Disclaimer: Disney owns Tangled and Frozen. Doctor Darth owns OCs.

Plot inspired by "The Plot to Frozen 2", by Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic)

Chapter 02: Part 2: April Fools

As life and light left Kristoff's body, Elsa went to the window and stared at her kingdom, lamenting all the various choices she made and wondering where she went wrong.

The land of Arendelle was experiencing an era of peace after the Big Freeze. Elsa and Anna's reign as Queen and Princess continued to be fair and just, and Kristoff continued to be a good boyfriend to Anna, despite recently filing for unemployment. Unfortunately, despite the town meeting and the negotiations, the ice harvesting business was abolished, and left Kristoff and plenty of others out of the job. Kristoff being Kristoff though, he didn't let his misfortunes weigh him down, and so he spent the last few months looking for alternatives.

One day, Elsa and Anna were taking a stroll along the docks when they spotted a ship pull in. The sail looked rather plain and didn't look like it belonged to any specific kingdom, which caught the sisters' attention. So, they decided to take a gander at the passengers. To their confusion, there was a gigantic buzz coming from the ship, and a large crowd was gathered. As the sisters drew closer, they could hear some distinct, yet incredibly familiar, voices.

"No, no, there's no need for that."

"We're just happy to be home at last."

"What's going on here?" asked Elsa. The crowd immediately fell silent and parted to let the passengers through.

Elsa's and Anna's jaws dropped.

"M-Mom?" gasped Anna

"Papa?" whispered Elsa.

The reunited royal family was in the conference room, but what should have been a happy and tearful reunion was instead a tense and suspenseful one because of what King Agnarr and Queen Iduna have admitted.

"What do you mean," demanded Elsa, "you faked your deaths?"

"It's true," Agnarr said. "See, your powers, mixed with your emotional turmoil, was just too much for us to handle."

"We just haven't been getting anywhere with you," continued Iduna. "Even if you've been concealing and not feeling, we knew that your transformation from girlhood to adulthood would most likely involve some emotional moments. So we just figured that Arendelle was doomed."

"But then how come you didn't go to Corona for that economic meeting like you said you were going to?" asked Anna.

"Oh that," said Agnarr with a scoff. "We were never planning to go there. We just headed to Fiji, had some good drinks, and just decided to wait till this mess blew over."

"But why…" muttered Elsa. She was getting really distressed now. "Why did you lie and leave us alone? Do you have any idea what Anna and I have been through? What the heck is Fiji?!"

"Oh Elsa," sighed Iduna, and she was brushing Elsa's hair. She shuddered at this lost touch of her mother. "Let's face it; dodging responsibility is kind of our thing. Think about it; we thought we solved your problem of your curse by sending you to your room. Pretty lazy rationale, don't you think?"

Iduna left Elsa and Anna to stew in their frustrations, and Agnarr used this silence to continue. "Well, at any rate, I'm surprised. We thought that Arendelle would blow up or something, but it looks like it just went through a cold spell."

"The moment we got word of this, we immediately headed back here," added Iduna. "How were you able to do it?"

"Love," said Anna. But the word that meant so much to her and Elsa and Kristoff left her mouth like she was spitting out something awful because of their parents unforgivable admission and actions.

Agnarr clapped his hands. "Great! Well, thank you Elsa for taking care of things, but seeing as we're back, we can resume our duties on the throne."

At this, Elsa stood up and cast an icy breeze to blow her chair away. Her eyes were red and brimming with angry tears. "After what you've told us…after what you've done… do you really think you deserve the throne?!" Anna took her words to heart and immediately went to her side, and both sisters glared at their parents.

Agnarr and Iduna just continued sitting there, unfazed. "Oh, girls…" laughed Agnarr. "Do you really want to fight us?"

"Don't underestimate Elsa," said Anna. "She's been able to control her powers and do wondrous things. With her powers and funding from the kingdom, she has been developing and experimenting in bringing conscious life to inanimate snow."

"Really, Elsa?" asked a nonplussed Iduna. "You know that's controversial and that-"

"They may not have supported creating life from nothing," interrupted Elsa, "but they also demanded that I had to take my gloves off during my coronation. Forget about them."

