A Touch of Cosmic Destiny

By: Sandreline

Happy New Year, everyone!

Important to Note: This takes place after the Avengers movie, and after SM Stars- but before Thor 2. This may have some interaction with "Agents of Shield" as well, though I am not sure how much after this first chapter. While at the Cauldron after locking away Chaos, Serenity decided to let her Scouts live a normal life, and took on the mantel of Queen of the Moon and Sailor Cosmos. S.H.I.E.L.D. had been tracking the movements in Tokyo, and had approached Sailor Cosmos after the battle with Chaos, which was before the invasion of New York. She was willing to work with them, though hesitantly, since they do have a common goal.

You can all thank Sesshy's Mistress for putting this in my head - she just did a wickedly hilarious one shot of Cosmos and Iron Man.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the Marvel characters referenced in this story! If I did, I would not be writing fanfiction for them! This will be an Avengers crossover, with Agents of SHIELD in the beginning and maybe cameo appearances later on. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING BUT THE PLOT IDEA.

"Kon'nichiwa, denka" means "Greetings, your highness."

A Touch of Cosmic Destiny: Chapter1: A Touch of Change

Serenity Tsukino looked down at her purse with wide eyes. It was very rare for that phone to ring anymore; in fact, she was beginning to believe that they had forgotten all about her. Taking the phone out, she saw the familiar face of her liaison agent looking up at her. "Hello, Agent Coulson." She smiled warmly in flawless English.

"Kon'nichiwa, denka." The agent grinned in return with accented Japanese.

She frowned. "Phil..." Her tone warned as he references her royal status.

"Sorry, my mistake." He answered, though his grin was still in place. "I have no idea why it's so amusing to see you get flustered like that."

"Trust me, it's not just you." Serenity told him. "How are things at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"The same," he answered. There was a pause, and Serenity knew that he would bring up the reason he called in time. She had known her liaison agent for several years now. "I'm going to need you to come in." Her silver eyebrow arched up at his words. "Please." He added.

"Let me guess: Fury?" She answered.

"There are several matters that we would appreciate your assistance in." He told her. "Considering your title as Keeper of Balance, and this involves an alien invasion, S.H.I.E.L.D. is in need of your significant expertise."

"Would this have anything to do with what happened in New York several months ago?" Serenity asked. "If so, I am rather disappointed that you took so long to reach out to me. I was waiting at the phone for two days." She told him.

"If you knew, you could have come to help save the world." He replied.

She held up a finger and wagged it teasingly. "Keeper of Balance. I am not allowed to interfere in certain aspects of Time that must take place. The fact that I did not show up should have told you that everything would have worked out."

"I still get a headache trying to figure out everything you have told me," The agent admitted to her.

"Try attempting to figure it out when you were a fourteen year old only interested in meeting cute boys and shopping with friends." She playfully teased. "Where would you like me to meet you?"

"Here works." Phil's voice suddenly sounded from behind her, and not over the phone.

Silver hair swirled as she turned around, and Serenity lowered her phone. "Are you sure you can't teleport?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Positive." He answered. "We were in the neighborhood, and I figured I would just pick you up."

"In the neighborhood," Her flat tone repeated.

Phil Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division gave her a smile as he gestured for her to follow him. The agent knew that while she appeared to be twenty six, the woman before him was far from it. In fact, it was because of Serenity that when Thor made his appearance, he didn't bat an eye. "I apologize for not having contacted you in recent months; a lot has happened." He told her.

"I know," She told him. She did, too. The Lunarian had reached out to Agent Maria Hill, who had informed her of everything that was going on. Phil was not just her liaison, he had become a good friend to her as well. Needless to say it had hurt her deeply to learn that he had been killed, and had thanked the Fates that they allowed him to live.

Agent Coulson could tell that she knew everything by her tone, and so he carried on. "Director Fury gave me my own team to head; black ops missions with one impressive mode of transportation." He told her as they walked along the park. "If you agree to come with, I'll let you see it." His voice took on a sing-like tone to it; he was well aware that he had a curiosity that could rival a kitten.

