A/N: Okay, the winning vote was Grandmother Suoh meets Kagome. Added bonus, Kagome's role as heiress discussed a bit.
There was just so much to learn and just when she'd thought she'd had the gist of the company there was a list of figures, product names, and other company names that halted her breath and threw her into a tizzy of confusion. Kagome had mulled through it for an hour and all she saw were numbers now and big corporate words. A restless rake of fingers ran through her hair listlessly. It tumbled back in front of her eyes, but that didn't matter. Kagome was only moving around to try and vent out some of the frustration and the feeling of being blindsided at the one thing that had stood out. She knew. She'd always known that Inu Corporations had its thumb in many things, including weapons of war. She just hadn't realized how much of their revenues came from that dark area of their company, which was why she'd contacted Sesshomaru and told him that it was urgent that they speak.
The knock at the door was an unnecessary formality that he was used to doing. One day she really hoped to break him of the need to announce his presence every time and just act like family. "Come in," she called out from the kitchen, barely raising her voice. He heard her. Of course, he heard her.
Like always, his footsteps weren't heard and only the rustle of his clothes bespoke his presence entering the kitchen that he seemed to tower over. "You aren't injured. What is the matter?" Of course, the first thing he'd jump to is her calling him in distress as that's all she ever did in the past.
"I've been going over, well, overviews of the company that you wanted me to read by the end of this month." And boy had he sent them all in manila envelopes labeled with each section of the company. They were in boxes. The thickest had been their weapons exploration. "I don't like the idea of our company making weapons."
Our company were the words that caught the demon lord's ears. All this time he'd been thinking that she'd naturally read through everything and take it from him. He'd hand her a future that he'd carved out for her and that would be that. He hadn't taken a step to see the big picture. This was as much an investment in his future as it was hers. He'd have to teach her and whatever children came after her. This company was theirs and in truth that only asserted something he'd been severely lacking for some centuries since his brother's passing, a family.
A sigh rolled off his lips.
"You will begin as an intern under my business. As I have kept photos of you out of the press, there is no face for the company." Is that what she was to be? A brow rose and in it he read what she hadn't voiced. "It is about time that I stopped changing my appearances to be the face of my company and we had someone new to show."
"What of the weapons?"
"What would you have us do? Cut out that margin of profit? One of our largest sources of income. Stocks would drop over night." The tone of voice wasn't berating, but genuine curiosity at what she would do. If they were to do this together, if she was to be a part of his family, he certainly needed to know if she had the head for it.
"Second largest to medicine," she replied smartly. Kyoya's family had them beat on that. "We end the munitions line of work in exchange for a new one," she suggested calmly. Kagome had been viewing the numbers. While Sesshomaru only made business deals with the military there would always be people that could snatch product and sell it on the black market. Once it reached the hands of the buyer the Inu Corporations were not responsible if some of it was lost or changed hands with that buyer. And that's what terrified Kagome. "Haven't you, haven't we both had enough war?" The pain in her voice reached her eyes and he studied the young woman before him. She'd been made a widow before she'd been made a bride and it had been such a waste. His brother would've learned so much from her as he was learning now as his ward.
"What do you suggest, priestess?"
"Aside from devoting ourselves to the best medical care…" Hospitals were an obvious answer for Kagome. Once a healer, always a healer. "How about resorts unlike any the world, or at least, this world has seen." Golden eyes lit up at the scent of profit. His interest was piqued and seeing it thusly Kagome plowed on through. "We give them our world. Edo. A resort, renovated shrines, devoted to an older way of life with comfort. Not hotels. A town dotted with old world style houses far and wide to rent for vacations. Hot springs, houses with sliding doors, servants that come to these private houses to prepare a meal. Older wear required. Give them a taste of history when they arrive and mark up the prices for something we do best." She'd seen enough fascination within the Host Club to know that people longed for gallantry and stories. That escaping their world for another was a taste that no one ever grew out of. "Think of it. Amazing festivals celebrating everything we know that they have watered down. You own so much from our time." Her hand brandished outward, sweeping over the few treasures that he had propped up on the walls. Treasures that glistened as if still ready to be pulled out for use. "You could have a museum near the entrance of the town dedicated to the time period. Nature trails in the manner of your time. Training in coquetry, archery, swordsmanship." Honey and Mori's families could get in on the action offering classes. It would give more of their pack things to do and possibly help any demons that needed a break from the busy and noisy cities. "Sesshomaru, it could be big!"
And he knew she was right the moment she'd given him that look. That look that said they would accomplish the impossible. She'd given it to his younger brother and himself another time centuries ago when people truly believed Naraku would be the end of the world. "You're no longer an intern," he stated.
Defeat marred a crestfallen face. "You don't like it?" Did he just fire her from being his heir? Could he do that?