And so, Elsa pulled out a feather and started tickling her nose. One angry sneeze later, the castle was immediately filled to the brim with Snowgies. Knowing that they weren't going to get the kingdom back this way, Agnarr and Iduna left for now, but left the sisters with a warning.

This means war.

At the docks, Kristoff shook his head at the betrayal of his family.

The Arendelle civil war has been in full swing for three months now, and things weren't looking good for the sisters. Elsa thought that her parents would be no match for the Snowgie army, but she didn't count on Agnarr and Iduna getting support from the Rock Trolls. They discovered this a short time ago when one of the Snowgies stationed at the North Mountain ice castle arrived with fatal injuries; Agnarr and Iduna commanded the trolls to seize the castle, and they killed Marshmallow and the Snowgies there in the process. With their own base of operations, they launched a series of Rock Troll attacks against the kingdom.

Kristoff had just returned from a failed negotiation with Grand Pabbie, Bulda and Cliff. When he demanded why they would side with the traitorous ex-king and queen, they were blunt. They were disappointed that it was taking long for him to marry Anna, and that allying with Agnarr and Iduna, was the best change for them to attain the throne. Bulda and Cliff further drove the knife into the wound by commenting on Kristoff's uselessness to them because of the abolishment of the ice harvesting industry. Infuriated, Kristoff cut all ties from his former family and returned to Arendelle castle.

"Are you OK?" asked Anna. Kristoff was broken out of his reverie and he patted Anna's shoulder.

"No. But I will be. Eventually."

Anna gave a sad sigh and the two embraced. After a few seconds, Anna gasped and looked into the distance. "They're here!" she yelled.

"Good," said a relieved Kristoff. "This should turn the tide."

After the North Mountain castle was seized, Anna knew that they weren't going to win this on their own, so she sent a letter to Corona and explained the situation. Princess Rapunzel was more than happy to oblige and said that, regretfully, she wasn't going to make it, but her horse Maximus was more than capable of leading the reinforcements.

Elsa watched as Maximus lead a charge of several divisions in grim delight. Surely, nothing could go wrong from here.

Elsa was lying on her bed in a fetal position, sobbing. How could so many things have gone wrong?

She should have seen it coming. The Rock Trolls, sneaky little devils they are, ambushed and utterly annihilated the Coronian reinforcements. According to one survivor, some of them were lying in wait, disguised as rocks (duh). They got the jump on them and even worse, mind-controlled Maximus to defect. How could Elsa have forgotten that the Rock Trolls had the ability to do that?

Sven took this especially hard, and Olaf translated the reindeer's grief; he realized that Maximus was actually his half-brother. Unable to take all these constant familial breakups from her loved ones, Elsa retired for the rest of the day and left Anna in command.

"Keep it in…" she muttered. "Keep it in…keep it in…keep it in…"

Right now, she had to keep all her emotions in. She had to portray herself as a strong capable leader for her people. If she did not, they would begin to defect and return to Agnarr and Iduna.

The weeks passed, and the war continued to go badly for the sisters. The Coronian reinforcements were all but gone by this point. Sven, to Kristoff's dismay, was gone too. He tried to go to the castle and the camp of Agnarr and Iduna to try and talk some sense into his half-brother Maximus, but the Rock Trolls mind controlled him, too.

In the library, Elsa took a look at the latest Snowgie casualties, and threw away the scroll in irritation just as Anna came in.

"Um, Elsa-"

"What do you want?!" shouted Elsa. Anna was shocked, but Elsa shook her head, mentally repeating her "Keep it in" mantra.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she apologized. She cleared her throat. "What's up, Anna?"

"Listen, I'm so sorry that the reinforcements from Corona didn't turn out so well-"

"Yes," interrupted Elsa, "And Rapunzel was so distraught by all that happened and the loss of Maximus that her father the King cut off diplomatic ties with us."

Anna felt a pang of guilt, but continued on. "So I was thinking, why don't we ask for reinforcements from Princess Tiana?"

Elsa looked at Anna questioningly. "Princess who?"

"Princess Tiana," said Anna. "You remember her, right? Dark complexion, wore green at the coronation?"

Elsa stood up and rubbed her temple. "Anna. The person you saw at the coronation was not Princess Tiana. She won't be born for several years. The woman we saw at the coronation was just a black woman in a green dress.

