Reviews for No More a Savage Life: Chapter Three
TurnsWithUs chapter 154 . 8/24
Excellent chapter! I especially enjoyed the conversation between Hannibal and Clarice during their lunch. I just love how close they are. So knowledgable and understanding of each other. I really enjoy their playful side too. The sheep emoji! Love it! I hope you’ve been well. Stay safe! :)
Guest chapter 154 . 8/22
"Because, Dearest, I see you. You're a woman who desires control."

"And you're a man who…"

"I'm a man, Clarice, who is confident enough in my virility to encourage it."

WOW! What a great entrance... Masterpiece.
Popil is really indiscreet lol
Joker640 chapter 154 . 8/21
I have one complaint, I want more, brilliant as usual though can’t wait for the next chapter popil better not try and trap them
Guest chapter 3 . 5/5
I love all three books to this story. I have read them so many times its not funny. The chapters are a little slow to be brought out though
Guest chapter 132 . 5/1

Happy hitchhiking hhhhhjhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhjhjhhhhhhhh
Guest chapter 153 . 4/26
Just realized I haven’t reviewed yet!
Thank you so much! I love the new Clarice - The lioness!
The power woman who protects what is hers.
Patiently waiting for the next chapter... thank you a billion
Best fanfic author in the world 3
TurnsWithUs chapter 153 . 4/19
I was saving this update for a rainy day and I’m glad I did. A chapter filled with their love and protective natures for each other was just what I needed. I’m wondering if Clarice is going to be the one with bloody hands this time around. I’d love to see her sharpening her claws against whoever tries to harm her family.
Nettie chapter 153 . 3/27
So happy to see updates to my favorite series! Very interesting turn of events. I can't wait to see what happens with their new pursuer. Thanks for the update!
Edith chapter 153 . 3/21
Amazing as always. Just what I needed! Thank you
Joker640 chapter 153 . 3/21
Ok I’ve just read all of nmsl which trust me is no easy task for me as I’m not a great reader, I get to easily distracted and zone out a lot, I’m trying to improve my reading skills so I thought fan fiction would be a good place to start, as I love so many characters from films but obviously everyone knows books are better so here I am reading peoples great stories but yours and I mean no disrespect to anybody but your story has got me absolutely hooked I’m laughing out loud,nearly crying my eyes out,I’m shocked at certain images that I think have scarred me because of the detail( in a good way)and the images you paint are just spectacular .i read your stories from nine at night to nine in the morning I can’t put them down I can’t read them fast enough,but I’m getting better I can feel my speed picking up so I’d just really like to thank you and I hope you right more

Thanks again Ashleigh all the way from not so sunny corona virus stricken Scotland
TPalesh chapter 1 . 3/18
Uh oh, somethings gonna happen, right? I'd love to see both of them on the hunt again, so to speak. Their love is so fierce! Thanks for sharing! And to keep save on these times as well!
TPalesh chapter 152 . 2/23
I know I'm repeating myself, but as always: a beautiful chapter! I'm very excited about Pascal and how the family is gonna deal with him. Keep it upthank you for posting another chapter! Much love from Germany
ErikaconlaK chapter 152 . 2/18
Can't wait! Please, update soon!
TurnsWithUs chapter 152 . 2/17
Excellent chapter! I'm always happy to see how devoted Clarice and Hannibal are to each other. The trust between them is amazing. I loved how confident Clarice was in dealing with Pascal, and her unflinching loyalty to her husband (of course!). I hope Pascal gets the message and doesn't try to pursue further but I also hope he doesn't because I'd love to see how Hannibal decides to deal with him. Thanks for updating, and as always I look forward to more. 3
Boris Yeltsin chapter 152 . 2/17
Very interesting turn of events. Glad to see you haven't lost your edge.
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