I don't own Angel Beats

Chapter Six: Firsts

Noda knew the second he saw the guy that he didn't like him; it wasn't just because he was talking to Yurippe- his Yurippe- either. Though, that didn't help the matter, after all, he was speaking with her so familiarly, and she had told him to call her Yuri! Why was she being so open and friendly to a stranger?

He stared the other boy down and saw with satisfaction as he leaned away from the intimidating glare. "Come on, Yurippe, let's go somewhere else, this isn't that great of a café," he gave the orange-haired boy a look that clearly stated that it wasn't the café he had a problem with.

Yurippe frowned at his actions, before sighing and smiling fondly, then turning to the boy, holding out a hand she told him, "give me your phone," startled, he did just that. Yurippe got out her own phone and started typing something in. With growing dread, Noda realised what she was doing.

"There," she said after a few moments, "you have my phone number now, and I have yours," she smiled and Noda felt his dislike increase. Glancing back at the now seething boy, Yurippe smiled and waved goodbye to the boy, grabbing Noda's arm she started to walk off, dragging him behind with her. After a few steps she paused and hesitated, turning back she called out, "Otonashi?" he looked over at them, "thanks," and she started walking off again.

"What was that for?" Noda asked the girl, she stopped and looked him in the eye so intensely that Noda looked away uncomfortably, fighting against a blush that was warming his face.

"To be honest, I don't know," seeing his discomfort she smiled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. Noda started, staring at her in surprise, "come on," she said, "a busy café like that is no place for a first date."

I sat on the couch, I had my phone flipped open and was gazing at the new phone numbers it had acquired recently, Hinata's and now that girl, Yurippe. I had the feeling they'd both be good friends, not to mention, they'd probably like each other and get along well. I toyed with the notion, should I introduce them? That purple haired guy seemed like the jealous boyfriend type, at least if the way he reacted towards me was any indication.

I had a feeling we'd never get along well.

Hinata was unbelievably relieved the next day was a day off, however, about half way through said day off he remembered it wasn't really a day off, he groaned and got to his feet, "it's Saturday, and because I'm stupid I promised to help that lady out with chores around her house," he groaned again, collapsing against the wall. He briefly considered getting someone to help him out with it, surprisingly, Otonashi first came to mind, he had the feeling that the boy would help him if he asked. He shook his head; it wouldn't be fair to ask the red-head.

He thought some more, Noda would be the most suitable, after all, he was the one who had hit the baseball through the window, he shook his head again, that guy would probably scare Yui. He blushed, not that he cared about that girl.

In the end, he headed off not bothering to ask anyone for help, thinking about it reasonably, he realised that getting someone else to help wouldn't lessen the work load, it'd just require him to complete more.

Yui was feeling better by Saturday afternoon and she was absolutely delighted, not because she was going to get to see that boy Hinata again, she was just happy to be well again. That was it completely. One hundred percent. No doubt about it.

She sat in the kitchen drumming her fingers on the table before deciding, he would be going around doing chores, she should make something for him to have afterwards if he does a good enough job… cooking was a good quality in a wife, right? That thought stopped the pink-haired girl short, where did that come from. She shook her head furiously, she didn't want to cook to make him like her or anything! To prove it, she wouldn't make anything!

Hinata found himself loitering on the doorstep, after a few moment's hesitation he rang the bell, he waited a few more moments, then the door was open by the girl, Yui. Again, Hinata felt himself swamped by curious emotions which he quickly pushed down, prepared this time.

She crossed her arms and looked at him insolently, "you can do some weeding out back, that's well over due." Startled by the sudden order and different attitude from yesterday, Hinata muttered a quick 'yes' and walked past her.

After taking a few steps his indignation stepped in and he bristled at being spoken to in such a manner, he spun fully intending to give the girl a piece of his mind when, "I made a cake for you to eat when you're done," she blushed slightly and Hinata was knocked out of sorts again.

He nodded dazedly before turning to go to the back yard.

This was the first time a girl who wasn't his mother had baked something for him.

And the first time he's ever looked forward to eating something so much.

*Please Read*

I'm very sorry to everyone, but this is the last chapter I'm uploading since I actually want to rewrite this, I haven't really like how this was working out so I want to have another try at this. I'll be rewriting this when I get the chance to but for now, there won't be any new chapters.

Once again, really sorry, thank you so much for reading thi and liking this, I'm really grateful to you all and I'll try and get the re-written version up as soon as possible