"It is the best business proposition this Sesshomaru has heard in all of my centuries," he stated, leaning back in his chair and stroking the fluff that lay across the arms of it. His mokomoko gave him that feel again, especially here talking with her about what was and what could be once more. "You're not going to be an intern because you're going to be the project leader."
"I have school. I can't poss-"
"I'll help you. As will the others," he said with an air that this was all fact already. Then again, Kagome didn't really see the others arguing with him. "It's time their sons stepped up and worked for a change."
"But the building-"
"I will have someone a list of workers compiled. Most will likely be from the wolf pack."
"But we'll do it together, right?"
"We will. But you have the final say." Her eyes begged to question him, but he answered her before she even spoke. "You are my heiress." And what an heiress she'd be.
He dismissed further discussion with a small gesture of his head, but Kagome was already up and out of her chair and throwing her arms around Sesshomaru in a warm hug. "This is going to be great," she said enthusiastically. His arms awkwardly wrapped around her and returned the gesture.
Brother, see how your miko shines, he thought as he hugged Kagome. I will take care of your miko. This Sesshomaru promises you that.
There was a familiarity in the appearance of the woman that bespoke volumes over the loudness and imposing nature of her character. She'd seen that figure upon a portrait somewhere in Mr. Suoh's office. Always just three figures: himself, his mother, and late his father. Never was Tamaki included with Mr. Suoh's mother. And as in any war, Kagome knew that allies were best garnered with an olive branch rather than a briar bush. After all, she'd been the one to recruit Sesshomaru one day when he and Inuyasha were head to head trying to track Naraku and they couldn't see they were getting in each others way.
And so she sucked in a deep breath and strode forth towards the sour faced woman shaming the sales representatives. "Pardon me," she uttered, daring to reach out and touch the elder woman's elbow. The silence was so thick it could've smothered them had not someone spoken soon. The sales representatives shirked back waiting for the outburst.
But Kagome had other plans as she spoke and broke the tense air. "I've been dying for the chance to meet you." If the Host Club had taught her anything about how to handle childish people, it was with grace, placating tones, and a touch of flattery. "My name is Kagome Higuarshi." By now all of Japan had to know who she was. Sesshomaru had released what he deemed were proper photos when naming her as his heiress. He'd allowed a subtle bit of gossip should the photographers and reporters nag at her that they should fear the worst in their lives be it sacking or losing their homes. Hopefully, her money would be enough to merit her notice with Mrs. Suoh. It was sad such a thing was needed to get attention.
"I am quite a fan of yours, Madame Suoh. As a woman who carved a name for herself, I very much hope to do the same with my guardian's business." That part was at least true. Mrs. Suoh had been widowed only a few years after giving birth to Tamaki's father. Madame Suoh had a choice: give up the company to shareholders and let the men run it while she cared for her little boy with a minimal hand in the business until her son was older… or take charge. She'd chosen a harder path not many would have dared.
"Higurashi… you're the Taisho's heir are you not?" A faint nod was answer enough for the bold old woman.
"Really, I must request dinner with you. I know it is too short notice for you to dine today, but perhaps we can sche-"
"This evening is fine," answered Mrs. Shizue Suoh, not knowing how finely Kagome had dealt the hand and was waiting for the cards she needed to appear. Dinner. Yes! With Sesshomaru?
"Arrangements have been made at my brother-in-law's house, Mr. Taisho." Why the hell had that word tumbled out of her mouth? No one outside of the Host Club knew of that relationship. But she knew she had to say something, some title of importance. It was what she'd been used to addressing in the Edo period. Inuyasha, son of Inu No Taisho and Izayoi, half-brother of Sesshomaru... Everyone had extensive titles.
Curiosity though was a flavor enjoyable even by hardened Shizue. An inquisitive aged brow shot up. "Your brother-in-law? I was unaware of that." Kagome's brother, who'd appeared in the paper of a picture of her family, was too young to marry and therefore it was obvious the link lay with Kagome. "You're married?"
"Not exactly. We were about to be married." The meek look wasn't rehearsed. The faint passing image of grief was real. It was too quick to be noticed by anyone who passed by the two, but slow enough for Shizue to distinguish. Blue deviled bereavement in those eyes and pain across those lips. It was fleeting and she quietly answered with an indifferent face that Shizue had mastered long ago as Kagome mastered now and said, "He passed."
And there it was.
The foothold that Kagome hadn't considered as Shizue reached out and gently took her hands. For all the hot air that Shizue blew, Kagome and she were mirrors of familiar situations. Shizue's past was Kagome's present.
