So I thought of this a while back and decided I'd publish it on FanFiction, so tell me what you guys think by reviewing :)

A/N- I don't own the Avengers, Marvel does, all I own is the characters you don't recognize and the plot.

Summary- It was just going to be a regular sleepover, we were gonna pull an all nighter, paint each others nails, talk about boys, and of course, watch Marvel movies. I never would have thought we would be thrown into the world of the Avengers.

Character Bios

Samantha "Sammy" Knight- Her mom died giving birth to her and her father left her when she was young. Ever since then, Sammy has been living with her busy aunt in her large house in California. Her aunt was a successful model, and hardly ever spent time with Sammy, meaning the only company she had was the maids in the house. Until she started school, that is. She met Jenny, and ever since then, they were best friends. Sammy is seventeen and has her aunts long mermaid pale blonde hair which she streaked with neon pink, a taller then average, skinny frame with fair skin and lots of freckles. She has large hazel brown eyes streaked with green that always hold a bit of mischief and has a knack for getting into trouble. Not to mention she's clumsy as hell.

Jennifer "Jenny" Gates- Jenny's dad left her mom before she told him she was pregnant with Jenny, so ever since she was little, Jenny was living with her mom. Her life was a bit of a mess up until the age of eight. Her mom came home in the early hours of the morning and left before Jenny even woke up. It was tough for a single mom to raise Jenny and herself but she did it. When Jenny was eight, her grandparents died, leaving an enormous will. Packing up what little they had, Jenny left the small, no name town of Florida and moved to California, where her future brightened considerably. She lived in her grandparents large home, her mother got a better job, and life finally changed for the better. She met Sammy on the first day of her new school, and ever since then, the two have been inseparable. Jenny is also seventeen, with shoulder length, stick straight, messy jet black hair, large silver eyes and pale skin. She's average height and rather shy most of the time, only opening up and being her fun, rather crazy self with people she really knows.

Sammy's POV

School had just let out for winter break. Thank the heavens. No more ridiculously long essays, or hour long exams, or detention.

I was standing at my locker cleaning out the first semester junk when I heard the familiar voice of my best friend Jenny.

"Tom's staring at you," she giggled quietly as she opened her locker, which was right next to mine.

I rolled my eyes, "He's an idiot."

"That doesn't change the fact that he's checking you out."

"Don't make me vomit Jenny, I'll dirty your new shoes."

I heard Jenny snort from next to me as I turned around casually and caught the eye of the school's hot shot football captain, Tom Reyes, staring at me, not so secretly. His jock friends were joking around behind him as he gave me that intense gaze. I turned back around to face my locker.

"Jenny, dude, he's creeping me out."

"Oh come on, really?" Jenny muttered as she threw and old notebook into a near by trash can, "He's cute."

"And creepy, the way he's staring at me is like he's undressing me with his eyes."

Jenny took a casual look over her shoulder and snorted, "Ugh, guys are such pigs."

"You were the one who just said he was cute." I whispered back and she giggled.

"Well he is, but all cute guys are pervs. Sucks."

I giggled, "Too bad none of them can be like your dear old Captain America."

Jenny sighed dramatically, "If only all men were as romantic and polite as him."

"You say that like it would stop world peace if all guys were 'like him'." I made air quotes and she laughed.

"Well, we'll never know, seeing as half the guys on earth are cocky bastards and the other half are on the FBI's most wanted list." she grumbled and I let out a laugh as I slammed my locker shut.

Jenny did the same, "Come on, let's get going to my place so we can get an early start on the movies."

I grinned in anticipation. Sleep overs at Jenny's house were the best. Not to mention the fact that it was Friday, meaning Jenny's mom would be cooking steak and pasta.

"Let's do it."

Only it wasn't that easy, as we started down the hall, a voice stopped us.

"Hey, wait up!" Stupid Tom.

I turned around, plastering a fake smile on my face, "Oh hey Tom."

He jogged up to us, smiling that cocky smile of his. He nodded to Jenny and she nodded back curtly and then turned to face me.

" excited for winter break?" he asked casually.

Why else would I be hurrying out of this building like it was on fire, I thought dryly, bit instead replied, "Yup." Short and sweet, hopefully he'd get the hint and back off.

"So, you have any plans for break."

Damn it, apparently not.

I shook my head and my eyebrow twitched in annoyance, "Nope, I'm pretty free, but right now I really have to ge-" the bloody bastard cut me off.

"Oh, that's great, would you like to maybe go out sometime?" he asked hopefully and I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes. DAMN IT! I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM I WAS MOVING TO MEXICO!

Before I had a chance to bite his head off and chew him out with something sarcastic, Jenny said, "As fun as that sounds, she's not interested."

Thank you Jenny.

"Was I talking to you." Tom rounded on her and I stepped forwards. Bi-polar much?

"Look Tom, your cool and all but just not my type. But I heard Leslie Blake really likes you." Leslie Blake was the second most popular girl at school and Captain of the cheer team, and even though she was *cough* faker then Kim Kardashion's boobs *cough* *cough*, she was a lot more suited for Tom. "And look, she's down the hall right over there. Why don't you go ask her out."

