![]() Author has written 15 stories for Pokémon, My Gym Partner's a Monkey, Digimon, Spider-Man, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, Star Fox, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Kingdom Hearts, Road Rovers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars, Cartoon X-overs, and Web Shows. Hey I'm t3nk3n115 I mostly crossover stories And I like to do pairings that are either rare or nonexistent So wish me luck Favorite pokemon pairings Ash x blaziken (female) Ash x lopunny (female) Ash x latias (female) Ash x gardevior (female) Ash x braixen (female) Ash x delphox (female) Ash x milotic (female) Favorite crossover pairings Ash x krystal (star Fox) Ash x blaze the cat (sonic the hedgehog) Ash x Sally acorn (sonic the hedgehog) Ash x Sonia the hedgehog (sonic the hedgehog) Ash x twilight sparkle (my little pony) Ash x fluttershy (my little pony) Ash x pinkie pie (my little pony) Ash x rainbow dash (my little pony) Ash x Applejack (my little pony) Ash x rarity (my little pony) Favorite digimon pairings Takato x renamon Takato x flamedramon (female) Takato x palmon (female) Takato x byomon (female) Takato x gatomon (female) Favorite chaotic pairings Tom x intress Tom x lomma Tom x takinom Tom x Kinnianne Hey guys I have a challenge for you the challenge is to write a story about characters reacting to one of my stories it's your choice of how they react if you want to discuss more details just send me a p.m and we'll talk about it. Btw I have quite request I want you to let me know if you want me to write a new story it can be a crossover story or a regular one it doesn't matter if there's a story you want me to do just let me know. Of course I do have a few rules for my stories 1. No cursing (my stories T rating are mainly for violence) 2. No gore (any wounds the characters get won't be too explicit) 3. No lemons (it's not that I don't like them it's just that I cant really make them work in my stories) 4. They have to be shows that I either know of or heard of And 5. They can be about modern shows or nostalgic ones Also here's a list of shows I won't write stories about unless it's to make fun of them or as a joke 1. Teen Titans Go 2. Clarence 3. Uncle Grandpa 3. Sanjay and Craig 4. Ben 10 reboot 5. Powerpuff girls reboot Those are the shows I won't do stories for unless it's for a joke or it's to make fun of them. Hey guys i have a new profile picture i don't own it it is owned by 6spiritkings on deviantart who gave me permission to use it if you want to see more of his work go to his profile on deviantart. Hey everyone I have a new cover for Ash the Hope Prince of equestria I don't own it as it belongs to Ashxryuko with his permission I'm going to use it as the story's cover if you want go check out his stories on his profile. |