Okay, here's the newest chapter of this story! And I gotta say, this is one story that I'm actually feeling quite hyped up about! Now, let's get on with the newest chapter, shall we?

*I still don't own How To Train Your Dragon or Pokémon!*

Current Poll Results

Mega Charizard X: 37 votes

Mega Charizard Y: 10 votes

Hiccup's Current Pokémon Team

Charmander (shiny): Toothless

Axew (albino): Hookfang

Dratini (shiny): Stormfly


Stoick's Haxorus

New Teammates and Naming!

Viridian Forest is one place you don't want to end up lost in. Not only is it like a literal labyrinth in it's own way, but it's also the home of many Bug Type Pokémon. Some of which are very dangerous if angry. Bug Pokémon such as huge swarms of Beedrill, angry Scythers, and even the occasional Pinsir! But Viridian Forest is home to more than just Bug Types.

There are majestic Water Type Pokémon as well. And even a few mammalian Pokémon such as Meowth, Growlithe, and you can even run into the occasional Ekans around these parts. Why, there have even been rumors of Alolan variants of certain Pokémon such as Grimer and Rattata running around.

Everything was so peaceful…


Until now.

Dawn was currently shaking like a leaf as she somehow ended up high up in a tree, cowering from the crawling menaces known as… Caterpie and Weedle!

Both are Bug Type Pokémon that resemble larvae in a way, but with several differences. Such as Caterpie looking more like a caterpillar with big, adorable eyes, green skin, a yellow underbelly and snout, yellow suction cuppy feet and a big, pink antenna sticking out of it's head.

Weedle, on the other hand, actually possesses a pair of stingers rather than an antenna. One on it's head and one at the end of it's body. It has beady black eyes that are also cute, a yellow-orange body, and a pink snout and suction cuppy feet. And though both of them look similar to caterpillars, their evolutionary routes couldn't be more different from each other.

Ash and Pikachu stared down Caterpie while Hiccup looked at Weedle while holding Stormfly in his arms. Both Hiccup and the Weedle in front of him tilted their heads to the side as they looked each other in the eye. Almost as if they were trying to read one another's intent.

"Weedle?" the little bug squeaked curiously.

Kneeling down to make himself seem less threatening, Hiccup reached into his pocket and pulled out a honey cake he'd been saving for later.

"Here, little guy. You want some?" he asked. "It's pretty big, and I don't think I can finish it by myself."

Cautiously, Weedle crawled closer to Hiccup and sniffed the pastry in his hand. Detecting no scents of pesticides or other such poisons, the Bug Type Pokémon took a nibble out of the pastry before leaping up in happiness at the familiar yet strangely new taste of its favorite food: honey.

"WEE-DLE!" it squeaked in joy.

Laughing a bit, Hiccup tore off the piece that Weedle had taken a nibble out of and set it down so it could eat the delicious pastry. With no hesitation, Weedle crawled back over and ate his half of the honey cake with the strange human who gave it this sweet food.

Whereas Ash laughed almost uncontrollably as Caterpie had crawled up his arm and started cuddling his face. Apparently, this Caterpie is a very good judge of character and can tell that Ash means no harm.

"It's nice to meet you too, Caterpie." Ash greeted. "Do you and Weedle over there want to join us on our journey?"

"Cater Caterpie!/Wee Weedle!" replied Caterpie and Weedle, nodding in affirmative.

Hiccup waited for Weedle to finish his snack before taking out an empty Poké Ball and holding it out to Weedle. He didn't think it would feel right to just throw it at the little guy. Weedle tapped the button in the center of the spherical device and was turned into red energy before being sucked in. It was a successful capture without so much as a struggle.

The same can be said for Caterpie being caught by Ash. And boy was he happy about it.

"YEAH! WE CAUGHT A CATERPIE!" shouted Ash as he held up the Poké Ball containing his newest Pokémon.

"Pi Pikachu!" added Pikachu as he made a victory sign.

Stormfly just looked at Ash and Pikachu funny because of their behavior, not really understanding why they did that. She looked up at her daddy with a confused look while pointing at the two with her tail.

"Tini Dra Dratini?" Stormfly asked.

And somehow, Hiccup could understand exactly what she said.

"Don't worry about it, sweetie. They're just excited is all." Hiccup replied. "Dawn, you can come back down and lose the camouflage. You're safe."