"Yeah, Tom. I'm sure Leslie would love to go out with you." Jenny chimed in and I could see her smirk slightly out of the corner of my eye,

Tom blinked stupidly as he looked over his shoulder and caught Leslie's eye. She smiled flirtatiously and twirled a lock of her hair.

While Tom was distracted, Jenny and I managed to silently run out of the hallway, collapsing in a fit of giggles outside.

"Man is he an idiot or what?" asked Jenny as we both walked to the parking lot.

"Incredibly, how he managed to pass the exams in beyond me."

"He probably just kissed the teachers asses." I laughed at Jenny's choice of words.


We reached the parking lot and Jenny took out her keys and unlocked her car. It was a lovely black Mustang with white leather seats also known as Jenny's "baby"

We were both recently turned seventeen but while Jenny got her license, I managed to crash the car into a stop sign...twice, meaning no permit for me. Six and a half tests later, I finally passed, but instead of getting a car, I persuaded my aunt to let me learn how to drive a motorcycle.

And she did! I absolutely love my aunt, even though she's hardly home, she still bought me a gorgeous, sleek red bike for my sixteenth birthday. Life was good.

We drove with the windows rolled all the way down and AC/DC music blasting from the stereo as we sang along loudly and very off key to the heavy metal, laughing and joking around all the way to my house.

I stared up at the familiar, large two story house as we drove up the long twisty driveway.

"Come on." I ran out of her car and Jenny followed. I opened the door with my keys and didn't even bother to shut it after going inside. I saw Lily, the housekeeper dusting the library as Jenny and I stomped up the stairs noisily.

I threw open my bedroom door and tossed my backpack into the corner of the room as I entered my closet to pack my overnight bag.

Toothbrush, extra clothes, undies, socks, hair brush, phone charger, pajamas, the usual.

Jenny was on her phone, playing a very intense game of angry birds from what I could tell when I exited my closet. Her face was scrunched up in concentration as she stabbed her iPhone with her index finger. I snorted, wondering if I should take a picture of this when she looked up.


"As I'll ever be." Jeez, I sounded like I was going into war.

We ran down the stairs once again, and I yelled a good bye out to Lily at the front door before dashing out of the house and back into the car.

-At Jenny's House-

"Mom, we're home!" I giggled at house cliché that sounded.

"In the kitchen!" came the familiar voice of Jenny's mom, Bridget Gates.

"Hey Ms. Gates." I waved to her as I entered the kitchen, right behind Jenny.

"Hey mom."

Ms. Gates smiled at us and her eyes twinkled. She was absolutely gorgeous with long honey brown hair and Jenny's bright silver eyes. She reminded you of one of those loving moms that you only see in movies.

"I made snacks." she offered us a plate full of diamond cut Nutella and creamy peanut butter sandwiches. Our favorite.

"Thanks mom." Jenny took the plate from her mother and gave her a quick hug, "How long till dinner."

"I'll call you kids down in about an hour and a half."

"Alright, bye mom."

"Nice seeing you Ms. Gates."

I waved and left the kitchen with Jenny as we ran up the stairs and into Jenny's room.

Ms. Gates had already fixed it up for us. There were two large, squishy sleeping bags on the carpeted floor with mountains of pillows on either side. The TV was already turned on with all the Marvel movies we were going to watch stacked neatly in a pile on the bedside table, near the remote control.

Jenny set the sandwiches next to the DVDs as I dumped my bag on the floor, grinning.

"You ready to have the best sleep over of the year."

She grinned, "Definitely."

-Later That Night-

It was almost three in the morning and Jenny and I were still wide awake. I was wearing my favorite, fluffy white pajama pants with pink paw prints tucked into my tan UGGS, and a soft pink v-neck with my hair down. I was unconsciously braiding a couple of pink strands while I watched Jenny rummaged through her CD collection.

"I can't believe I left the Hulk at your house!" grumbled Jenny as she shifted through her countless DVDs. It was really a book shelf but, had been stuffed full of DVDs instead, seeing as Jenny wasn't a fan of reading.

Jenny shivered in her light green cami and baggy black pajama pants, "Why is it so damn cold in my room." she muttered and I laughed as I ran a hand through my tangled locks as I watched Jenny search through her many DVDs for The Hulk. But unfortunately, it wasn't there.

I crawled out of my sleeping bag and unwrapped the fuzzy blanket from my shoulders and winced as the cold air hit my bare arms. Standing up, I made my way towards a frustrated Jenny, helping her shift through the collection once more.

"I wish the Avengers would hurry up and come out on DVD already." I said and Jenny nodded.

"Yeah, but we've seen it like five times already, so we practically know it word for word."

I giggled, "Yeah, but we know all the Marvel movies word for word."

"That's true." murmured Jenny, it was quiet for a few moments until Jenny broke the silence.

"Hey! What's this." I placed Narnia 1 & 2 back onto the shelf next to Harry Potter and turned to see Jenny holding a clear CD case with what looked to be a blank CD.

"Maybe an old music CD." I wondered out loud but Jenny shook her head.

"No, I keep all my music on iTunes and my laptop, I don't have any music CDs."