"You already know I am going to help, no need to bribe me." She laughed. "Though I do love it when you show me new toys."

"Then you should know Christmas came early this year, and I have been a very good boy." Both of them laughed as he escorted her to Lola, which Serenity patted in greeting. You don't ignore a beauty like this 1962 Chevy Convertible.

"So, where are you kidnapping me to?" The Lunarian asked.

"The airport." He answered as they both climbed in.

She blinked. "That's it?"

The look he gave her told her she should know better, so she gave him a shrug and asked him for full details on everything since the invasion, and who these Avengers were.


As the airport came into view, Serenity had a lot to ponder. Phil had informed her of a soldier with a good heart, who had been frozen in time. She could not interfere because of the Laws of Chronos, but it would be interesting to meet him. Phil had asked, if possible, if she could assist him with better mingling in the new time, but she had to swear that he was not to know he was still alive. She informed him that she would be happy to help; she was aware of how difficult it could be, but he would have to explain the secrecy.

It was the Asgardians that had caught her attention. Thor was the son of Odin, who was charged with overseeing the protection of nine realms and the BiFrost, which was an inter-realm bridge that connected them. The Fates had a special interest in Odin, because of his bloodline. According to Coulson, however, since Thor returned with Loki to Asgard they have had no contact. Because of her status, she was aware that they were aware that she knew who they were and would be able to get them to help.

She had a feeling that Fury was going to 'request' that she visit him and establish a communications line; she would just have to show him that no one would control the Queen of the Stars. Moreover, she would be able to sate her curiosity. She would need to investigate the issue of the invasion. From what she understood of the Chitauri race, they would not accept defeat so easily. She would need to look into it; if they were planning on retaliation, then it would be a big enough matter for her to intervene.

Lola came to a stop, and both Phil and Serenity got out of the car. Taking in the site before her, she turned an arched silver brow towards the agent, who was doing his best to appear innocent yet was unable to stop the proud grin on that stretched his lips. "Merry Christmas, indeed." Serenity teased as she closed the red car door.

The agent smirked. "The S.H.I.E.L.D. Globemaster is a modified Boeing C-17 military transport, powered by six Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 turbofan engines. It can even pivot for vertical take-offs and landings."

"You just said a whole bunch of science talk that I do not understand." She told him.

"You can just call it 'The Bus'," He teased. She gave him a mock salute as he led her into the hanger, and up the ramp. "By the way," Phil added. "There are some things about my team that I should warn you about."

The warrior inside of her instantly became alert and ready for an attack. Seeing her posture, he quickly corrected her. "Nothing dangerous, but I think you will find that you have a fan-"

"Oh. My. God." A feminine European accent filled the air.

"Bloody hell." Another European accent added, this time male.

"-or two on board." Phil finished.

The voices in question belonged to two beings that emerged from what appeared to be a forensic lab on the plane. "I can't believe this!" The young woman explained happily. "Am I dreaming?"

"If you are, we're having the same dream." The male responded.

"That would be weird," the female observed.

"This is Agent Jemma Simmons, our life sciences expert. Next to her is Agent Leo Fitz, who handles our weapons technology and engineering." Agent Coulson introduced. "Fitz Simmons, allow me to introduce to you Sailor Cosmos."

"Please, call me Serenity." She smiled to them. "And no bowing!" She rushed out as both of them began to bow.

"But according to your S.H.I.E.L.D. profile-" Fitz began.

Serenity sent Coulson a look, which he pretended he did not see. "Please don't." She gifted them both with a smile.

"It's just such a honor to meet you," Jemma continued, her smile so big Serenity wondered if her cheeks were hurting. "The first real, living alien that the agency was able interact with, and then join..."

