A/N: Well, Kids, here it is. The conclusion. Hope it's everything you wanted it to be. Shoutouts to my loyal reviewers: Honoria Granger, Enchanted Peach Dreams and Womble27. If you've enjoyed Between the Stars, feel free to follow me as an author, as I have other Labyrinth fics in the works. Without further ado: the end.


Sarah would never have thought to find herself, many months later, visiting the dungeons beneath her castle on a regular basis. How could she have imagined that she would still care for the woman who'd tried to take everything from her? Yet, here she was, still trying to find the friend she'd loved behind the darkness that had separated them.

Despite Sarah's never remembering choosing it, she had saved Keelie with her spell. All Keelie's ties to the Aboveground irrevocably broken; she could no longer access the magic nor even return to that place, but she was still alive. Over the past months, Sarah had begun to see her friend emerging – to see life returning from beyond the madness. Sarah knew for herself that the Underground had that effect on people – it healed the broken-hearted.

Today, like many before it, Sarah sat opposite her old friend, separated by the iron bars of Keelie's cell. As she looked at her lodgings, Sarah felt the familiar tinge of guilt. She'd made the dungeon cell as comfortable as she could, but even Sarah couldn't deny that it wasn't safe to move into the main lodgings of the castle. Keelie had good days, like today, but her bad days still made her startlingly dangerous.

In one hand, Sarah fingered a shimmering red and gold feather while the other rested on her growing stomach, the place where her and Jareth's child grew. The two had been chatting, as usual, about the Underground and the other kingdoms. On days like today, Keelie delighted in news of the other kingdoms and Sarah was more than happy to regale her with tales of the grand wedding in the Golden Palace and of the upcoming birth of the heir to the Kingdom of Dreams.

Sarah held the feather in her hand though the bars, watched carefully by her ever-present friends, Vrees and Hirm. Keelie had once expressed a wish to become a Loukai, and Sarah had decided to gift her with one of her own phoenix feathers.

"Hold onto that wish to be a Loukai, Keelie." Sarah said, continuing to hold out the feather. "The Underground listens to those who make wishes, you know." Keelie took the feather and stared intently down at it. She'd once told Sarah how mesmerized she'd been by Sarah's phoenix form –how seeing it had been the first time she'd felt like herself in years.

"I don't know if the Underground will ever forgive me, Sarah."

"Oh, she will."

"How do you know?" Sarah chuckled under her breath.

"I know and Jareth knows. Someday you'll be yourself again."It was then that Sarah felt it, the familiar tug of a wisher, of a summons to the edges of the Goblin Kingdom. Jareth would meet her there, at the hill that overlooked their beautiful and timeless Labyrinth. There they would don their glamour and meet the wisher who would walk the ever-changing, oft-disputed path that Sarah and Jareth would lay before them. They would face the challenges of Will, and the dangers of Dreams and Fear while looking forward towards the promises of Desire, Knowledge and Memory. The experience of the wisher was still all too familiar to Sarah.

Of course, she thought as she bid goodbye to Keelie and made her way up the stairs toward the entry hall, at the end of the day Sarah would return to her castle. She would return to her bed with her amazing king who would hold her and coddle her. They would make plans for the future, debate baby names, and make love. Sometime in the night, their adopted daughter would crawl into bed with them, and Sarah would fall asleep enveloped in the scent of Labyrinth dust and magic. All was well.