I furrowed my brow.

"Maybe it belonged to your grandparents."

Jenny shook her head, "But, this shelf was empty when I got here, I never put this CD in here."

"Weird." I took the CD case from Jenny and gently opened it.

I had no idea why, but the atmosphere around the room changed. It just felt...different.

Jenny shivered, "Did you feel that."

I bit my lip and then my eye caught on Jenny's window, which had some how managed to open, "It must just be the wind." I nodded towards the open window and Jenny padded across the room and closed it, locking it with the latch.

"So, now what?" she asked and I shrugged.

"Wanna see what's on the CD."

"Well, duh."

I took the CD out of it's case and bit my lip in confusion, "Hey, Jenny...does this symbol look a little...familiar to you."

There, etched clearly in black on the CD, was a bold "A" just like the one from-

"The Avengers!" breathed Jenny

I blinked in confusion, "But, it's not out on DVD yet."

Jenny took the CD from me and examined it closely, her silver eyes squinting at it, "Well it looks like the logo."

We stood there for about a minute in silence, contemplating what to
do when I actually realized what was happening.

We, two insane Marvel Avengers fans, had just found a mysterious DVD with the Avengers logo on it, even though it hasn't even been released on DVD yet, and we were just standing there, contemplating on whether to watch it or not.

"Well, pop it in! Let's watch it!"

She didn't have to tell me twice. I opened the DVD player and took out Iron Man 2, replacing it with the mysterious CD. Jenny dimmed the lights and grabbed the TV remote and she turned the CD player on while I snuggled back into the sleeping bag.

"Here we go." she muttered as she hit play and I wrapped my blanket tighter around my shoulders as we both gazed at the TV in anticipation.

The "A" that was etched upon the CD suddenly appeared on the TV, and I bit my lip and gazed around the room. Once again, that weird feeling was back and then I realized what had happened.

"Jenny, you locked your window right?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah...why?" Jenny turned her head and saw the window had managed to open again.

"Because it just opened again." I stated the obvious.

"Weird." she muttered as she stood up, pulling on her fluffy bright green slippers, and walked across the room to close the window again.

She tugged on the latch, but it wouldn't budge, "It's stuck!" she grunted as she tugged on the latch harder.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as a gust of wind blew through the room. Something was very wrong.

I ignored the TV with the Avengers logo that was now spinning as I got off the floor to help Jenny.

"What the hell!" I grunted as I pulled on the window with Jenny, it really was stuck.

Jenny gave a final yank and accidentally stumbled backwards and hit me, causing me to fall on my ass.

She giggled, "Um...sorry?"

I gave her a mock glare and grabbed the nearest item, which happened to be a pillow, and chucked it at her face. She ducked and the pillow flew out the window.

"Oops." I giggled nervously and Jenny rolled her eyes.

"Your gonna go get that."

I stuck out my tong childishly, "Make me!"

She raised her eye brow calmly, "Do you want your bra to end up in the freezer."

I mock gasped, "Hey, that's my signature sleepover prank! Not yours."

Jenny grinned evilly, "Well, I'll do it."

I huffed as I got off the floor and brushed the imaginary dust off of me, "Fine!"

I jumped over a pile of pillows and made my way towards the door. It was locked.

"Jenny." I said slowly, but she had already seen my useless attempt to open the door.

"I thought your door locked from the inside, not outside." I said slowly.

I turned and saw Jenny nod, "It does."

"Then why is it locked." I turned the door knob and pulled, but it was useless.

That was when I heard Jenny gasp.

Whirling around I saw that the TV had started to glow a bright white, it was almost blinding in the dim room. I had completely forgotten about the DVD.

I managed to stumble my way towards Jenny, the light emitting from the TV screen was so bright, it was hard to open my eyes.


"What the fuck is that!" I cried but it was too late.

The wind started up again, this time a lot stronger then before, and it was definitely not coming from the window. The dim lights flickered and then exploded as Jenny's room began to spin. I felt the weightless feeling I get on rollercoasters as my body flew forwards towards the bright light.

I heard a loud scream and realized it was me making the sound. Jenny was next to me, her eyes wide open as a loud shriek flew from her lips as we shot forward. I couldn't see anything, because my eyes were shut tight, and suddenly, there was, what sounded like a sonic boom, from what I've seen in movies and my ears were ringing.

And then, I was falling. Fast.

I turned on my back and managed to get a glimpse of the white tunnel that contrasted brightly against the dark the night, close up. My mouth opened in shock but no sound came out.

The strong wind whipped my hair back and made goose bumps pop all over my bare skin. I felt like throwing up as we neared the grounds. It was then that I realization if what just happened hit me and I let out a loud, ear piercing scream.

I felt someone's hand grip my arm and managed to turn my head against the wind to see Jenny, with panic set in her bright silver orbs.

I opened my mouth but no sound but a whimper came out. I made the mistake of looking down and screaming again, because the ground was getting closer and closer. Jenny saw too, and we both let out one last, blood thirsty scream before everything went black.

Well, that's the first chapter, please please please tell me what you think by reviewing, the next chapters gonna be up probably by tomorrow.
