starting roughly 10yrs later, as she works as a Huntress alone.
Now, a couple things to get you up to speed:
1) While I don't like profanity, sometimes it is the most easily understood way to get an emotion or point across to the reader. I don't "spray-n-pray", using it just because it fills a space. It is to get a character's emotion across to you, the reader.
2) I enjoy happy endings. This should be pretty obvious from my stories here. Regardless of what happens, they are meant to end happy. Warm And Fuzzy Feeling, WAFF, could definitely be used to describe them in place of the genres I put them under.
Okay then. Some of the stories I'm posting here are from Pilot's Table. I'm reposting them as separate story arcs to make it easier to favorite a particular one you like, review specific ones you like, and for me to keep updated an in order. (well, mostly in order. lol)
That said, they all still fall under the series title of Pilot's Table, each arc merely has it's own title.
Also, I've decided to make something clear about my stories and pairings:
I do enjoy the canon pairings, and pretty much always cheer for them when watching/reading about them -whether that be the original work or fanfics/fanart-, but I also love other people's unique take on things. After all, we write/draw fan-works because we loved the series and want more. Or maybe we wanted something to happen a little -or alot- differently. Or maybe we just want to show what we think was going on in their heads or in the background.
Regardless, I have never put down another person's works simply because they don't agree with my view of things. You think Rei and Shinji should get together? Write it! Think Ruby and Weiss should fall in love? Write it! Your stories are not to please the reader -other than you, the author, of course-, though everyone wants someone else to appreciate their efforts.
The point of a Review is to tell the author what they did good, and things they can improve on. It is NOT for telling them they did horribly, or that they are awful.
Seriously, I don't care if you are ten and loved Inuyasha so much you just had to write everything you could imagine. DO IT! Those are for YOU, and you are brave enough to share them with the large community here on Fanfiction.net! GO YOU, that's AMAZING!
Honestly, I know how many Follows and Favorites some stories get, but even the small numbers attached to mine mean the world to me. It's amazes me anyone would enjoy what I've written, and not only that, but to follow the story -and even me- and even leave reviews? I can't thank you guys enough.
[This rant brought to you by a note, here, that mentions me specifically.]
I want to say, here on my author page, that I am dedicating all my RWBY fanfiction -and any future writing here- to Monty Oum. The creator of RWBY, Monty Oum passed from this world February 1st, 2015. Instead of mourning his passing, I'm honoring his work and dreams by continuing my stories. This in no way means I do not wish he was still here, but instead that I will move forward just as he always did.
On a side note, These three are now my favorite readers for leaving several reviews and saying more than "I like it."
Tasermon's Partner
Just wanted to share a bit of art work from Zephyrus Genesis, who drew this for my RWBY Loops story, Fruit Loops: Yang Torchwick and Neo Schnee
Plus a pair of other pics from them what were inspiring: Nora and Ren in the Kitchen and Ruby working on Crescent Rose
A few of my all time favorite pieces of fanfiction are in my favorites here, but I wanna name them specifically as they have all been wonderful and an inspiration to me.
That Old House by vanillaparchment {Harry Potter}
Heart Haven by vanillaparchment [sequel to That Old House] {Harry Potter}
The 2nd Try by Jimmywolk {Evangelion}
Tales Within Tales by kitsune13 {Final Fantasy 7}
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Laryna6 {Evangelion}
Familial Moments by YunCyn {Final Fantasy 7}
Love and Hate by Eric Blair {Evangelion}
More Than A Name by Qwi-Xux {Final Faantasy 7}
Thoughts Read Unspoken by Qwi-Xux {Final Fantasy 7}
Dislocation by Vathara {Log Horizon}
Embers by Vathara {Avatar: The Last Airbender}
Change of Fate by Vathara {Sword Art Online/Star Wars}
Zenkyoshi: Disconnect by Mewgia Mirrorcoat {Digimon Adventure}
Soulbound by xT-Zealot {RWBY}
I'm Not Perfect by Half-Blind Otaku {RWBY}
Mama Weiss by Lil'-Bean-Murderer {RWBY}
Inch by God Emperor Penguin {RWBY}
and others, though I need to go through my alt's list of favorites to remember. These above are the main ones to boost my spirits and inspire me, and some give me a glimpse into myself. Please, read and enjoy those stories.
To those visiting my Author Page, whether because you found one of my stories and having enjoyed it wanted to find more or having found me before reading my stories, I want to say "thank you!". I love writing these things, even if I can be rather slow to update, and I love reading your reviews. Please, have a look at the above stories, I know you'll love them.
On another note: Disclaimer Concerning "Source of Magic by Moonsilver": This story was written by an author named Moonsilver, and I am sharing it because it's a wonderful work that deserves being shared with the Inuyasha community instead of hiding in a corner of the web that few find on their own. I stumbled across it several years ago when I first started reading fanfiction, and despite Inuyasha not being a favored series of mine I loved the story. So please, Enjoy it. I have left it complete unedited, it is exactly as I found it when I first read it.