Reviews for Two Saiyans Watch Death Battle
MrGoodyTwoShoes chapter 1 . 7/24
MST type of stories like this are not allowed under the rules for this site and you could get reported because of it as you are putting commentary within an actual story that breaks up the flow. You are also running afoul of the use of copyrighted content with the amount of dialogue you are lifting from the show as well.

As a suggestion to fix it why not cut back on the amount of copied and pasted dialogue you're using from the show (and the various movies) as the basis for this? As in instead of having the chapter filled with lines of dialogue from Death Battle why not just start the chapter with a paragraph to set the scene and just leave the rest of the chapter being the actual reaction part to what is being seen? That might be a good way to get around the rules regarding the commentary and copyrighted material.

Hope this helps
thewittywhy chapter 5 . 7/21
Love the way TFS Vegeta and Nappa work so well in this. Though, when you inevitably get to the one that broke the internet (Goku vs Superman), I'd suggest getting the whole gang together. :D
catspats31 chapter 1 . 7/19
Since it has the copied excerpts of various episodes of "DEATH BATTLE!", it breaks the following part of the Content Guidelines:

Actions not allowed:
3. Copying from a previously published work (including musical lyrics) not in the public domain.

Please remove all of the copied excerpts of the webshow from your story before someone can use them as evidence in their abuse reports.
pensuka chapter 2 . 7/16
i wonder how they react when wiz and boomstick hear of goku and supermans fight