Anna stared in shock, and fell weakly onto a chair. "Oh. I see." A few seconds of silenced passes before Anna wondered out loud, "Does that make me racist?"

Elsa growled and threw the book she had in her hand at the wall. "Yes Anna. Yes, it does make you racist!"

Anna was hurt at her sister's remark. It was clear that Elsa's mind was starting to slide down the slippery slope. "Elsa, please, I'm worried about you. Look, let's-why don't we just talk with Mom and Dad? This war's gone on for too long-"

Elsa slammed her fist on the desk. "You're racist AND a traitor?! You just want Mama and Papa to get the throne back! You think I'm not worthy to be Queen of Arendelle!"

Anna shook her head at her sister's unraveling. "Elsa, please calm down…there's something wrong with you."

Elsa spat and paced about the room before she rounded on Anna and pointed her finger. "No, perhaps there's something wrong with YOU!"

"Elsa, please!" Anna yelled. "We can't live like this anymore! I can't live like this anymore!"

Elsa finally had enough and summoned a gigantic ice breeze to blow the library door off its hinges.

"Then LEAVE!" she roared. "Get out! Leave Arendelle! For being a racist and a traitor, as of this moment, you are hereby banished!"

Anna stepped back as if she were struck in the heart again. Heck, she might as well have been. "No…no…Elsa…please don't…I didn't mean-"

"OUT!" she bellowed. Anna left, sobbing, and Elsa collapsed onto the floor, wrecked and destroyed. Her chest ached with months of pent up anger, sadness and fear as her world continued to collapse, and she finally sobbed her heart out.

And yet, when eyewitnesses saw Anna indeed depart Arendelle by ship, never to return, all Elsa could do is repeat "Keep it in…keep it in…keep it in…"

The citizens of Arendelle stared with great trepidation at the gigantic monstrosity being erected.

It had only been a few days since Queen Elsa banished Princess Anna, and appointed Olaf to take up the crown instead. Elsa instructed Princess Olaf to recreate another snow army, and to enact Elsa's latest war decree; a gigantic wall made of ice that will be impervious to any Rock Troll attack. Elsa made a speech that with this wall, Arendelle will be protected from the traitorous Agnarr and Iduna.

Elsa was supervising Princess Olaf as the wall started to take shape. Just when it was nearly finished though…

"Olaf. Do you mind telling me why the snowmen you created are yellow?"

Olaf had no response, and just asked if Elsa wanted a hug. Princess Olaf was banished after that.

Elsa was holed up in the castle and in her bedroom, concerned and frightened.

Despite the wall and renewed Snowgie attacks against her parents, the Rock Trolls continued their devious deeds. She didn't count on the Rock Trolls continuing to use their mind powers to wipe the minds of her people, and be convinced that it was Agnarr and Iduna that deserved the throne. She never realized just how freaking powerful these creatures were. She always saw them as perky, needless distractions. And now she is learning the hard way that they're apparently the most dangerous threat the world has ever known, with her people on the cusp of rioting. Even now, some were gathered at the castle gates, brandishing pitchforks, torches, and whatever else one may think of when they think of old century rioters.

Kristoff then came in with grim news. Agnarr and Iduna themselves were leading a final assault against Arendelle and have brought their complete rock troll army.

Elsa gave a weak sigh. "It's over, then. All we can do now is count on the wall."

"I don't think so," said Kristoff. "There's still one last option left: you. Surely you must have something up your sleeves; some magic of your own?"

Elsa thought hard, and realized that she did indeed have something. She explained to Kristoff about her ability to walk through physical objects. Kristoff was utterly flummoxed by this, but Elsa laughed at how she had completely forgotten she had this ability. She told him how, when she was at North Mountain for the first time and Letting it Go, her now-signature braid was done for the first time and it seemingly phased through her arm.

Kristoff was emboldened and encouraged Elsa to use this ability to turn the tide and put an end to this ridiculous story. She came up with a plan; she was going to use her phasing ability to walk through her parents' army and try to talk some sense into them. Surely nothing could go wrong with this.

As she erected her new yellow ice castle, Elsa wondered how everything could go wrong from her fatal decision.