"Is it true that you are able to transform your staff into different weapons, such as a glaive?" Fitz asked. "How is that done? Is it with nanotechnology? To my knowledge, it could be the only viable explanation-"

"Magic." Serenity interrupted. Her head was ringing from the sudden onslaught. "My powers come from magic, and the very planets themselves." The two scientists shared a look, which Serenity knew to mean that they both very much doubted the existence of magic. It was not surprising, considering that their profession. "I know it's hard to believe," She began with a soft smile. "I myself had a very hard time believing it at first. However, that does not change the fact that I am the Queen of the Moon, and have travelled through space to countless stars and planets, and wield a compact that holds the most powerful Crystal in the universe."

Both young agent were struck silent for several moments. "Right," Jemma slowly started. "Speaking of being a Lunarian, is your physiology any different from ours? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Thor, so we could not run any exams and tests to compare the differences, but..."

"You two can continue getting to know her later," Phil interrupted, knowing very well that the two could go on for quite some time. "We'll be taking off soon, get everything ready for launch."

"Yes, sir." They both replied before they moved to return to the lab, though with great reluctance. Serenity smiled and waved as they left, and Phil led her up a spiral staircase to a second level.

"Sorry about that," He began.

"No worries!" Serenity smiled. "Why do I have the feeling that all of the people on your team are equally interesting?"

"Do you really expect me to ruin the surprise?" Phil asked with the right side of his lips pulled back in a smirk.

"It would be too much to ask for, wouldn't it?" She smiled.

He did not reply as he lead her through a hallway and to a rather impressive lounge area. The plane definitely had the gadgets and the feel of 007, but the man that stood from the couch had her heart stilling for a moment. "Mamoru?" She whispered. She shook her head. No, it was impossible. It was not him, the man just looked a lot like her former fiancé.

He was built but trim, with the same black hair and tall physique. Coulson nodded to him. "This is Agent Grant Ward, his specialty is Black Ops. Ward, this is Sailor Cosmos."

He reached out a hand, and Serenity shook it. His grip was firm, almost testing, and she realized that this male had built up a rather impressive wall around him in regards to his emotions. "It is an honor." He told her in a straight voice. Oh yeah, he was Black Ops. He reeked of it.

"Please, call me Serenity." She told him.

"Whoa, that must have taken you a long time to dye." An unknown female voice spoke up as another girl entered and stared at the hair that almost reached the floor. "Wait a minute, you look familiar." She added after getting a good look at the stranger.

"My name is Serenity," She said, "and it's not dye. But I get that a lot."

"So some kind of genetic defect where you get gray hair really early?" The brunette asked with attitude after she took a glance at the ebony haired male next to her. His eyes were riveted to Serenity.

Serenity frowned and was about to retort when Agent Ward interrupted. "As your commanding officer, I should not have to remind you to use manners when speaking with important guests."

"Important guests?" Skye asked. "Who is she?"

"That's classified; you don't have the necessary security clearance." Phil interrupted, causing the brunette to huff in annoyance.

"May is ready in the debriefing room." Ward pointed out.

"Right. This way." Phil stated as he once more began to direct her along the plane's interior. Serenity moved to follow him, but she did cast the brunette one last glance over her shoulder. The other female was definitely fuming over the matter, but Ward then stepped behind her and cut off her view. Her blue eyes looked up at him, before she quickly turned away. It was too uncanny how similar he was to him.

Coulson closed the door to the debriefing room behind them, and then turned to address the other female that was manning the operations table. "Agent May, allow me to introduce you to Sailor Cosmos."

"Pleasure." The clipped tone came out, though Serenity was able to detect a well-hidden emotion of awe. Agent May was clearly of oriental descent, perhaps she was more aware of her identity that she let on.

"It's nice to meet you." Serenity replied warmly.

"Fury is on standby." May informed Phil.

"Patch him through."

With a nod, Melinda gave a swipe of her hand, and a screen generated in the middle of the room.

"Sailor Cosmos." The deep booming voice of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. greeted her.

"Hello, Fury." She nodded.

"I apologize for the lack of notice, but things have been rather chaotic around here." He informed her, his hands folded behind his back.

"So I hear." She added.

"It would have gone smoother if we had some assistance." He pointed out in a reprimanding tone.