Dawn slid down the trunk of the tree, covered in leaves and looking more embarrassed than she would've been if her mother had shown everyone her most embarrassing baby pictures. And trust me, she's got some pretty embarrassing ones.

Back in Sinnoh, Johanna sneezed as she was reading the daily newspaper.

"Sorry about that, guys. I had a bad experience with Beedrill as a little girl, so when I saw that Weedle, I freaked out big time." Dawn said bashfully.

Both Ash, Pikachu, and Hiccup gave her understanding looks. They know what it's like to have fears of certain Pokémon due to bad experiences. Hiccup doubts he'd ever be able to train a Ghost Type Pokémon due to that incident involving a wild Dusknoir that got into his house when he was five. So now, Ghost Types make him very nervous.

"Well, now that Ash and I have caught some new Pokémon, what say we let everyone out and introduce them?" Hiccup suggested.

Everyone just nodded in agreement and released their Pokémon into the clearing they were in. All of them called out their names and stretched as they got adjusted to being out of their Poké Balls before noticing the new arrivals.

"Tyranitar, this is Caterpie. I just caught it today, and hope you treat it like a part of our family." Ash said to the Pseudo Legendary.

Tyranitar didn't say anything. He just nodded and waved to the little bug. Whereas Aggron was fawning over Stormfly and Weedle like some kind of mother hen. Hiccup chuckled and took out his Pokédex to scan Weedle, while Ash did the same for Caterpie.

"Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokémon. It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head. This Weedle is a level 6 female and has the ability Shield Dust. Her known moves are Poison Sting and String Shot."

"Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. It is covered with a green skin. When it grows, it sheds the skin, covers itself with silk, and becomes a cocoon. This Caterpie is a level 6 male and has the Hidden Ability Runaway. His known moves are Tackle and String Shot."

"Okay, I can tell we're going to have a lot of training to do soon, but for now, let's all set up camp and have some lunch." Hiccup instructed.

Ash and Dawn perked up at the mention of food and immediately got to work gathering firewood and fresh water. They both know that out of the three of them, Hiccup has the most experience in cooking, so they were looking forward to whatever food he prepared.

While they did that, Hiccup looked to his Aggron and Weedle and knew that he needed to do something.

"I think you guys need names." said Hiccup, drawing Aggron and Weedle's attention. "It would be too confusing to just call you by your species names all the time. I mean, what if I get into a battle with someone else who has another member of your species?"

Aggron and Weedle thought about it, and came to realize their trainer was right. Besides, they'd like to be referred to as individuals by their trainer.

"Now let's see here… every Beedrill hive needs a queen, so, how about I call you Duchess?" Hiccup asked his Weedle.

"Weedle! Weedle Weed Weedle!" cried the newly named Duchess as she climbed up Hiccup's body and settled on his shoulder.

Aggron just looked at Hiccup with a big smile and her tail wagging. She seemed much like the motherly type out of all of Hiccup's current Pokémon, not that anyone minds. Hiccup, especially, needed some kind of a mother figure in his life. Especially since his own mother seemed to never be around.

"I don't know why, Aggron, but I think the name Meatlug suits you best. What do you think?"

"Gron Aggron!" she roared in approval.

Then she did something Hiccup certainly wasn't expecting. She made sure Stormfly was safely on the ground nearby, and proceeded to wrap up her trainer in a bone crushing hug. A literal bone crushing hug.

"Meatlug… choking… not breathing…!" gasped Hiccup.

Toothless and the others just laughed at their trainer's misfortune, but they knew that Meatlug wouldn't suffocate him. Just break a bone or two out of motherly affection. At worst, Hiccup will just end up with a broken arm.

Thankfully, the hug fest was over sooner than Hiccup expected, and he made it out of it with no bones broken or fractured. Although, he's almost certain that his back was going to be bruised after that. Still, Hiccup couldn't afford to dilly dally. He has work to do.

He and his Pokémon worked together to get all of the tents set up and build a fire pit so Hiccup can cook. Hiccup himself got out everything he needed to prepare lunch for everyone. A campfire stew and white rice for the humans, his own specially made Poké Chow for his team, and a special Dragon Type formula for Stormfly. Since she's a baby still, she can't eat solid foods yet and needs to drink this formula so that she can get all of the necessary nutrients to grow up strong.

But as Hiccup did so, he failed to notice two certain Pokemon watching him from afar. Him and the interactions between him and his Pokemon.

