Reviews for Monstrous Compendium Online
Anonymous chapter 13 . 6/27
An original premise that has incredible potential. This was an excellent story. Hopefully we'll be seeing a sequel for this, although there is more than enough storylines we jumped right in the middle of to have demand for a prequel as well.

Hopefully we'll be seeing more stories from you soon.
Snipaush chapter 13 . 5/18
I won’t lie I want a season to for this. Good work
Lina esrevnI chapter 13 . 4/30
It's a good spot to end book one but there is so much more that I would love to read that hasn't been mentioned, Given I don't see anything at the end about a possible sequel, I'm actually kind of sad this story is marked complete. Is there possibly a sequel in the making?
Sewarea chapter 13 . 4/6
I’m not super familiar with the background lore but I still had a great time reading!
Asters chapter 13 . 3/3
:") love this. thank you.
Guest chapter 13 . 2/7
Fuck... You are insanely good at compressed epics and this is another one. I'm going to end up rereading this 6 times and going on several research spirals just to comprehend the amount of worldbuilding in this story. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Hockey39 chapter 13 . 2/4
Another banger of a story, I just wished you’d give us a bit more of an epilogue. I know it’s probably better to leave it there, but now I want to follow as Klein crosses two hostile nations to feed a little girl cookies or Agil as he sets up trade after they’ve beaten back the five nations. Thank you for the wonderful stories.
Mernom chapter 13 . 12/17/2019
Yet Another masterwork story.
Yet another story that just makes me want to SCREAM for a sequel.

I'm really not sure if I want to hug or throttle you... Jk
Mernom chapter 11 . 12/17/2019
Mernom chapter 10 . 12/17/2019
One thing this story does right that most people feel SAO did wrong is that here, you split the MC responsibility. Other characters MATTER. Great job.
Mernom chapter 9 . 12/17/2019
Oh. This is getting interesting.
Based on what was revealed, only infected who asked to die get kicked out, right? Since a player named Sachi posted a message, that would imply it happened to her.
Mernom chapter 2 . 12/16/2019
It's amazing how much feels you can bring to from the event without even directly showing it. Truly marvelous writing skill.
Mernom chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
Very strong start.
thegreatroshen chapter 13 . 11/28/2019
This is far cooler than I ever expected. Well done! A very unique take on SAO canon, mixed beautifully with Eberron facts.
FirstThaumaturgy chapter 13 . 10/22/2019
A good ending, a great story. Nicely done. I really enjoyed reading this.
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