Francis sat down on the bench with his bags of groceries by his feet. He was about to walk home from his grocery shopping but then he noticed what a nice day it was and decided to take a walk in the nearby park instead. He watched a few kids running around playing, shrieking and laughing without a worry in the world and an elderly couple walking hand in hand, smiling sweetly at each other constantly. He smiled to himself as a warm breeze caressed his face, his beautiful blonde hair fluttered gently in the breeze. The sun felt amazing against his skin and he sighed in content. Closing his eyes, he began to hum by himself, basking in the warm sunlight.
Natalia was walking her neighbour's dogs to earn some money. She had a hyper active Golden Retriever in her right hand and another hyper active Borzoi in the other. She was having problems keeping them apart since they were constantly trying to run away from her, or to sniff at each other's butt. Having to keep the two big dogs under control was hard, since they could out power her at any second. She held a firm grip on both of their leashes and gave out a loud shriek as the Golden Retriever suddenly tugged on it, causing her to lose her grip and ran off, with its ears flapping wildly by its face. She called out to the dog and began to chase after it, but then forgot about the Borzoi on her other hand and accidentally let the other one loose as well. The two dogs began running off in opposite directions and she didn't know which one to run after first. She stood there rooted on the ground with a scared and frustrated expression with her face, not knowing what to do.
Francis heard a shriek and saw what had happened to the frozen silver haired girl and rushed got onto his feet, running after the Borzoi. "You get the Golden Retriever and I'll get this one." he said when he ran pass Natalia and she gave a small nod before taking off to the direction of the Golden Retriever. They chased the dogs around the park for some time, randomly running into people who are also walking their dogs and kids who were playing around. Natalia called out apologies in her way as she chased the running dog. Finally it decided stopped running to rest under a tree with the Borzoi. Natalia ran to it and grabbed their leash tightly in her hands. She was out of breath by the time she got them, she was sweating and her heart beating fast. Francis ran up to the tree, also sweating and out of breath. Finally, he lifted his head and saw Natalia looking at him. He tilted his head. "What is it?"
Natalia shook her head, and held her hand to his face to brush away the strand of blonde hair that was plastered on his sweaty cheek. Francis felt his face heat up and muttered a small thanks.
"Thanks for chasing after the dogs for me, they're a real handful." she said with an awkward chuckle. She doesn't really know how to interact with strangers, that's why she preferred to stay indoor all the time and only comes out when it's necessary. She only began to walk the dogs because she needed money for a new Ipod, her old one's not working anymore since she forgot about it being in her pocket and threw her jeans along with the Ipod into the washing machine.
"It's nothing. Glad I could help." Francis replies, bending down to give the Borzoi a few pats on the head. It lean in to his touch and gave a happy bark, wagging his tail frantically.
"I think he likes you." Natalia said, rubbing the Borzoi behind its ears. Then their fingers accidentally touch on top of the dog's head. Natalia quickly retrieved her hand and blushed heavily. "Sorry."
"It's fine." Francis muttered and stood back up properly. He looked at the two big dogs in Natalia's hands. "Do you need help with one of them?" he asked, offering his help to the Belarusian.
Natalia blinked a few times before nodding gladly, handing the Borzoi's leash to the Frenchman. "Here, be careful though, he'll try to run away." she warned. "And also it's time for me to bring these two home." Natalia rubbed the Golden Retriever behind its ears.
"I'll walk you three home. I live nearby anyway." Francis said, giving her a smile.
"Oh, thank you but..."
"It's fine. Plus they might run off again."
Natalia stopped to think for a while before nodding her head slowly. "Ok... if you insist."
"Lovely. Come on... excuse me but what are their names?" Francis asked, turning around to face Natalia.
"Uh... the Golden Retriever's called Scout and the Borzoi's Bax." she said.
Francis nodded. "Cool. By the way, I'm Francis."
"Natalia." she said with a small smile on her face.
*whispers* I like this pairing so I shall write about this pairing. *whispers*
By the way, I go the names of the dogs from a friend of my mother. He has a Golden Retriever named Scout and a German Shepherd named Bax, instead of a Borzoi (I like Borzois.) .
Happy reading.