Last chapter! I just wanted to let you guys know, that you are all the most amazing reviewers in the world!

(Fang POV)

2 years later

"Autumn, get back here, I promise I won't tickle you." I promised my 2 year old. Yes, I have a child now. Actually, Max and I have a child.

"She's too smart for you Fang." Max teased as she scooped Autumn up.

I kissed Max's cheek then went to my kitchen, to get something to eat. Yes, my kitchen. Max and I moved into our own apartment, it wasn't too far from Dr. M's house so they could visit whenever they wanted.

Iggy and Ella were still together and going strong and Nudge had her own boyfriend, can you guess who? No, you probably forget, I'll just tell you. It's Tyler, turns out he's not such a bad kid after all, and Nudge seems to like him.

Max and I aren't married yet but we're the next best thing –engaged-. Whatever, we'll get married eventually, we're still young.

I walked back into the living room where my two favorite girls were and wrapped my arms around Max's waist, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"Ewww," Autumn whined.

Max giggled and pulled away. "You don't want to see daddy and I kiss now do you? That's yucky." Max said. "Want to go visit grandma today?" she asked, picking up Autumn.

"Yeah, let's go visit grandma!" Autumn yelled, grinning.

I smiled. It was weird to think that just two years ago we were living with Dr. M, and now I have a fiancé, an apartment and a child. It's funny how much things can change in just two years…

I'm sorry for this really crappy chapter, but I really didn't know what else to write! I had a lot of fun writing this story. I hope you enjoyed it too