Elsa's plan had worked…perhaps a little too well. With nothing left to stand in her way, she calmly walked through the castle, the rioters, the wall, and the Rock Troll army, until she finally came face to face with her parents. Before she could even open her mouth, Agnarr and Iduna panicked and gave their order to the Rock Trolls. Originally, the Rock Trolls were just simply going to pick at the wall until one weak point was created to let them through. In their panic however, they ordered that the Rock Trolls to initiate a kamikaze attack on the wall, completely destroying and melting it.

Little did they realize however that the attack would cause a gigantic flood, and the last thing Elsa saw before the violent rush of water was everything she loved and cared about being swept away.

When she came to, she saw Kristoff by her side, but there was something different about him; his legs were gone, replaced by fins. Even more strange, she looked at herself and saw that she had fins too. Elsa wondered what had happened, and all the angry and bitter Kristoff could do was point at the surroundings, or what was left of it.

Arendelle was completely flooded and submerged. Nearly all of the buildings and the castle were destroyed. Here and there were a scattering of drowned people, Rock Trolls, and wildlife. Elsa could see the corpses of Agnarr and Iduna in the distance.

Elsa sobbed, choked by all that happened, and walked-er…swam away from Kristoff as fast as she could, wanting to be left alone. Shortly after, Elsa set to work about her new situation. She had to do something, or else she would go mad. And so over the next few months, she and Kristoff used Princess Olaf's yellow snow to build a new ice castle, get married, and lived out the rest of their lives in their new kingdom, under the sea.

Decades passed, and the Kingdom of Arendelle was but a faded memory, a legend lost to time. Elsa had many children and grandchildren, definitely enough for the new kingdom to prosper and repopulate. As much as possible, she didn't think of the details on how that could possibly work out, and she also didn't question how she and her new kin were able to breathe underwater. Elsa just chalked that up to magic, nobody had to explain it.

Unfortunately, by this point, Kristoff was already nearing the end of his life. As he laid on his deathbed, husband and wife lamented at their lost family and loved ones. No matter how much they loved their new family of merpeople, they could and would not ever forget everyone lost, either by the flood or by Elsa's own mistakes. Kristoff died, filled with many regrets, and all Elsa could do was gaze at the vastness of her new kingdom. No idea what she was going to name it; probably something starting with the letter "A" in honor of the lost Kingdom of Arendelle.

She saw her grandson, Triton-

Elsa awoke with a gasp. In a panic, she felt herself all over and stared at her surroundings. Yes…legs, feet, not underwater…back in the castle...

She sighed with relief. What a strange and bizarre nightmare. What brought that about?

She decided to not think about it, and thought about what was to come tomorrow, Tuesday. Rapunzel and Anna were all set to begin their search for Kristoff, while she was going to start delving more into her powers with Eugene's help. Town meeting was this week, too.

Elsa went back to sleep afterwards and promptly forgot about her nightmare. Except-

Doctor Darth stared at his computer screen as he finished typing the last period.

Ever since the Nostalgia Critic video "The Plot to Frozen 2" came out, Doctor Darth had wanted to try and make a chapter in time for April and base it off of that just for a laugh, but things had been pretty busy for the poor fanfic writer over the past year. In the back of his mind he'd always wanted to continue writing thanks to the support of great readers and fans, but things have just changed so much for him. It was quite a chaotic time, to say the least, since the last time he wrote Chapter 7 of The Big and The Incredible in August and Chapter 19 of Tangled Adventures in Arendelle in September. He practically had no free time, and when he did, his writing bug was just so weak and ineffectual that he could only fart out one or two sentences at best.

Fortunately, things have changed recently to a point that Doctor Darth would be able to write regularly again. He was not going to let his fans down and was going to do his best to finish the stories he started.

And so, Doctor Darth cracked his knuckles and set aside this April Fools chapter for submission for later, opened up another Word document, and thought of what he was going to type.

Chapter 20: Mountains and Mysteries Part 2

It was, indeed, Kristoff…

Author's Note: APRIL FOOLS! I hope the internet rage won't be huge from this fake chapter, but I do promise that Chapter 20 is indeed in the works! Think of that last part of 4th wall-breaking as an apology for not continuing for so long. But yeah, now I can write regularly again! Hopefully TAIA will be finished before 2016 is through. See you next time!

Don't forget to review! Any and all kind of feedback is welcome to improve my story-telling and give you a better story!