The First Dates Part 3-The Search for a Father Part 6

Iggy's POV

All I can say is wow, what a feeling! I haven't felt this good since we broke out of the School for the very first time! Not even doing dive bombs can beat the feeling of our lips together, and that's saying something, because dive bombs are one of the greatest things ever. "Hey Ella, I think we should lay off on the lovey-dovey stuff while we're at school today, maybe we can make it public after we tell the family," I whispered so as to not attract attention from the rest of the flock. "Yeah, I think you're right Iggy, lets keep it on the down low for the moment." "Since when were you a gangster, Ella?" I asked with a chuckle. "I'm not trying to be gangster, shut up you goof we're falling behind them. "What can I say, I was born to joke around, I can't help it when my inner comedian decides to come out." "Whatever you say Ig, whatever you say." Deciding that our conversation was over, I noticed that we were at the gates of the school.


(Fang's POV)

As we walked into the school, I could feel that everyone's eyes were on how close Iggy and Ella were walking to each other, and how they were holding each other's hands while giving the most lovesick looks that I have ever seen. To be honest, it felt kind of weird to see one of my best friends dating the sister of my other best friend. Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy they're together, but it still feels strange. I guess that's the overprotective older brother in me coming out. Oh well, no more time for thinking, because we're at the classroom now.

(Mr. York's POV)

As the students entered the room, I immediately took notice of the 3 Avian-Americans and how one of them was walking with his arm around a girl that all three of them seemed to know. They wrote the three best essays out of the whole class. I think I will talk to the four of them after class is over, as I want to give them some personal feedback on what they wrote. I feel like they are all still looking for something to complete their family life, as their father figure left them when they were still dependent on him. Especially the two boys, since they have had to deal with having their sister has the head of their Flock for a while, and then being placed into a new family must have really been difficult to adjust to. Well I guess it's time to start class, so these conversations will have to wait until the end of the day. Here we go!