"I didn't know there was a brother to grieve. I'm sorry for your loss." And her words. The infliction in her voice told Kagome that she really meant what she said. Somewhere, underneath the fire breathing dragon-woman was a human being with the capacity to care. Shizue's attention was diverted from the sales representatives and the two began walking towards the exit of the Chanel store, buying nothing today. The valet came around with Shizue's car and her limo driver opened the back door for them. "Ride with me. I can have one of my men come back for your car if you just leave the keys." Kagome sidled in beside Shizue with no backward glances as her keys were handed off to another footman. Shizue normally kept two men to do deeds for her and the driver on most journeys out and about. But Kagome wasn't doing this for herself. Wherever they were headed had to be a step closer to bridging that gap between Tamaki and Shizue. The door shut behind them and they rode along.
"Who was this brother?"
"Not many knew about him… Inuyasha was illegitimate for a long time until Sesshomaru accepted him." And Kagome could suddenly recognize the very few similarities between him and Tamaki.
"How did that come about?"
"Sesshomaru has no plans on future children. And I helped fix the situation," she stated boldly. As I intend to help Tamaki, she thought.
Even when Sesshomaru had claimed his half-brother among the court of demons, even in front of his mother, there had still been murmurs of bastard and half-breed. Sesshomaru had deftly risen from his seat with a blade ready to sever the tongue of the offenders. Instead, his mother had swept forth and gathered Inuyasha in her arms. Even Sesshomaru had been shocked by her sudden outburst. "He is ours. Would you defy the mistress of the western lands? In her own home? He is blood of my mate and what strong Taisho blood courses through his veins!" Kagome had learned that the lady of the west hadn't been bitter over her husband's tryst. It was common in their world, socially acceptable that great lords would have many lovers. And the lady had whispered that she hadn't been without her own pleasures.
Kagome settled back into her passenger seat and felt that maybe this situation wasn't as complicated as she'd previously thought. It was just the past repeating itself. "Now tell me," she said changing the topic to something more comfortable, "have you ever met my brother-in-law? What has been your general impression of him?"
Kagome was busy assisting with appetizers in the kitchen as Sesshomaru made pleasantries with Mrs. Suoh. The warmth of the kitchen was always the best place to escape to when she was fretting and it was better to stay in here and think of how to speak with Mrs. Suoh. Of course, that was hoping that Sesshomaru did what Kagome hoped he was doing... she wanted him to make Mrs. Suoh pliant and willing to cooperate be it with the fear of his intimidating presence or subtle and quiet kindness.
"No more pepper, Miss Kagome," advised the cook, Yumeji, an old cat demon with a nose for spices. The rest of the kitchen staff was usually gone on the days when Kagome came over because she'd rather try cooking for Sesshomaru. Said that food was always better if made from the heart. She hadn't even noticed the heavy hand as her mind had wondered and quickly set the spice aside. "Don't worry, it'll blend if we pour more broth. Your mind is wandering, maybe you should just stir." He tsked.
"I'm sorry, she's just a bit…"
"Intimidating?" He offered, his nose twitching as he took a sip of the soup and added more rosemary. "And Sesshomaru isn't?" The cat smirked. "I think he can hold his own against her."
"I'm probably worrying for nothing," she replied as Yumeji began ladling the food onto silver platters with porcelain bowls that the butlers would serve.
"Hmmm, you tend to do that from what I hear," he said with a shrug. "You should probably go out there now. Talk sounds like it's dying down." Kagome wished she had half of the super senses demons did.
Happily, it didn't take more than ten minutes for Kagome to take her place at the small round table that Sesshomaru had at a spot overlooking a lovely garden bursting with flowers. It was for more intimate gatherings. Honestly, Kagome couldn't remember the small table being here the week before, but she had texted him just who was coming to dinner so he might have had it moved here for stratagem.
Sadly, it took all of a few seconds for Sesshomaru to embarrass her.
"I take it supper is just a formality," he said evenly after a delicate sip of the soup. "Are you going to address Kagome's attachment to your grandson?"
Kagome sucked in air so fast, along with her soup, that she began choking. That was not a topic of discussion she'd been planning on being attacked so quickly or bluntly. Sesshomaru reached over and lightly thumped her on the back, all the while casting the barest of smiles and a cool collected gaze at Shizue. The old woman muttered with wide confused eyes, "Attachment?"
"You didn't know?" Of course, Sesshomaru knew that Shizue had no idea that the two were dating. The world of commerce was of far more pressing concern and value to that elderly human than her so-called derelict pack. The great demon lord smelled weakness and knew how to extort it. "Ah, so you don't have much interaction with your own heir." There it was. The first artful stroke. Tonight was a battle of tongue. Tonight, Sesshomaru would make it laudably clear his views on the only Suoh heir not being accepted by Shizue Suoh. "Surprising, considering he is likely the only heir you are to have since your son is much of the same mind as I concerning marriage."
