Hello everyone! This is northpeach, and I have good news and bad news. The bad news: There will be edits. So many edits. Because of The Last Knight and because we forgot a few of the bots we wanted to mention in the beginning. Plus we now have a firmer grasp of certain people's characters.

Annd, Wolfy will explain the good news: Wolfy?

Wolf here: Ok, so. We've developed as writers, got firmer grips on the characters we want to portray, noticed a few 'missing scenes' we wanted to get into the writing but missed, and The Last Knight shifted a few major plot points of ours around and sideways so we have to rework this from the ground up.

This means you all are getting newly edited content as soon as we finish with it that will ALSO have NEW content in it as we work our way through this. So once we post the note telling you it's up please make sure to reread from the start.

Thank you and sorry for the 'false update' alarm, but it WILL be better when it goes up I promise. It already looks better, and I (and north) are excited with the potential TLK offered us with this. Hopefully you all will agree when you see it.