"You are well aware I cannot interfere in mortal affairs that are meant to occur." Ward and May exchanged a glance at the change in her tone. Where she had sounded sweet and innocent before, she now sounded regal and battle-hardened. "I am the Keeper of Balance, and even goddesses have rules to abide by."

The Director frowned and a look of concentration covered his face. "Be that as it may, we need your help."

"I'm listening." She told him, her blue eyes hardened. The Lunarian knew, somehow someway, that her destiny was about to make a drastic turn.


"Yo," Skye greeted Jemma and Leo as she entered the lab. Both of them immediately stopped their banter as they looked at her.

"Oh, hello Skye." Simmons greeted cheerfully.

"What's up?" Skye asked as she slowly walked around, wondering if the science twins would have any information on their mystery guest.

"Just talking." Fitz answered.

"About the gray-haired woman upstairs?" Skye inquired.

"It's not gray, it's silver." Simmons corrected.

"Silver." She said in disbelief.

"We can't tell you anything," Fitz continued. "So it's pointless to root around for information."

"We don't really even have clearance," Simmons added. "But they brought us in because of our specialties."

Skye smiled mischievously. "I'm not rooting around," She told them. "I was just wondering why Ward was making goo-goo eyes at her." She muttered.

"Right." Fitz stated in disbelief as he watched her. "In any event, you will not be getting any information out of us, so you had best buggar off."

Skye held up her hands in defeat. "Alright, you two are obviously professional S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that can't be cracked." She turned and left, waiting for the door to close behind her. "Doesn't mean that your computer system won't crack open easy." She muttered.


"I think we can manage that, Fury." Serenity told the Director.

"Good," he told her. "Thank you. Agent Coulson will give you the coordinates for the Helicarrier, and you can meet us there." His attention then turned to Coulson. "Coulson, you have a new mission to take your crew on. Take off as soon as you have finished fueling."

"Yes, sir." Phil answered before the transmission was ended.

"Well," Serenity began. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Agent May, Agent Ward." Serenity smiled to them, and both agents watched as she once again reverted to what appeared to be a carefree young woman."Do me a favor, and make sure to keep Coulson on his toes."

"We will." Agent May nodded.

"I'll show you out." Phil stated.

"Agent Coulson," her voice teased. "You should know better by now." She gave him a playful wink. "Just tell me where I am meeting Director Stick-up-his-ass."

Ward choked, but all the occupants knew it was him attempting not to laugh. Phil gave her a smirk, and May pulled it up on the three dimensional screen. "Fury will be waiting for you here," she stated, pulling up the picture of the map and enlarging it. "It's about twenty miles off shore from New York."

"He just can't make it easy." She stated. "Guess I'll just have to fly." Without warning, a golden eight pointed star blazed on her forehead, and white angel wings spread from her back. Both May and Ward took a few steps back, not expecting the sudden wingspan at all while Phil retained his goofy smirk.

"Take care, Sere," He told her.

"You too, Phil." She told him. "If I find out you die again, I'll go to Hades and kick your ass." She gave a smile to the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents before waving her hand. A black tear appeared in the space next to her, to which she quickly disappeared into.

It closed a few moments later, with both May and Ward watching the spot for several more moments.

"So, that was the infamous Cosmos." May commented nonchalantly.

Ward remained speechless; the moment he saw her, his breath had been taken away from him at her beauty. It wasn't until Skye's rude remark that he snapped out of it. Now, even in the same room with his casual lover, he couldn't stop thinking about the goddess -literal goddess- that had just vanished.

"She's full of surprises." Phil commented. "So, possible alien tech in Bangkok, huh? Let's go pick it up."


Sailor Cosmos descended from the clouds, the short skirt of her dress billowing in the wind as long streams of silver flew behind her. What she assumed to be the Helicarrier was gliding through the blue waters below, and the crew was working on securing the planes that were on the deck.

She had never seen a ship so large before.

The Lunarian slowly descended into the path of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, and waited. It did not take any of the agents on deck long to realize that the sky was not as clear as they believed. Many watched in stunned silence as her heels gracefully clicked onto the center of the deck, her wings stretched out behind her before they folded on her back.

