Reviews for New Beginnings
Demonica2015 chapter 6 . 7/19/2019
Please write when u can
Peppamince chapter 6 . 2/19/2013
Every. Damn. Time. Always when I find a story I like, the writer at least puts it on hiatus. I know it's not your fault, it's just kinda annoying. Anyway, it actually was a very good, well-writen story.
Palmtop Tiger 1203 chapter 6 . 2/7/2013
I love Angel Beats! And this seems like it will be a good story. Update soon :)
Mon Esprit Libre chapter 6 . 2/5/2013
Well, since you're not continuing with this one, can you PM me when the new one's up?
anonymouse chapter 5 . 1/14/2013
Excellent story so far, although the chapters seem a bit short. Try adding more than one scene with a person per chapter, with little asides to others as you have. (keep in mind this is just a personal nitpick and will not make me stop reading)

I'm glad you didn't have Yui paralyzed. While I can understand why some people do, it just never sits right with me to have her consigned to bed again.

Another thing is try to start a new paragraph in conversations instead of having two people speak in the same one.
CausticSeraph chapter 5 . 1/13/2013
AkuBeku chapter 5 . 1/13/2013
*le crey*
Nerdkate88 chapter 4 . 1/10/2013
I love this, Its so Sweet! Also the little facts at the end are really neat, I love them. I cant wait to see what happens. :)
Jack the Stalker chapter 4 . 1/9/2013
Interesting story so far. I am eager to see the next chapter.

Keep up the goodwork & update soon.
AkuBeku chapter 4 . 1/8/2013
AkuBeku chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
Lord Destroyer chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
To HumanKnotGirl, I think if you read the very first paragraph, it sort of indicates when this takes place. Otonashi has another set of memories, one of which in where Hatsune died, and the current one, in which she is alive. That alone indicates that this happened after the anime ended, when he and at least Tachibana were reincarnated.

Taking that into account, the train wreck was in another life time, and never happened in the current one, of course he would for some unexplained reasons have fear of trains. Just like his unexplained fear that his sister didn't make it in the hospital.

That out of the way, this is very interesting, and if you think the two friends should meet, yes they should. But what of there respective girlfriends?
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
Have them meet also have them have insta memory reinstall instead of bit by bit so the story gets better quicker
Soul of The World chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Wow, I'm currently watching Angel Beats (again). I really like it! And I'm also looking forward to the next chapter!
Unused14134266 chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
The concept you're using is indeed a common one, but the potential is there. However, the main problem with the writing thusfar is that the setting isn't fully established. There isn't really a timeframe to compare it to, and in a series where characters die and then are reborn, knowing when an event occurs in relation to the others is very important. For example, we have no idea whether this is before or after Otonashi's train accident, the one that sent him into the other world where he met everybody in the first place.

- If it's before, then this piece is a prologue of sorts and shit's about to hit the fan on an epic scale. It would not explain, however, Otonashi's selective memory. Furthermore, it breaks continuity, therefore I'd hope this isn't the path you chose.

- If it is after, then Otonashi has come back to life, and you have some large decisions to make in writing this. First, how much does Otonashi remember? So far it looks like the accident and everything six months prior to it is fuzzy, as well as the time he spent in the other world. However, certain triggers will allow him to remember things, such as the blue-haired boy who has a striking resemblance to Hideki Hinata.

Second, how many characters came back to life? Was it everyone who was obliterated, only a few, or none at all? If none, the boy was a coincidence and Otonashi may start getting visions that are written off as delusions. The story would then derail into a madness fic. If some or all, you'd need to provide a context for coming back to life and establish whether or not Otanashi has come into contact with Angel yet, event-wise. No matter what the case, Angel (or a girl looking like her) would come up and you'd need to come up with a plausible interaction between him and her. The same could be said for all characters you introduce after that.

Third, what exactly happened after the train accident? Is Otonashi still missing his transplanted heart (instead having a pig heart or a mechanical one) and how does he feel about it? How has nearly dying changed him as a person, amnesia aside?

Finally, keeping Hatsune alive broke canon, but it actually does work in your favor, so I'd keep it in. However, you are going to, at some point, address why Otonashi had no knowledge of Hatsune's presence for six months. There are a few ways you can do this; one way could be that almost killing Hatsune caused him to descend into denial that Hatsune was even alive to begin with. The other would be that Hatsune's parents simply forbade Otanashi from seeing her in those six months, and the train accident-induced amnesia negated that effect.

All in all, you have the potential to create something here, but as it stands, there's not enough of a setting to go on, and there is a lot of Fridge Logic, so to speak. I'd give it a C, and suggest you rework this chapter before proceeding forward. You need to decide, right now, what constraints Otonashi will have as a character, otherwise the whole thing may fall apart later on.
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