*With Dawn…*

Buneary was out on the battlefield, anxiously awaiting the command to attack. Before her was the Pokemon that is currently her enemy. A strange blue Pokemon with big ears like a rabbit and small spikes on it. In fact, if one were to compare it to any other creatures, it would be like a mix of a rabbit and a porcupine.

"Nido…!" it growled.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" Dawn asked herself.

She took out her Pokedex and began to scan the Pokemon in front of her. She sure is glad that she registered with Professor Oak, otherwise she may not have been able to learn anything about any of the Pokemon she catches here in Kanto.

"Nidoran, the Poison Pin Pokemon. While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from its barbs can be fatal. This Nidoran is female. No other data currently available."

"A Poison Type Pokemon, huh?" Dawn asked herself before getting ready to fight. "That could really help us later on! Buneary, get ready! I want to catch that Nidoran!"

"Buneary Bun Bun!" replied Buneary.

Nidoran made the first move, charging at Buneary with its claws poised to strike. Dawn instantly recognized the move as Scratch.

"Buneary, dodge that Scratch and counter with Pound attack!" she ordered.

"Bun Bun!" cried Buneary.

Being a much more agile and fast moving Pokemon, she was easily able to dodge Nodoran's attack like it was nothing. But when she moved to attack, her attack may have struck true, but it hit Nidoran's spikes.

"Buneary…" groaned the rabbit Pokemon.

"What's wrong, Buneary? Are you hurt?" Dawn asked with worry.

She got her answer when Buneary let off this purple glow from her body. It was clear that she had been poisoned by Nidoran's poisonous spikes. Dawn realized that this was caused by Nidoran's ability: Poison Point. An ability that poisons foes on contact if the Pokemon that has this ability is attacked with a contact move.

Dawn narrowed her eyes. She had to finish this quickly, and then use an item to cure Buneary of her poisoning.

"Buneary, we have to finish this fast! Use Pound attack!" Dawn ordered.

"Bun-eary!" cried Buneary.

She rushed forward to attack Nidoran, but Nidoran was ready. And rather than using Scratch attack, Nidoran was using her Double Kick attack to deflect and deal damage at the same time. And Dawn could tell that this combination was working well in addition to Buneary being poisoned.

'I've got to think of something fast! Buneary's health and the outcome of the battle depend on it!' Dawn thought to herself.

That's when Nidoran tried to go in for the kill using Double Kick again, but Dawn was prepared for such a tactic.

"Quick, Buneary, use Endure!"


Buneary crossed her arms and ears in front of her and was enveloped in a white glow. The attack hit, and while Buneary took damage from an attack that should've finished her off in this battle, her Endure attack allowed her to tank the blow and stay standing.

Then, without being told, she began to viciously assault Nidoran with a flurry of punches from her ears and kicks from her strong rabbit feet. Looks like Buneary used her Frustration attack to vent out some pent up anger. And it was enough to send Nidoran down with swirls in her eyes.

Wasting no time, Dawn quickly took out an empty Poke Ball.

"Go, Poke Ball!" she cried as she threw the capsule device at Nidoran.

The ball hit and opened up before turning Nidoran into red energy and sucking her in. Dawn and Buneary gritted their teeth in anticipation and watched as the Poke Ball began shaking from the capture sequence.

One shake… two shakes… three…


"YEAH!" cheered Dawn.

"Buneary!" the little rabbit cheered along with her trainer.

"We did it, Buneary! We just caught a Nidoran!" cheered Dawn.

She quickly shared a hug with her starter Pokemon and fed her a Pecha Berry that Hiccup had bought from a greenhouse in Viridian City, returned her to her Poke Ball and scanned the Poke Ball containing her Nidoran. She still needed to know all of her moves.

"This Nidoran is a level 13 female. Her ability is Poison Point and she knows the moves Growl, Scratch, Tail Whip, Double Kick and Poison Sting."

Satisfied with the results, Dawn took out a couple of Potions so she could heal her Buneary and her newly caught Nidoran. She already got plenty of firewood and tinder for the fire at their camp, so she can take the time to heal up her Pokemon.

*To Be Continued…*

Sorry it's shorter than I'd like. And that it took so long, but I've had a lot going on recently, and haven't gotten a lot of chances to write lately. Next up, I plan to update in this order…

An Arc Dragon Master: Pokémon Y Version

Red-Eyes Jaune

Mission Arc-Possible

See you all next chapter, and please bear with me as I try to get all this done. I don't get a lot of chances to write these days. At least, not as many as I used to.