It was silent, except for the machinery of the ship's engines. It was only for a few moments, though, before a familiar voice rang out from the open door. "Welcome, Sailor Cosmos."

The warrior turned to her right to see the Director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division step out, along with his Lieutenant, Agent Maria Hill. "Hello, Nick. Hello, Maria."

"Hello," Agent Hill responded with a smirk.

"Please, come inside." Nick Fury stepped aside.

Her wings dispersed in silver dust that cascaded into a cape, and the warrior nodded. "After you."

"I'm sure your liaison Agent filled you in," he began as he led the silver haired woman inside.

Agent Hill stayed back for a moment, and turned to look at the blonde male that was slowly making his way over to her. "Quite a sight, isn't she, Captain?" Hill teased.

"I'm a believer as much as the next guy, but I had no idea you knew a real angel." His voice was covered in awe, and he blushed as he looked away. Who knew angels wore such short dresses? "Who was that?" He asked, his bright blue eyes focused on the stranger's form as she slowly pulled out of site.

Maria smiled, and handed the hero the thick file in her hand. "Why don't you find out?" She gave him a mischievous smile and walked off to follow the Director and the unknown enigma. "We take off in an hour!" Agent Hill called over her shoulder.

Steve Rogers looked down at the folder in his hand. The folder was taped with more 'Classified' tags and stamps on it than he had ever seen. Looking back up, he lowered the file to his side and held it tight. He still did not fully trust Fury after finding out that he was fashioning hydra weapons from the Tesseract. Just what was going on?


It had been two hours since Sailor Cosmos had arrived on the Helicarrier, and one since they had lifted off from the ocean below. She had been given the grand tour, and was now sitting at the conference table at the bridge. "I hope you understand that there are certain protocols that I must take care of?" Sailor Cosmos asked him, every inch of her being radiating divine regality. Fury may be intimidating to mortals, but she was the Queen of the Moon.

"It's understood." Nick Fury nodded, his one eye focused on her. "We do have one more request, however." A silver eyebrow arched, but she waited. He was becoming a little greedy; nevertheless, they did have the same goal in mind, so she would work with him. "I would like for you to take Captain America with you."

The name hit a spark of recognition; that was Phil Coulson's hero and friend, whom he had requested was not aware that he was alive. "When will I get to meet the famous Captain America?"

"Now, if you like, your highness." Came a deep voice that made her toes curl in her heels.

Sailor Cosmos stood from her chair, wide blue eyes turning to look at the most amazing specimen of the male species that she had seen. Blonde hair and bright blue eyes were accented by a blue Kevlar with red stripes and a white star, with a matching shield on his back. Said uniform was wrapped around broad shoulders, muscled arms, and a defined chest. She could practically hear Makoto's and Minako's swoons in her ears as her own lips parted slightly in awe. "Fury?" She asked innocently. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts.


"The next person that refers to me as your highness is going to have their eyebrows singed off." The warrior then turned her attention back to the tall male that was just a few feet from her. Wow, what she wouldn't do to touch his arm! Extending her pale hand forward, she smiled warmly. "I am Sailor Cosmos, but please call me Serenity. I have never liked all that 'your highness' frivolity."

A warm and strong hand enveloped hers, and her eyes widened as her hand was lifted to his lips as he placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles. "Captain Steve Rogers."

(I'm yours.) She thought before mentally slapping herself. A blush stained her cheeks as she gently removed her hand from his own. "It's nice to meet you. Agent Coulson told me a lot about you."

"You knew Phil?" He asked.

She nodded. "Aside from being my liaison agent with the agency, he was my friend."

"I'm sorry," he whispered in sincere sympathy.

"I am sorry as well," She told him, though for entirely different reasons.

"Well," Fury decided to interrupt, despite how much amusement he was getting from the situation. Not much escaped his attention, so it was rather surprising to practically see the magnetic pull between the two heroes standing before him. When he met Sailor Cosmos, she had just come from a battle with a threat more dangerous than he had previously thought could exist. She had lost all of her loved ones, and was rather cold. Slowly over the years that had changed; apparently more than he realized, because her skin was so pale that her blush was very obvious. What was more entertaining was how enchanted Rogers seemed to be with her.