"He may yet find a new bride-"
"Unlikely," Sesshomaru deadpanned. "You should accept the inevitable." Every once and a while Kagome was a little unnerved when he spoke so much. Now was not any such time as he was putting off waves of alpha power to let Shizue know what kind of a man he was. And he was making Kagome more aware of who he'd become in the five hundred years that spanned their first meeting. Sesshomaru now readily rose to defend those who needed it. Had that been her and Inuyasha's impact? "You have blood to rely on. My heir-" he gestured with a vague hand, "is of no relation to me aside from the fact that she was going to be my sister-in-law. But I have something you've yet to build with your heir." There was a beat and Shizue waited for him to answer that question. "Trust. I've begun grooming Kagome and in a mere matter of months under my tutelage she's shown promise and has concocted an idea that will revolutionize my company." The praise made Kagome's ears pinken. Sesshomaru never waxed on with praises unless well deserved. "You've had years and you've yet to teach him anything of merit aside from abandonment." He let a pause of silence hang in the air as he quietly sipped his tea after the volley of hits had made connection with the Suoh woman.
The little priestess began to see that Sesshomaru still had his silence, just now he made use of its ferocity for loud points. "Is it to be run by his future wife or are you hiding the gift of immortality from all of us and intend on never dying?" Kagome had to cover her mouth with a napkin to keep from laughing. An immortal joking about immortality. Shippo would love to hear about this. Sesshomaru actually joking and knowing it would go over someone's head. "Younger than you have died and status and wealth do not dissuade Death." He reminded the Suoh business woman of her already pressing time with her ever growing age.
"Why does my company interest you?" The voice was not as strong as his, but just as confidently delivered.
"If my charge is bent on being with your grandson, my questions are to assure me that his family chooses not to just do the best for the company but the best for their family," he solemnly replied. Kagome couldn't help but hear "pack" every time he said "family." Previously, for Sesshomaru, there was a difference with the two words. You could drop and discard family, but pack was needed to survive. Two different words, but it appeared that Sesshomaru had finally realized that the two words could be inseparable now.
It appeared that Tamaki's grandmother was as quick at deciphering his words as he was at constructing them. "And if such were the case, why would you believe that my family allow such an entanglement with one born a pauper?"
"Your grandson was born one if I'm not mistaken by his mother's financial ruin." Words spoken shocked Kagome more than Shizue. There were things she'd yet to learn. The brevity with which Tamaki had expressed his mother's side had not left the impression of destitution. But how much had he really told Kagome if what Sesshomaru was saying was true? "The family, I might add, that chose to raise him despite having little to no financial means. Imagine, the richer half not even putting anything aside for what might be their only heir. Utter folly for a company." He finished his soup and sat back as a butler retrieved his plate and went to fetch the next course. "And you don't look like a foolish woman, Shizue."
Older, more gnarled hands picked up the tea and took a tentative sip. "I feel as if I've been ambushed."
"Sesshomaru generally has that reaction on many people," replied Kagome with a small smile.
Eyes narrowed at the younger woman at the table. "And do you have anything to contribute to this discussion?"
There were a great many things that came to Kagome's mind, but most of them would've been rude. Instead, she took a sip of tea. It seemed to be the thing to do when considering what to say. Not that it helped any, it just bought her some time. "I agree with Sesshomaru. I don't think Mr. Suoh will remarry. Tamaki will be your only heir. And I don't see you selling out your company to someone outside of the family. If it is a matter of your not having the time to teach him, my brother-in-law is more than capable, but..." Should she speak so forward? She'd gotten this far, might as well. "It would be nice just to be accepted back into the family. You have to consider, Tamaki.." She couldn't help but recall his secrets to her. How hard it had been to learn Japanese. How much he missed his mother. "He was a fish out of water in a whole new element and he adapted so quickly." Like I did, many times over, she thought. "And he just wants to be accepted like anyone. Especially by his family." And here the fiery temper came out before Kagome could get a leash on it. "Sure, he's a goofball and he comes off eccentric all the time, but if you spent enough time with him you'd know how charming he is." The young woman looked down into her tea cup as she felt her cheeks burn at the memory of being with Tamaki. "And he's actually really sweet and can have his intelligent moments."
"My, and I thought they were merely dating," said Shizue with a curt glance to Sesshomaru. "She sounds halfway in love with him."
Pink stained Kagome's cheeks, but bold blue eyes rose up to meet Shizue's. "Maybe I am. If so, it wouldn't be the worst idea uniting our families." Give the old broad that to chew on. "Not that we're going to get that far, we may or may not." She stumbled a bit embarrassed. "But Tamaki has value as a person and I just want you to see that."
Sesshomaru quietly chewed on the lightly pan seared dumplings of his second course. The warrior could tell when a battle had finally died down and when offerings of a truce were about to be presented. The old woman's lips curved into a tiny smile. "I believe I'm starting to take notice now."