Author has written 15 stories for Danny Phantom, Megamind, and Harry Potter.
Hey, everybody.
Gender: Female
Age: under 30
Pairings: DxS, Timely Intelligence (no idea why), Fright Knight X Dora
Story Stuff, which is probably all you guys care about anyways
Kith and Kin has a sequel. It's called Legacy of Lies (now complete). The next book in this series, the A.N.I.E.L. Files, is called Monarch or Monster?
Backpack was adopted from shamrock17. Read the original by going to her profile. Sorry, but I don't know how to make a link directly from my profile to hers.
A lot of the drabbles in Alphabet Soup are true one-shots. However, many of the shots are part of the same story. If you want to read these sub-stories (for lack of a better term), here they are.
Alliance, Elemental, Great one
Antique (sort of), Chivalry, Frighten, Ground rules, Knight, Master, Oath
Blame, Fact, Leverage, Verify
Bon vivant, Charity
Cult, Worship
Custody, Exposed, Gossip, Illegal, Jury, Law, Right, Understand
Delegate, Dream (sort of), Expected, Ghost, News, Rage, Unite
Eminent, Hunter
Internet, Nemesis
Juvenile, Keepsake
Lost, Note
Missing, Optimism, Reveal, Table, Wake
Most of these will be continued in other drabbles, and ALL of them are up for adoption.
The Fanfic Writer's Code of Honor
Bold whatever you need to work on
1. Use SpellCheck and proper grammar. I don't care how interesting your story is. If you have the grammatical skills of a drunken third grader, no one is going to read it.
2. Update! Not every day, but more than once a year. If you don't update for a ridiculously long period of time or discontinue it, put your story up for adoption.
3. No Sues or Stus. No exceptions.
4. Leave reviews. Everyone begs for them- you included- so you should honor other people's wishes and give them out.
5. ANs shouldn't be longer than the chapter itself.
6. Don't write too many incomplete stories at the same time. You'll end up stretching yourself thin and making no progress on any of them.
7. If thirty plus people point out a plot hole, out of character moment, or other error, go back and fix it.
8. (Optional, but probably a good idea) Leave a "will." Have someone who, if you don't update for X months, will either adopt your stories or find someone else to continue them.