Not that Fury could blame him.

"Rogers," The Director continued. "You are going to accompany Sailor Cosmos on this mission."

"What mission is that, sir?" Steve asked, finally taking his eyes off the woman before him.

"Did you read her file?" He continued.

"Yes, sir."

"As you know, we have no way to contact Thor since he returned to Asgard." Fury's serious voice rang out. "One of Cosmos' abilities is to travel to other planets, and even other dimensions. Therefore, the two of you will be the ambassador's for the agency and reach out to Thor, and make sure he receives a communicator that will allow for us to contact Thor, should we need his assistance with another invasion."

"Fury," Sailor Cosmos interjected, "This is something that will be far too dangerous for a mortal." She stepped forward. "Different dimensions have different characteristics to them, the same as different planets have different atmosphere's and gravitational pulls."

"Which is why he will be just fine." Fury cut her off. "Captain America is no longer a mere mortal man."

Dark blue eyes switched from Fury to Steve several times, before she spoke. "Alright, I'll bite. Why is he no longer mortal?"

"There was a serum." Steve began, not sure how to explain it properly as he did not understand medical jargon well.

"Steve Rogers now has an unknown lifespan." Fury continued. "Being frozen in ice for seventy years had an interesting effect on the serum that was injected inside of him. The serum was frozen in a peak form, and maintained his body in a coma until we rescued him."

"It froze his body in the state that it was in; it entered into an emergency survival mode and warped the formula." Hill finished.

Sailor Cosmos turned her eyes to the specimen before her, though this time she was not ogling his form. She let her power reach out and surround him, testing and observing his body and energy signature. Sure enough, what they informed her was true. "Interesting," she commented softly.

Steve Rogers blushed slightly at how intensely she was studying him, and did his best to not let it show.

Sailor Cosmos turned her silver-tinted blue eyes to the Director once again. "Anything else before we leave, Fury?" She asked with a knowing tone.

"You'll need to stop by Stark Industries to obtain the communicator from Stark." He told them.

Sailor Cosmos was aware of the slight ire that rose up from the Captain standing beside her, so she narrowed her gaze slightly at Fury. "Tony Stark? The renowned playboy? Iron Man?"

"He's already expecting you." He answered while avoiding answering her questions.

Cosmos' ire was now matching that of the blonde male. There was no way that she was showing up to Stark Industries wearing her uniform, then. "Where is it?" She groaned out.

Agent Hill pulled up the map and coordinates on the three dimensional screen, just as Agent May did before. "Here." She told the warrior.

Cosmos turned to Captain America. "We will leave as soon as you are ready." She informed him.

"Meet on the deck in thirty?" He asked. She nodded and walked off, her cape and hair gently billowing out behind her.

Once she left the room, Rogers turned on Fury. "There aren't any hidden agenda's in this plan of yours, are there?"

"Still don't trust me completely?" The Director asked with a knowing tone.

"Not entirely." He answered honestly.

"You have nothing to worry about, Cap." Fury told him. "Even if I wanted to, there is nothing that can be kept secret from her," He pointed out, referring to the silver haired woman that had just left. "She is powerful, even more so than Thor and Odin combined."

"If what her file said is true," Captain America pointed out skeptically. He was not one to believe in magic and gods and goddesses.

"Just wait till you meet the talking cats." Nick Fury wore an amused smirk on his face as he turned to leave, ignoring the look of confusion on the Captain's face.

"Cat's can't talk," Steve replied.

"Tell that to them," Fury called over his shoulder. "Oh, and Cap? Whatever you do, don't piss her off."

The sliding door closed behind the director, leaving the hero standing there in confusion. Shaking his head, he could ponder everything later; he had a mission to get ready for.


How was that for a first chapter? I hope you all like it - next chapter, introducing Iron Man! Will our favorite heroine set him on fire for his crazy ways? Stay tuned!

Let me know what you think!
